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League of Legends |OT11| going


also, since riot changed the XP required for leveling, i'm probably going to start another smurf (3rd) since my two other smurfs are already gold, thus they don't serve a purpose as smurfs

anyone else want to level or play with me when I do that?


just lost with a 2/9 kat who took smite mid lane.

o_O omg I got the same the person in my next match. Kat with a smite. going to ban it.
also, since riot changed the XP required for leveling, i'm probably going to start another smurf (3rd) since my two other smurfs are already gold, thus they don't serve a purpose as smurfs

anyone else want to level or play with me when I do that?

My "smurf" is Plat 3, lol...

42 wins out of 63 games

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Can I get an invite to the League club on NA

Username is whiskeystrike


what do I max first on zyra support?

decided to switch it up

edit: hory shit did Riot forget zyra existed? she hasn't had a new skin in almost 3-4 years.


what do I max first on zyra support?

decided to switch it up

edit: hory shit did Riot forget zyra existed? she hasn't had a new skin in almost 3-4 years.

I like E for the longer root duration though. Some take Q for the better poke in lane.
I dont see you on right now. I'd be happy to support for you. Man in Destiny GAF I never ever played with randoms (only like once did I do a raid with pubs and it was awful).

Would be nice if we could get a 5 man ranked going. I did a 3 man ranked with GAF and I tell you it was cake. I mean literally it was really easy. But this one gaffer is really like a plat or something. He was using his smurf to help us Bronzes and give advice.

Unfortunately hes so frakking good even his smurf got promnoted so I'm on my own. No more carry and free elo :(

Thanks, patch. I'd gladly have some help and I know I've talked with some other folks who are down in Bronze about queueing together, too.


also, since riot changed the XP required for leveling, i'm probably going to start another smurf (3rd) since my two other smurfs are already gold, thus they don't serve a purpose as smurfs

anyone else want to level or play with me when I do that?

would I have to make a smurf or would I just play on my regular account?

Crap are you even on NA? I never see you in this chat room :(


sealed with a kiss
It's not even fun for me anymore when I feel like I play great and I just lose because people can't help but feed. I'm tired of my team getting its ass kicked every game because they chase and don't ward and don't take objectives when they're available and decide to build full AP on supports instead of utility or even a sightstone.

What the hell do I do when I can't even climb out of Bronze? I don't even know anymore. I don't feel like trying to get better and learn is having any discernible effect anymore. It feels worthless to try.

play aram, or take a break so you aren't so involved in league and feeling you need to do well or get out of bronze to enjoy yourself

what do I max first on zyra support?

decided to switch it up

edit: hory shit did Riot forget zyra existed? she hasn't had a new skin in almost 3-4 years.

now look at leblonk's new skin and weep at what could have been!


sealed with a kiss
i really like taking lulu top now against bruiser/fighter champs, she can neutralize a lot of what they want to do in lane and just her ult alone wins so many teamfights


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Two rage quits in a row, on the enemy team. Sometimes the system works in your favor.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
i really like taking lulu top now against bruiser/fighter champs, she can neutralize a lot of what they want to do in lane and just her ult alone wins so many teamfights
It's probably at a weak point honestly. I don't think Lulu breaks through the health, shield, and regen pools offered by people taking the right masteries. There are lots of top laners that are fine farming the lane out and TPing somewhere to create impact on the map that Lulu doesn't have with flank opportunities. Easy for junglers to punish Lulu in the long lane too.


pick mid/top

get top

jungler picks karthus and says we should give him mid or else he'll feed

-14 lp

it's incredible how riot found the way to rework every aspect of champion select and still allow trolls to have their way


Feels good to finally get off tilt. two ranked victories in a row. Starting to see a glint of light

Even though Malphite fed hard and lost all his top towers we got it done

Vision was so key. All I ask for is an adc with the good sense to pay attention to my pings and we can probably win

(and yes gaf, right at the end I dared to build the Fiery cape item but it was like last few mins of the match so dont spank me)


Let me know sometime when you want to queue. I'll be busy the next two days with work stuff, probably, though. Maybe I can use it as an excuse to take a tiny break :p

I usually get on around 8pm most nights and play for bout 1-2 hrs. All saturdays sometimes I ping all day too. Sundays tho I usually play other games.


Man I just have no temptation to buy skins anymore. Idk what happened. After I purchased Challenger Nidalee skin I decided I just didnt need anymore skins.

The new Leblanc skin looks so good too (but I'm missing that champ anyways). Maybe if one day they have some incredible sale with 50% off on all skins I'll dip. Maybe? meh I doubt it tho.
pick mid/top

get top

jungler picks karthus and says we should give him mid or else he'll feed

-14 lp

it's incredible how riot found the way to rework every aspect of champion select and still allow trolls to have their way

"I chose support because I can get into matches faster" - A Top player


pick mid/top

get top

jungler picks karthus and says we should give him mid or else he'll feed

-14 lp

it's incredible how riot found the way to rework every aspect of champion select and still allow trolls to have their way

Man I hate feeders the most. At least you can mute a toxic. But a feeder? Nothing you can do but report.

