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League of Legends |OT11| going


Free champs list looks fun.

Finally get to try Riven and Mid Kindred (I'm not gonna JG and I've given up on bot...)
And if not then I'm more likely to get some good top lane games with Poppy (and Garen if I ever get around to buying him) cause I feel like they poo on Riven.

Quinn however is gonna be a dodge if I already locked one of them ..

Don't bother with Kindered (and never play Kindred mid!!!)
He has been nerfed to death in terms of sustain and his base dmg is not good at all.


Just writing this down so I don't forget it.

E (2) -> AA (3) -> Q (5) -> AA (6) -> enemy walks out of range -> E (8) -> AA (8) -> W (8 stacks) -> Tiamat -> Q (if up) -> Finish (Flash, AA, Ignite, w/e)

(Change AA's and E's based on mobility/threat of enemy)

Don't bother with Kindered (and never play Kindred mid!!!)
He has been nerfed to death in terms of sustain and his base dmg is not good at all.




I the the bonus works on everything he attacks. Hence a minimum of 5 hunts is a must for him/her to get going

I was going to ask, how valuable is it to steal the marked monster camps? I just had a game as Shen jg vs Kindred where I put in a decent amount of effort to kill every marked camp (thank God for E buff). We won that game, and it didn't seem like Kindred ever got relevant, but it's hard to judge how much value I got from that work.
I still don't really know what I'm doing but new Soraka is actually pretty damn fun
Not to sound like old man costy, but its 'they' dammit, THEY.
It's a buff to any Cho'Gath. What champion doesn't benefit from more health.
Yeah i will go full ap on him and still have like 3000 health.

I dont get why the keep buffing cho, he is going to become really strong on one of the buffs. I play him a bunch for his anti assassin skill set. Also flashing eating ppl is the funniest thing it is like darius ult but instant


I was going to ask, how valuable is it to steal the marked monster camps? I just had a game as Shen jg vs Kindred where I put in a decent amount of effort to kill every marked camp (thank God for E buff). We won that game, and it didn't seem like Kindred ever got relevant, but it's hard to judge how much value I got from that work.

I say very in early game, so-so by mid game.

Keep in mind:

- Those marked camp can only appear up to 5 times throughout the game until the baron. So the maximum stack Kindered could get by end game is 5.

- Normally a good Kindred wouldn't hunt after every single marked camp, since they would appear in random until he devours all 5 of them.

- You can tell a good Kindred player by a bad one on the ratio of the stacks coming from champs to the ones that came from jungle camp, so you have to keep in mind on whether he actually relies on the jungle at all.

- to be fair, at some point in mid game, he will get all 5 of them, but that should help you keeping him at his base stats the longer the games goes on.

- Whats better tactic is to actually ward those hunts and not clear it at all. Most Kindred I have played against ( and i have done that as well) fall for that and try to grab it. You know what to do then.

- But yea, without stacks, Kindred is nothing, especially the fact that his R has been nerfed (longer cd), his passive doesn't heal as much, and his W is useless early game.


Don't bother with Kindered (and never play Kindred mid!!!)
He has been nerfed to death in terms of sustain and his base dmg is not good at all.

You can still clear the whole jungle without a pot (not that you should) so sustain is not an issue and their damage before the nerf could take out 1/3rd of somebody's health with a single E proc so doing 1/4 instead isn't that big of a deal just not stupid broken anymore. The mana nerf on Q pretty much is only relevant before your first back. They are pretty much the same as ever just with insane early game and falling off late unless you're like 12 stacked or something.

but yeah don't play them mid


You can still clear the whole jungle without a pot (not that you should) so sustain is not an issue and their damage before the nerf could take out 1/3rd of somebody's health with a single E proc so doing 1/4 instead isn't that big of a deal just not stupid broken anymore. The mana nerf on Q pretty much is only relevant before your first back. They are pretty much the same as ever just with insane early game and falling off late unless you're like 12 stacked or something.

but yeah don't play them mid

Kindred was strong early game and then fell off dramatically as the game went on, yes, but they cold have done better balancing his scaling rather than making him suffer for everything and still rely on his stacks, His E is fine and and all, but clearing out a whole jungle is just not very recitative especially if he can be invaded easier than before, and his ganking abilities while clearing his first run leaves a lot to desire.

They need to give him some scaling, maybe some HP, Armour ability since the risk of him being an adc in a jungle is just way too high imo.

or make his stacks mean more dammit


Kindred was strong early game and then fell off dramatically as the game went on, yes, but they cold have done better balancing his scaling rather than making him suffer for everything and still rely on his stacks, His E is fine and and all, but clearing out a whole jungle is just not very recitative especially if he can be invaded easier than before, and his ganking abilities while clearing his first run leaves a lot to desire.

