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League of Legends |OT11| going


what the fuck is happening

You're becoming jungler.

All you have to do to fully transition is:

Ten game winning insecs
Thirty 100-0 Rengar deletions
Fifteen botched Kindred ults


But Nunu and Fiddle can do that without being revealed

They need to use their ults to do that, not their always-on passives. If the stars were hidden Sol could literally stand in top lane bush and slowly kill you without you even knowing what was happening.


I got a key fragment or something for this game? Idk it glitched out lol.
I had one game where the league information said still processing, and another game where it didn't show the score.

I've only noticed key fragments dropping when someone in the game (not just the premade) gets S- or better, but that could be coincidence.

Also, I have a goal to grind towards. It'll take like 3 months, but eh. This was my first drop after the free chest:

I'm guessing you can't disenchant key shards, so essence will be very slow to gain?


i feel like these are good janna nerfs but i kind of wish they'd just rework her w

such a boring spell

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm used to seeing weird shit, it's just that most of the time the weird shit makes sense - Zac and Riven? well ok, tentacle/slime fetishes, I'm down with that - but then you read about Larxene and Soraka doing orgasm denial play and you start wondering who comes up with this garbage.

Also you have zero Soraka fanart, you goatist.

yeah now i have to google this

also i have soraka fanart, just no soraka folder

and i did make poopy and trist folders after their vus, so it's just a matter for soraka not to be butt ugly and butt boring and butt lame

lol rip tales of valoran

site doesn't even load

i feel so bad, those comics were the best ;_;

I wouldn't say there's no chance that we'll remove runes. A lot of people here really don't like them and I can see them going in the future. There would have to be a good system to replace them though, and that might not even cost anything to use. But it requires that system to be ideated on, be good and just overall exist.

There's definitely not an aversion to getting rid of runes, and any scepticism over such a move would certainly not involve things like IP sinks. If we removed them it would be because it's good for the game and better for players, which is why I personally don't see them staying.
why should there be a system to replace them?

why have multiple before-the-game systems?

i always felt that was super weird and confusing

if u asked me i'd just remove them both cos they're relics of a past meant to differentiate the game from dota, but league is #1 already, if you want the differentiation with doto you just have to see the roster and the more twitch-y, less cerebral-y gameplay and you're done. the other things ppl use to differentiate those games are mostly negatives of "i have to buy champions in league", but that's a business model thing and you can't/won't change that, at least for a while.

runes and masteries, they're both systems i have never heard anyone genuinely say they like, not without a bunch of caveats of how much it costs and how lame it is not to be able to change your runepages in champ select and how there's a lot of baity runes that are less efficient because of rules that are never explained, etc. similarly with masteries ppl just go to champion.gg and copy what's popular, and with keystones right now making balancing a nightmare i can't imagine anyone being super happy with it. rito spent who knows how much time and money coming up with keystones (i don't even wanna know), i'll accept those are here to stay

but if rito's open to deleting runes, let's think hard why is it that we want to replace them with something. cos if it is just an arbitrary thing of like "well we can't just remove them!" i don't really buy it.

sometimes it's just easier to remove what's useless and not replace it with anything else. like blitz' ult passive, or yasuo.

I dunno about unlocking all champions but honestly at this point it wouldn't be unfair to give new players some champions to start out. Why force people to go through social networks to get Ali/Garen/Trist? Just give them for free, same goes for all 450 IP champions, why are these still charged for?
i think they should make the 450s free (they essentially did with that offer on amazon for na players, but that's just na) and move the social network stuff to 1350s or whatever

maybe even like, give u a few selected champions when u do a couple early milestones like winning ur first game against ppl or completing the tutorial (assuming there's one, lol) or checking out the "level up your league" videos or whatever
I dunno about unlocking all champions but honestly at this point it wouldn't be unfair to give new players some champions to start out. Why force people to go through social networks to get Ali/Garen/Trist? Just give them for free, same goes for all 450 IP champions, why are these still charged for?

.... You just reminded me that I can get Garen for free.

I had a prema Skin for him (the vampire looking one) and was gonna drop the ip for him until I saw this.

Now I have him and 2 skins!

The main thing I want from this system is Poppy skins. Can't get shit for her other than the 2 in the shop yet she has sooo many, I don't get it.


It's weird that the suggested players thing for dynamic queue suggested a platinum player though I'm in silver ranked. That's impossible I assume.


