also, since riot changed the XP required for leveling, i'm probably going to start another smurf (3rd) since my two other smurfs are already gold, thus they don't serve a purpose as smurfs
anyone else want to level or play with me when I do that?
what do I max first on zyra support?
decided to switch it up
edit: hory shit did Riot forget zyra existed? she hasn't had a new skin in almost 3-4 years.
I dont see you on right now. I'd be happy to support for you. Man in Destiny GAF I never ever played with randoms (only like once did I do a raid with pubs and it was awful).
Would be nice if we could get a 5 man ranked going. I did a 3 man ranked with GAF and I tell you it was cake. I mean literally it was really easy. But this one gaffer is really like a plat or something. He was using his smurf to help us Bronzes and give advice.
Unfortunately hes so frakking good even his smurf got promnoted so I'm on my own. No more carry and free elo
also, since riot changed the XP required for leveling, i'm probably going to start another smurf (3rd) since my two other smurfs are already gold, thus they don't serve a purpose as smurfs
anyone else want to level or play with me when I do that?
It's not even fun for me anymore when I feel like I play great and I just lose because people can't help but feed. I'm tired of my team getting its ass kicked every game because they chase and don't ward and don't take objectives when they're available and decide to build full AP on supports instead of utility or even a sightstone.
What the hell do I do when I can't even climb out of Bronze? I don't even know anymore. I don't feel like trying to get better and learn is having any discernible effect anymore. It feels worthless to try.
what do I max first on zyra support?
decided to switch it up
edit: hory shit did Riot forget zyra existed? she hasn't had a new skin in almost 3-4 years.
Thanks, patch. I'd gladly have some help and I know I've talked with some other folks who are down in Bronze about queueing together, too.
SKT less than two years back...Halloween like two and a half maybe.edit: hory shit did Riot forget zyra existed? she hasn't had a new skin in almost 3-4 years.
yeah I lost my LP I gained from mud's smurf. But I'm off my tilt now finally
play aram, or take a break so you aren't so involved in league and feeling you need to do well or get out of bronze to enjoy yourself
now look at leblonk's new skin and weep at what could have been!
what do I max first on zyra support?
decided to switch it up
edit: hory shit did Riot forget zyra existed? she hasn't had a new skin in almost 3-4 years.
It's probably at a weak point honestly. I don't think Lulu breaks through the health, shield, and regen pools offered by people taking the right masteries. There are lots of top laners that are fine farming the lane out and TPing somewhere to create impact on the map that Lulu doesn't have with flank opportunities. Easy for junglers to punish Lulu in the long lane too.i really like taking lulu top now against bruiser/fighter champs, she can neutralize a lot of what they want to do in lane and just her ult alone wins so many teamfights
Let me know sometime when you want to queue. I'll be busy the next two days with work stuff, probably, though. Maybe I can use it as an excuse to take a tiny break
This honor used to belong to Zac, I think. No skins from launch up until pool party lol
pick mid/top
get top
jungler picks karthus and says we should give him mid or else he'll feed
-14 lp
it's incredible how riot found the way to rework every aspect of champion select and still allow trolls to have their way
pick mid/top
get top
jungler picks karthus and says we should give him mid or else he'll feed
-14 lp
it's incredible how riot found the way to rework every aspect of champion select and still allow trolls to have their way
pretty much, and to think he picked ryze over naut. smhEvery ryze I have seem so far in bronze is lane lost for the team who have him.
"Late game" doesn't matter if the game never gets to "late game."
What's the fastest jungle clear path to rush level 6?
"Late game" doesn't matter if the game never gets to "late game."
What's the fastest jungle clear path to rush level 6?
about to get demoted. 5 game losing streak. can't seem to win it
stop playing ranked.
stop. playing. ranked.
Some motherfucker just took my ekko from me in champ select! Shennanigans!!!
I went from gold promos to about to get demoted to s2. decided to unistall. need to think about my life
Got too addicted. Gotta cleanse myself. Played about 14 ranked gamesI mean, only if your tendency to binge League of Legends until you throw up is emblematic of other stuff in your life.
would I have to make a smurf or would I just play on my regular account?
Crap are you even on NA? I never see you in this chat room 14 ranked games at 30 minutes each, plus queue time, is 7+ hours straight. You can run into health issues doing stuff like that. :/Got too addicted. Gotta cleanse myself. Played about 14 ranked games
Ranked is like gambling in a casino.
Got too addicted. Gotta cleanse myself. Played about 14 ranked games
Ranked is like gambling in a casino.