They need to give him some scaling, maybe some HP, Armour ability since the risk of him being an adc in a jungle is just way too high imo.

or make his stacks mean more dammit

Anybody that's invading a kindred is just asking for trouble lol. Early game junglers have a place, there's no reason for Riot to make her scale better just because. If you want to be strong late game snowball early game
zky I need your magic cropping powers

Also I feel like playing support LeBlanc for some reason which should turn out great considering I dont know how to support normal shit yet
Anyone else see the change to Soraka Q in 6.5,

All enemies caught in her Q AOE, get slowed and at max rank by 50%. That's nuts! I played her top against a Xerath and if I caught him in my q, he couldn't escape my e and was taking a ton of dmg.


OK guys question, is Top still popular?

I have been playing Supp so many times I though I should play other lanes and Jungle became way too stressful for me. I was actually decent at Maokai and seeing him getting a buff makes me happy.

Or maybe I should start playing him at supp?

Anybody that's invading a kindred is just asking for trouble lol. Early game junglers have a place, there's no reason for Riot to make her scale better just because. If you want to be strong late game snowball early game

Damn it all to hell.

Yeah, I am done playing Kindred DONE!!!


Anyone else see the change to Soraka Q in 6.5,

All enemies caught in her Q AOE, get slowed and at max rank by 50%. That's nuts! I played her top against a Xerath and if I caught him in my q, he couldn't escape my e and was taking a ton of dmg.

find two errors

On a more serious note, it appears her rework was a slight buff, probably mostly due to her new Q being overtuned.
OK guys question, is Top still popular?

I have been playing Supp so many times I though I should play other lanes and Jungle became way too stressful for me. I was actually decent at Maokai and seeing him getting a buff makes me happy.

Or maybe I should start playing him at supp?
Still? Top hasn't been popular in a few years lol
hextech crafting is live in na apparently

enjoy your gambling americans

Just opened my free one ... got Raven Born LB and a heartseeker ward skin.

... I have never played LB vs humans before, only once in a custom. I mainly got her to see if I liked her cause I love her new skin.

Think Imma sit on this til I try her out proper. I get tired of playing Diana but I keep forgetting I have other Mid Options that I never use like Ekko and LB.
find two errors

On a more serious note, it appears her rework was a slight buff, probably mostly due to her new Q being overtuned.

They did a laneswap. We had a Yasuo mid and swapping Garen to mid to counter actually paid off for them. I got two kills against Xerath and Garen got 5. :(

We won in the end anyway, if only due to my cc becoming a problem.

Probably worth mentioning I went from Gold 1 -> Silver 5 due to placements. Silver is nuts. :p


Just opened my free one ... got Raven Born LB and a heartseeker ward skin.

... I have never played LB vs humans before, only once in a custom. I mainly got her to see if I liked her cause I love her new skin.

Think Imma sit on this til I try her out proper. I get tired of playing Diana but I keep forgetting I have other Mid Options that I never use like Ekko and LB.

mind you these are shards, not real skins


Just opened my free one ... got Raven Born LB and a heartseeker ward skin.

... I have never played LB vs humans before, only once in a custom. I mainly got her to see if I liked her cause I love her new skin.

Think Imma sit on this til I try her out proper. I get tired of playing Diana but I keep forgetting I have other Mid Options that I never use like Ekko and LB.

Just in case you didn't know you can reroll that skin into a random other one instead with a couple of other shards
Some of them are full skins, no rental afaik.

Not sure about this particular one though.

Its just a shard.

Got the 5 pack cause I had RP saved up and nothing to use it on right now.

Not sure why this game keeps trying to push these shitty Sivir skins on me.

Would reroll the champs into one prema (I don't have much interest in Ken or TK and Rammus is IP cheap) but TK is an expensive one so it might be better to just dust him and use that for future skins.
I still don't understand how turning things into permanent things work

You break down unwanted shards, which gives you essences, which you use to upgrade things into permanent things? That it?
OK guys question, is Top still popular?

Top is in a weird place. Rammus and Nautilus, both considered as Jungle picks, are now played in the top lane. But right now, the meta favours tanks with good teamfight capabilities or hard carry champions that can split-push.

For Top Lane tanks: Poppy, Nautilus, Rammus, Malphite
Carry Top Laners: Graves, Fiora, Quinn

And there's Trundle, who is a mixture of a Tank and a Carry. Fiora is getting nerfed next patch, which might hurt her really hard. Quinn is getting some slight nerfs (long cooldown on Q and blind reduction to 1 second), though she'll still be a massive split push threat anyway.

There's also Pantheon, but he got nerfed, so I don't know what the current situation is like for him.

For a support main, transitioning to Top Lane is fine because a lot of tanks are in the meta and it's still a very AD focused one. Though it might shift over to the mage meta once the mages rework hit and a lot of these tanks will fall out of flavour.

Still, I recommend Nautilus, Poppy and Rammus.
Zky I can't find the bloody thing on a decent resolution because tumblr was made by lobotomized monkeys and can't load an image worth a damn, I'll send you the image when I get home since I saved it
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