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League of Legends |OT11| going

I don't think I'll get bored of playing Shen. It has made me actively better at teleporting just by playing him.

the Shen jungle attempt didn't go super well, but was a poor pick cos we lacked damage.

Top though... lots of fun.


Sometimes I feel like I'm playing a different game than the people on the League reddit but then all the characters have the same names so idk


I don't think I'll get bored of playing Shen. It has made me actively better at teleporting just by playing him.

the Shen jungle attempt didn't go super well, but was a poor pick cos we lacked damage.

Top though... lots of fun.
Shen top is very annoying, please nerf.

Also while you're forwarding feedback to your teams, can you change the suggested players thing for ranked so it stops suggesting platinum/diamond people for silver queues?


Well im playing at the SXSW league tournament, so look out for dontpanic3000 playing for pham dynasty.

oohhh will look for the stream

i've played them all and league of legends is the best
I've tried a few and always come back to League.
It's a 2D platformer. Game is $10 (when off sale) and has 1200~ players active on a good day. They won't go Free to Play despite the numbers (and the fact that they have skins and two paid character packs at $8 and $9). So entry is definitely not huge, but isn't low if you want the full game. Matchmaking is pretty busted right now because of said low numbers causing time disparities, and that's what the Devs use in their defense -- they're working on their own server system instead of using Steam for MM.

Fun game but I'm jaded in some regards. I've played it even through their woooorst balance periods.
Mmmm, might check it out! Thanks!
I've really gotten hooked on Smite. I can use a controller with it and was able to get all gods with their god pack. Haven't played LoL since last Sunday since Smite has taken so much of my time.

Overwatch is not a MOBA but has "champs" like a moba with the added bonus of voice communication and being able to switch out your champ during the match. Been in the beta for that.

Did just boot up LoL to have a look around. Tried to work myself up to play but ended up logging off w/o playing a match.

I did watch lol esports earlier though. Spoiler:
I saw a team using Jinx with Warlords Keystone. I'm like- "Awesome!!! If this team does well I will logon and tryout my old adc.". Well Jinx lost hard so lost motivation to try that

Yeah, I've done smite and the whole 3rd person MOBA thing really excites me for some reason. But I guess I'm used to the looks of League. Probably because I'm familiar with the champs and all.


When I do support, I'm either Sona or Morgana, and I usually ask the ADC their preference.

But, twice last night I had an ADC who was just not very good, both times they requested Sona (before I knew they were not very good of course).

I really really don't like being Sona with an ineffectual ADC. I feel so useless when my partner dies and I'm there trying to hold bot lane alone.

Ended up winning the first, despite everything. Just held on best I could, farmed up and was able to contribute in mid/late game team fights. It's still just... unpleasant playing support Sona with no one to support =)


When I do support, I'm either Sona or Morgana, and I usually ask the ADC their preference.

But, twice last night I had an ADC who was just not very good, both times they requested Sona (before I knew they were not very good of course).

I really really don't like being Sona with an ineffectual ADC. I feel so useless when my partner dies and I'm there trying to hold bot lane alone.

Ended up winning the first, despite everything. Just held on best I could, farmed up and was able to contribute in mid/late game team fights. It's still just... unpleasant playing support Sona with no one to support =)

Yeah Morgana is more a of a playmaker and there is an easy indicator for the adc of when to go in when you land a binding. Supports like sona and Janna really depend on your adc to make plays on their own
Ryze getting reworked again.



I saw a strong Ryze for the first time in forever. By 30 minutes they were already destroying our team and healing themselves at like 40% a shot, it looked like.

Also another client request: Is it possible to do the taskbar icon highlight thing for all "action needed" states in the lobby? It seems to happen for some, but not for "game found" or "your turn to ban" necessarily. I've accidentally dodged two different promotion series because the lobby takes forever and I glance away, maybe, not noticing any taskbar notification. I know there's sound but I feel like the taskbar would be a nice combination.
Ryze getting reworked again.


I miss fruity cutey bara-plank :(

Also I just unlocked Leona and wish I'd done it sooner. I've always hated supporting against her and being on the other end of the scale is fun when you have a team who takes advantage of her engage. I'm learning to use her bulkiness to take tower shots for risk/reward plays which is good too for those early leads.


gaf i've been thinking of that last game we played with dobker. that shit was weird. it was like 20 mins of nothing happening

tbh we could have won that one had we sieged and slowly whittled through objectives

though I think they had a sivir so it might have been hard


This is SFW until you look closely at what she's holding

what if i tell you there's an alt version

thanks for the feedback, I'll forward this on to the team.

