dont see the point of buying chests if you can just buy the skin on sale for less.
it's not that complex
remove the following from the game:
- leveling
- ip boosts
- runepages
- regional restrictions
- mystery boxes
- chests and keys
- **Yasuo
spend all that effort into making more/better skins
game will still make a shitload of money, only now without compulsive or exploitative elements
at the very least don't pile up the downright evil bullshit
That's the part I don't get either. But I'm not a fucking mark so what do I know.
The most important runes got cheaper, I guess. That reminds me, I haven't bought a rune page in years.I really hate the rune system. It just plain sucks.
I really hate the rune system. It just plain sucks.
Are there really % drops for keys on wins? I just see key fragment drops, so you need to hit the percentage and hit it 3 times just to get 1 key and open 1 of your chests.i think you're mixing shit up here
i'm not 100% sure if it's s- or higher or if it's s+, but you get that and you get a chest. you can only get this once per champion and four times a year
then there's a % drop for keys whenever you win games. the % is higher if you play with friends
you open chests with keys and you get different loot, in the way of permanent unlocks or shards. shards are temporal skins, champions or ward skins and can be combined with essence of its same type to be made permanent. to get essence you disenchant loot, skins give u skin essence, champs give you champ essence. you can also reroll three of the same type of loot for a new one
I know leveling sucks but it is a necessary evil imo. It provides some small barrier of entry to two undesirable elements in a game:
- the non-vested smurf
- the complete and utter newbie in games. Specifically ranked
The former is a problem in any f2p game. The ability to create new accounts is limitless and allows people to play or cheat with abandon with no respect for the people around them. Why do they care? A ban or a shitty ranking will just result in a new account. Easy. Between the time to level and the IP requirements to get basic champs and runes, there is a sufficient barrier of entry to prevent rampant smurfing. It's only a minor issue right now.
The latter is to theoretically give the newbies a learning curve as they level. I dislike tying it to rune slots or mastery points but I think it takes a minimum of 1-30 to even get close to competant at the game for the average Joe. I'd rather not have ranked or even normals that horribly skewed by introducing complete new players to the mix. Let them learn while leveling.
They'll never remove runes. It's the game's primary IP sink.Yeah it's pretty bad. Halving leveling time does nothing when you can't afford tier 3 runes for 20 more games.
I guess they will remove runes entirely for season 7 and bake them into masteries (which would let you have much more powerful masteries), but I kind of wish they'd gotten them out for season 6. Guess they didn't have time.
They'll never remove runes. It's the game's primary IP sink.
Well yeah, that's the point of a currency sink lol, they're meant to prey on new/not invested players, giving them a reason to want to purchase premium currencies.Ghostcrawler posted about wanting to remove runes a while back, I think.
IP sink is a fake problem. Soft currencies are all irrelevant at cap. League has players that have been around for six years, they'll never run out of IP. The main effect of the IP sink is to impoverish new players, which runes do really well.
They'll never remove runes. It's the game's primary IP sink.
I don't think IP sinks are necessary anymore, I just don't expect Tecent to drop 2010 F2P practices anytime soon lolThe reasoning falls apart once you question the need for an IP sink beyond champions...even then, there's doto right there with all champs unlocked.
lol that's why you leave the fanart collecting to meI guess I should stop looking for fanart on tumblr, finding Kingdom Hearts x League BDSM lesbian porn fanfics is only funny the first couple times, after that you start wondering how our species isn't extinct yet.
it's the point i added last and the one i wasn't super confident aboutI know leveling sucks but it is a necessary evil imo. It provides some small barrier of entry to two undesirable elements in a game:
- the non-vested smurf
- the complete and utter newbie in games. Specifically ranked
The former is a problem in any f2p game. The ability to create new accounts is limitless and allows people to play or cheat with abandon with no respect for the people around them. Why do they care? A ban or a shitty ranking will just result in a new account. Easy. Between the time to level and the IP requirements to get basic champs and runes, there is a sufficient barrier of entry to prevent rampant smurfing. It's only a minor issue right now.