Havent seen a feeder in this game in a long time. last time I met one that ran up mid and fed because some my teammates told him he sucked. But I never did. I was maintaining mid with Oriana having a blast. then he runs up mid and feds their whole team. We all reported him and next thing I knew Riot sent me ingame msg that ass got it. I figured it must be him cause I dont report much. uysually only feeders and blatant afks. And No I dont give a care if they have internet issue. I let Riot handle that.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck man.

You know the only loss more frustrating than not being able to carry teammates? Losses you know you could have won due to your own fuck-ups. I could have solo-killed that Mordekaiser multiple times. From the Voli ganks, to the all-ins. I could have stomped that lane and carried that game. It was right there. But I end up 0/1/2 instead of 3/0/0. So many dumb mistakes and misses. Mis-clicking W's, wasting flash, Q'ing under turret, fuck me that was a comedy of errors. Of course playing on Wi-Fi is annoying, but I fucking know I could have played much, much better. I could have SHIT on this kid. I could have SHIT on that whole team. But I didn't because I'm an idiot.

So upset at myself, lost the motivation to play tonight. I'll wait until I get back to uni and back to my ethernet connection. Constant 300 ping spikes are annoying when trying to CS.


watching a first time ryze go 1/7 and saying "don't worry I got late game" makes me want to find his address and beat him to death with a barbed wire keyboard.


"Late game" doesn't matter if the game never gets to "late game."

What's the fastest jungle clear path to rush level 6?

Krugs, raptors, wolves, gromp, blue. Recall.

Red, krugs, scuttle, (gank/counterjungle), raptors, wolves, gromp, (gank/coutnerjungle/scuttle)


"Late game" doesn't matter if the game never gets to "late game."

What's the fastest jungle clear path to rush level 6?

Or if your only income is the gold per second and 3 cs/minute

Rush 6 clear is basically skip buffs, back and buy your jungle item , then go back and do a full clear iirc. You'll have 6 at around 6 minutes

Do you have to counter jungle a camp? Idk maybe I'm misremembering

Edit: yeah it's just that +1 more camp either counter jungling or after a back

Fuck Soraka, actually. This bitch was like 2/0/15 at 40 minutes with no hope of killing her. Also won that one with the JG being afk for 15 minutes from 30-45.

40% of my team's damage. I think I'll play ADC Jayce a little more often. It really didn't feel bad at all.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Rito can't keep me down. Up to Gold 1 and soon to Plat.

I still suck at this game and make so many mistakes zzz


about to get demoted. 5 game losing streak. can't seem to win it

edit: 2 of the games were me trying out blitz, but even with me feeding we threw away huge gold leads. something about enemy team getting baron that decides matches


Jarvan feels significantly better now. The lower CD on W gives him a much bigger health pool plus the ult doing AoE dmg is nice too.

I took him in the jungle and built warrior/cleaver into full tank. Not bad. I bet full AD J4 is pretty strong too.


It's so satisfying to get a pick with a teammate with Shen, run down the kill, then immediately teleport to your teammate getting caught on the opposite side of the map and turn that fight.

And then the enemy team surrenders.

And then the mid Teemo on your team who went 1/4 to Yasuo and has been bitching about Shen jungle being terrible the whole game says "gg ez."

And then you report him for toxicity after carrying his ass.

Good times.


Some motherfucker just took my ekko from me in champ select! Shennanigans!!!

Nautilus jungle is still damn good. End game stats don't really show what I was able to do though. Lots of solid counter ganks that stopped the opposing team, ganks for blown flashes, etc. but couldn't seem to net kills for a while, but top and mid were able to take those ganks and turn them into advantages which let me triage bot lane and keep them in it.

Riptide nerf didn't impact his clear speed too much, but then again I've always put two points in W early on before maxing E.

Wish they didn't surrender and the match had gone on longer. I really loved my Nautilus pick. Us: Naut, Janna, Graves, Fizz, Trundle. Them: Zed, Lucian, Ekko, Taric, Yi. The few teamfights in the match we had, we decimated them. Lucian got fed bot and once teamfights rolled around he got shut down hard.


I know I make lots of mistakes and it's my own fault, and I had the 7-game losing streak just now, but some ranked games are getting a little bizarre:

1. Like I mentioned, someone picked Cassiopeia mid, and typed "first time cass suck my nuts" the instant before the game started.

2. Someone picked Leona support, and waited until just AFTER the game started to type, "surprised not buzzed yet had 8 shots n 4 beers ;o"

3. Someone picked Katarina mid, with a good team composition. I picked Ashe (not my preferred ADC) to combo better with them. After 2 deaths, they apparently silently ragequit, the instant they died, and never came back. I wish I'd know they were going to do that!

4. I think on at least two different occasions I have had 90-100 more CS than anyone else on my team.

Got too addicted. Gotta cleanse myself. Played about 14 ranked games

Ranked is like gambling in a casino.
...how? 14 ranked games at 30 minutes each, plus queue time, is 7+ hours straight. You can run into health issues doing stuff like that. :/


Got too addicted. Gotta cleanse myself. Played about 14 ranked games

Ranked is like gambling in a casino.

That is exactly correct, and you should apply the same rules. Set aside a set amount of games (or money), play exactly that amount, and stop immediately, whether you won or lost.

Also, if I were you, probably stay the hell away from casinos.
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