Also would be cool if you posted on the PBE boards with this feedback!
i filled out the little survey you get at the end so i guess they got my feedback from somewhere at least

also i forgot to say i wish you could reescale the client, and not in the way you can resize the old one that just scales it up but that you can just make it a bigger window so it has more space to distribute the ui elements. i know 1280x720 is standard because laptops or whatever but i got a big monitor and it just feels like you should be able to maximize the client or make it larger and solve a lot of the cluttering issues i saw

client is basically a web browser afaik so it shouldn't be super duper hard if everything's laid out like html or whatever

Ya but he definitely loves the stranger.
ain't that the truth

I want more like this.
i think i posted all of her sfw stuff, so i do what i can :T

i remember that one. it's really high quality art but i like his "classic redesign" more, original style is too goofy and generic


tbh we could have won that one had we sieged and slowly whittled through objectives

though I think they had a sivir so it might have been hard

It was a Graves. We should have seiged, yeah. They were stalling until they were all big enough to pick us off on a fight and push down mid, which is what they did.


Is Udyr still unchanged in the PBE? His 560+ movespeed is banned virtually every game I play. He seems to win a lot too.

Did he get buffed in it?

I like gottagofast'ing so I build movement items on Jungle even if it's dumb. I don't remember going that fast with him before. :eek:


Did he get buffed in it?

I like gottagofast'ing so I build movement items on Jungle even if it's dumb. I don't remember going that fast with him before. :eek:
He's just been strong for a while. Riot nerfed Udyr and nerfed Runic Echoes, but he still gets banned a lot and wins a lot.

I think I saw 563 movespeed but maybe I was wrong -- ZZ portal, speed shoes with the alacrity enchant, triforce.


hexdrinker is fine

maw is overtuned

i demand reparation

raise the price of hexdrinker and maw by 500g

Is there lore behind the items?
very little

like dead man's plate is like gangplank's shoulderplate

nashor's tooth is like the name says built out of baron's teeth

phantom dancer is like shadow isle themed, fqc is related to the freljord princesses, new shurelya's to azir, etc. stuff like that is generally all the lore u get

would be awesome if they did some dark souls style flavor text for items but it's understandable they don't wanna clutter the tooltips


i want more of everything

shurima and bilgewater events were great, lots of giving shape to really generic "egypt like" and "pirate like" locations, good character development and background stuff that actually made lasting changes to their stories (tf and graves are best buds again, azir and sivir and xerath have this new connection that's really interesting, gangplank died and turned back from the dead, mf is now the queen of bilgewater, etc.), and they even named items after all this stuff and we had a special aram map, a special crazy items temp mode and well, whatever the hell ascension was lol

the bilgewater event was seriously amazing

this targon event is a lot less hype in comparison, there's no big rework or retelling of pant, diana and leona's stories, their stories are still the same and they're still as generic and uninteresting. there's no real drama or anything, it's pretty lame. aurelion isn't much better, his story just feels really goofy and like an excuse for him to be unable to like destroy planets and stuff in-game
Just had my first run in with a toxic Riven.

She got first blood on me at like level 2 or something, I came back and fucked her shit up over and over. After 3 times she All chatted "Go kys". Took me a few seconds to get just WTF that meant (I'm 28, not hip with the hop and the kid talk anymore). Team mate stood up for me by calling out how rude that is, I didn't say shit back. She then raged at not being able to stand this "broken champ".
Tried to screen grab it but it didn't go through.

It's funny cause she picked Riven INTO my Poppy. She was the last pick ... she should know not to pick Riven into Poppy or Garen.

Strangely solid game, no one talked in chat but worked very well together with pings.


wow rengar sucks ass right now ... cant assasinate shit unless youre playing against cardboard adcs who never move

bola fucking flies into random ass directions while jumping

guess thats what i get for picking him up before reading patchnotes
well, what did happen?

They made an event like the summer event, with points and rewards for the community to unlock by playing.

LAS unlocked every single milestone, with the last one being a free mystery skin. LAN didn't, we only made it half way to the free mystery skin.

LAN complained it was unfair that we didn't get anything when we were so close, specially because in LAS people were still in holidays/vacations while in LAN we were either working or already on school (and in exams/projects)

Riot LAN felt bad too so they announced they would do a 50% off of mystery skin.

LAS complained that it was unfair towards them to give us even half the reward.

A few HOURS before the promo went online Riot LAN announced they wouldn't be doing it because: we didn't reach the reward after all, they were worried because of all the smurfs that were created with the sole purpose of exploiting the free RP, which meant unlimited free skins if you took the time to level up accounts to level 10, and because they didn't like the idea of giving away so many good skins for such a low price. (Riot words)

Huge backlash, threats of sueing, and LAN crying.

Riot LAN "we 100% fucked up, we are sorry. Let's reach an agreement" and last I know they are going to do a 2x1 mystery skins.

Some quotes:
Rito LAN said:
Dear Summoners,
Some days ago we made a release announcing a 50% discount in mystery chests as an appreciation of your participation in the "Fiesta de Máscaras" event. This decision was taken with the intention of lessening the negative mood created by not reaching the goal as a server.
Despite being a very popular decision, it wasn't the fair, neither the correct choice.
The LAS players made it to the goal established and therefore they recieved their prize. By making this decision we're lessening the accomplishment of the LAS community. Moreover, if we don't follow the rules made from the start ¿what would be the purpose of executing this dynamics? To sum up, we would be removing all the merits from the event.
We invite you to do a conscience test ¿Do we really need to recieve a reward for something we couldn't achieve? The honest answer is "No".
We made this reflexion in LANs Riot offices, and we reached the same conclusion. Therefore we decided to cancel the 50% discount on mystery chests this weekend.
It was our fault making this announce and creating false expectatives. That's why we take full responsibility and we asume the consecuences of the upcoming criticism. We offer you the most sincere apologies for the anger that this understandably produces you.
Significantly, this solution was made completely and absolutely by us, Riot LAN, and was debated and analized conscientiously.
Inside of Riot, the servers and the offices are different and we have the autonomy to act like we judge prudently. Nevertheless, by having the faculty of making something simply by being capable to do it is not sufficient and its our responsability to make the right decision even if it hurts.