The latter is to theoretically give the newbies a learning curve as they level. I dislike tying it to rune slots or mastery points but I think it takes a minimum of 1-30 to even get close to competant at the game for the average Joe. I'd rather not have ranked or even normals that horribly skewed by introducing complete new players to the mix. Let them learn while leveling.
yeah, i may have gotten something wrong and it's key fragments, not keys that you getAre there really % drops for keys on wins? I just see key fragment drops, so you need to hit the percentage and hit it 3 times just to get 1 key and open 1 of your chests.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm used to seeing weird shit, it's just that most of the time the weird shit makes sense - Zac and Riven? well ok, tentacle/slime fetishes, I'm down with that - but then you read about Larxene and Soraka doing orgasm denial play and you start wondering who comes up with this that's why you leave the fanart collecting to me
not everyone is ready to see what i see
I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm used to seeing weird shit, it's just that most of the time the weird shit makes sense - Zac and Riven? well ok, tentacle/slime fetishes, I'm down with that - but then you read about Larxene and Soraka doing orgasm denial play and you start wondering who comes up with this garbage.
Also you have zero Soraka fanart, you goatist.
I dunno about unlocking all champions but honestly at this point it wouldn't be unfair to give new players some champions to start out. Why force people to go through social networks to get Ali/Garen/Trist? Just give them for free, same goes for all 450 IP champions, why are these still charged for?Levelling sucks, but not having all champions unlocked sucks harder. I never really thought about it because I had all champions unlocked (up to when I took my sabbatical at the end of Season 4), all rune pages, and all the runes I could ever need. But I recently finished power-levelling a smurf to 30, and not having all champions (and runes quite frankly) is such a piss take. It literally serves no purpose for the player. Heck, I'd be reasonably happy for them to have not halved the XP requirements in favour of unlocking all champions.
Exposing players to a larger champion pool early on couldn't possibly have any negative impact. Perhaps a compromise would be to have champions unlocked incrementally through levelling.
I can't really think of a system to replace runes with besides the exact same thing as runes but sort of like a RPG stat/mastery allocation system - you get X points, you can add them to STR/AGI/VIT/etc, adding points to STR gives you AD, adding points to AGI gives you attack speed and some MS, adding points in VIT gives you HP and armor, etc.I wouldn't say there's no chance that we'll remove runes. A lot of people here really don't like them and I can see them going in the future. There would have to be a good system to replace them though, and that might not even cost anything to use. But it requires that system to be ideated on, be good and just overall exist.
There's definitely not an aversion to getting rid of runes, and any scepticism over such a move would certainly not involve things like IP sinks. If we removed them it would be because it's good for the game and better for players, which is why I personally don't see them staying.
runes are fine. just make them all unlocked to everyone at some point and we're all good to go.
Yep, plus you might get some interesting experimentation going on if everyone had the opportunity.runes are fine. just make them all unlocked to everyone at some point and we're all good to go.
The problem with runes isn't just the huge IP sink, it's also that even if you have them all unlocked, they offer an inexperienced player a huge variety of apparently tiny terrible choices to make with almost zero feedback opportunity because sometimes you don't even know you made a bad rune choice until 25 minutes into the game. (See scaling vs flat AD.)
Then again, the most obvious thing to do is to swallow that power budget up into masteries and that actually carries with it a lot of the same issues.
I might try keeping runes, making them free, and cutting a lot of them. Gold per 5 runes should probably not exist, etc., etc.
Maybe combine them together into multi-stat runes specialized for the role they expect you to be. They can combine runes that wouldn't normally go together and get a discount because champs won't benefit from all of them.
Rune of Kill: AD/AS
Rune of Cast: AP/MP5
Rune of Assassinate: AP/Crit
Rune of Jungle: AS/MP5/Tank
Rune of Sit In Toplane: AD/Tank
one of those bronzelords could discover an OP rune combo page by being dumb. i for one look to the bronze players for inspiration because lord knows i play like one
Chromas is kill
Oh hey, real nerfs, still kinda meaninglessJanna
Eye of the Storm (E) bonus AD reduced to 10/17.5/25/32.5/40 from 10/20/30/40/50
[NOTE: Live value currently 14/23/32/41/50 ]
Thats some newt skill right there.![]()
what the fuck is happening
Oh hey, real nerfs, still kinda meaningless
And before Neko calls for my head on a sitck,
good man
beheading will still proceed as planned
Who do I have to message to get an invite to the GAF group before the slots are all filled up :<?