I know I make lots of mistakes and it's my own fault, and I had the 7-game losing streak just now, but some ranked games are getting a little bizarre:
1. Like I mentioned, someone picked Cassiopeia mid, and typed "first time cass suck my nuts" the instant before the game started.
2. Someone picked Leona support, and waited until just AFTER the game started to type, "surprised not buzzed yet had 8 shots n 4 beers ;o"
3. Someone picked Katarina mid, with a good team composition. I picked Ashe (not my preferred ADC) to combo better with them. After 2 deaths, they apparently silently ragequit, the instant they died, and never came back. I wish I'd know they were going to do that!
4. I think on at least two different occasions I have had 90-100 more CS than anyone else on my team.
March is spring break.