Some time later:
Rito LAN said:
Hey guys. WizardCrab and the LAN Rioters here.

We, as Riot Games, have put ourselves in a pretty shitty position with this and I'd really like your help figuring out what to do.
Just to be totally clear, I'm saying we 100% fucked up.
And to be totally clear on another important point, we will 100% implement some solution one way or another in short order. The situation will not remain as is.
Let me explain my view of the current situation, then discuss some potential solutions we've thought through and their shortcomings, and finally ask for your help in how to proceed.

During the recent Fiesta de Mascaras event, LAN and LAS were offered tiered rewards for increasing levels of participation with the event. With no small amount of effort put forth, LAS achieved the top tier reward of a Mystery skin by the event’s end. LAN fell short. LAN players were understandably upset, describing the goal as unfair/unreachable. The sentiment was that LAS could only reach the goal because they had vacation during the period and could play more.
Riot LAN felt for their players and wanted to make it better, so they made the quick call to provide a 50% Mystery promotion with the desire to get players half of the way to the Mystery skin prize, but not give them a free one when, all things considered, they did not totally earn one.
Riot LAN's hearts may have been in the right place, but the 50% off Mystery solution presented a number of problems. Besides us being very uncomfortable giving away our coolest products for over 60% off in unlimited quantities (after factoring in normal Mystery's implicit expected discount of over 40% off normal price), we realized that players had begun to sign up for and rush smurf accounts to Level 10 to get the 400 RP to gift free skins to their main accounts. This could easily be done ad infinitum, which is an unacceptable business risk and an unacceptable experience for anyone (new players mostly) who happens to get queued with the resultant smurfs and bots. In addition, many Rioters were still uncomfortable with providing any reward for a goal that ultimately was not achieved.
So we backtracked and decided not to do the sale. We messaged it. We did it quickly but not before players had purchased RP in preparation for this amazing deal.

Now we have a ton of pissed off players who are super frustrated because
A) We went back on our decision
B) People feel cheated about buying RP under false pretenses
C) LAS players still want to be treated fairly given that they did achieve their goals

We need a solution. Each one we come up with has its own slew of problems, so I’d really love your help finding a solution together. Please believe me when I say no one at Riot is happy with the current situation. Things have gone so far now that LAN Rioters are receiving significant numbers of death threats, so please trust that we want to make this better as fast as we can.

Possible Solutions
1) We’ve considered refunds, but a significant number of players purchased RP through cash and other non-refundable methods. So that would only hit some players and still not make them whole.
2) We could reinstate the 50% off Mystery promotion, but the smurfing and botting concerns I mentioned above make this largely untenable.
3) We could go back to the original free Mystery skin from the event, but we’ll still frustrate players who now expected and are more interested in the 50% promotion.
4) We could do nothing, but that obviously sucks for everyone so I don’t think we really need to discuss that one.

So please. Help us figure out the best solution or combination of solutions. We can sit in a room all day and try to guess what would best assuage the situation but here I’d rather directly ask you guys. Hopefully together we can find the solution that will help us begin to rebuild the trust we’ve lost from this mistake.

TL;DR We fucked up. We will find a solution. We would love your help finding it.
well, what did happen?

Guess LAS achieved the festivy goal so they got a free mistery aspect but LAN didnt, LAN complained about a reward for at least trying, Riot gave them a discount on mistery gifts, LAS complained.

LAN people prepared their RP and buy mistery gifts the day marked but Riot step back and didnt make the promo available making LAN angry
I just played swain vs a katarina and after she failed to all in me twice she said in all chat 'Boy Swain sure is "balanced"'. Nice try, but diving me under tower and not killing me doesn't make Swain OP.


on illaoi said:
Potentially before the mage rework. We're trying some stuff at the moment that's showing some initial promise (shorter E Vessel duration so you're not waiting forever to start normal play again, faster tentacle spawns during that reduced duration, shorter spirit lifetime, removal of the 'hit Illaoi to reduce the spirit's life mechanic since that's not well communicated and is often just a trap).

I don't get it these are nerfs right? Except removing the hit her when she lands E thing which is weird because that's like the most interactive thing about facing her


I can't believe 2016 riot put illaoi out. She feels like a relic of old league of legends except she only came out a couple months ago


I can't believe 2016 riot put illaoi out. She feels like a relic of old league of legends except she only came out a couple months ago

After she was released I probably played like 30 straight games as her. Tbh I think I've only seen her once or twice since then.
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