I did a shard reroll and got Champ Shyvanna and i don't even own shyvanna.

i saw earlier that was a bug, should i do something about it or just buy Shyvanna and make the skin worth it?


So is Aurelion Sol the "mage mid laner" we were supposed to be getting some time this year? Because he seems to be being played jungle more than mid from what I've seen and heard of.


btw riot balance team

viktor has now sunk to the worst winrate out of any midlaner. other olafed champions like ryze and morde are laughing at him

i'd appreciate it if maybe next time you don't randomly destroy champions for no reason whatsoever


btw riot balance team

viktor has now sunk to the worst winrate out of any midlaner. other olafed champions like ryze and morde are laughing at him

i'd appreciate it if maybe next time you don't randomly destroy champions for no reason whatsoever
yeah just noticed he has the lowest winrate out of any mid on champion.gg now. that last nerf was quite odd, he was already on a downward trend, but they were like, 'naw screw it let's put a final nail in the coffin.'


Viktor instantly cleared minions mid better than most any other champ I can think of (maybe Ziggs?). I appreciate his laser being less crazy.


Viktor instantly cleared minions mid better than most any other champ I can think of (maybe Ziggs?). I appreciate his laser being less crazy.
why is that a problem?

you're comparing one random thing and not the whole champion, which is not how the game's supposed to be balanced

and zed clears the wave almost if not just as fast, as does ahri, nautilus and lucian, etc.

"he's great at clearing waves" is not a good reason to nerf a champion


Just got an S- on Morgana, got a key shard but no chest. I thought I'd always get the chest, key shard random chance. Is it one or the other?

Also on my champ select screen it says next chest in 6 days. (Got one earlier today when a friend got an S)...

So is it a 6-day wait before my S games matter? Back to googling up some info...


why is that a problem?

you're comparing one random thing and not the whole champion, which is not how the game's supposed to be balanced

and zed clears the wave almost if not just as fast, as does ahri, nautilus and lucian, etc.

"he's great at clearing waves" is not a good reason to nerf a champion
I don't like it, so I say that I'm glad it's less.

That doesn't mean it's a GOOD opinion, or that the game should be balanced around it, but it makes me happier. :p


rioter mentioned on reddit that they might do event-tied shards that have expiration dates

this just keeps getting better

Just got an S- on Morgana, got a key shard but no chest. I thought I'd always get the chest, key shard random chance. Is it one or the other?

Also on my champ select screen it says next chest in 6 days. (Got one earlier today when a friend got an S)...

So is it a 6-day wait before my S games matter? Back to googling up some info...


are you chat banned or something?

I don't like it, so I say that I'm glad it's less.

That doesn't mean it's a GOOD opinion, or that the game should be balanced around it, but it makes me happier. :p
ah, alright


I've got the same thing -- as soon as my first non-free chest dropped, it says the next one isn't available until 6 days. I was stupidly trying to get an S rank with a different support.

I don't remember the overview page mentioning the once-a-week restriction but I probably just missed it.

*edit* I also saw someone in the "Anus" club. Who knows if they're filtering offensive club names or not. :p


Just got an S- on Morgana, got a key shard but no chest. I thought I'd always get the chest, key shard random chance. Is it one or the other?

Also on my champ select screen it says next chest in 6 days. (Got one earlier today when a friend got an S)...

So is it a 6-day wait before my S games matter? Back to googling up some info...
Yeah you must've already gotten your chests hence the key

But key for s rank may have been a coincidence
Originally, I am glad that they reverted the base health nerfs for Lulu, but looking at other supports like Janna and Nami, they have lower base health.

But they have form of sustain, so I feel the base health nerfs would probably kill support Lulu, especially with the likes of Bard that is really strong in lane and have a somewhat high base health for a ranged support.


I thought the new hextech system might encourage getting S ranks with champions. Unfortunately, now that I know it's once a week, it's less interesting. :p

I got an elusive S+ with Zyra support and got nothing, for instance.


I thought the new hextech system might encourage getting S ranks with champions. Unfortunately, now that I know it's once a week, it's less interesting. :p

I got an elusive S+ with Zyra support and got nothing, for instance.

wait, is it once a week or 4 times a month?

cos that's not the same thing

and once a week is like all kinds of awful


wait, is it once a week or 4 times a month?

cos that's not the same thing

and once a week is like all kinds of awful
You can only get a chest drop once a week.

You can also only get chest drops 4 times a month.

So you basically need to get a new-champ S rank and chest drop immediately on the first day or two in order to max out the 4-per-month thing.
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