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League of Legends |OT11| going


i think it's more of her being a frustrating champion to play against that gives the impression of being op
I guess. People hate to lose lane.
i only remember her getting banned on my smurfs
You're lucky then. I had to try to convince people not to ban her in champ select.
game balance folks think she's definitely OP, but will never appear in competitive unless she's utterly broken considering how her kit functions.

I can see it.
I have a hard time accepting her as OP since she's utterly useless in most team fights due to her inherent weaknesses. She just feels really weak later in the game.

She will likely win her lane but unless she really stomps she's likely to have a small impact in the game.

I agree with that she'll probably never be meta in competitive. A one-off random pick or so could happen, but not much more.
riot responded

i keep illaoi and have to save up 6.3k ip for bard

riot pls i want to go on a magical journey

was it an automated response? Reply again and push the issue. if it doesn't work PM me your summoner name and region etc.


damn this is good



I have no idea what metric they would be using to determine that she is op
She's very annoying to lane against if she gets a lead or lands a single pull when you can't all-in her.

Like Blitzcrank, there are ways to dodge it, and you can position properly. BUT, if you ever screw up even once, it can be a massive swing which is not very fun. It's stressful.


Oh my, I dont have any idea what I am seeing

i'd say that's na lcs being a joke but after opposite day on eu lcs i just don't know what to believe anymore..

also it's interesting azir's been showing up so much on lcs lately

i just looked at his champion.gg and he's been climbing the winrates since 6.3 to 49% which is pretty good. and he's gotten just one bugfix patch so it's not like he got massively buffed, seems like he's just getting pretty meta aligned
illaoi is strange.
Easy as hell to fight if you're a ranged champ IMO. Had no problems against her as Trist when I faces her bot lane. But as Poppy I ... just go even in lane. I don't know her CDs so I only go in after I dodge her pull ... but early on I don't have the Burst or CDR to keep on her after their first rotation and either her pull is back up or she starts slapping me at a range I can't dodge.

Poppy is supposed to be a counter to her but I don't see it. Feel like a manaless melee could do well against her cause she burns through mana trying to harass and farm.

I legit think about going ADC top against her but I feel a responsibility to the team to cover a role that we may need (Plus it annoys me to no end when someone takes a mid lane mage or ADC top to counter my Garen. Congrats, you made the first 15 mins of the game an annoying bore for me ... have fun with the L you get cause no one on your team can cover the role you decided to forfeit).

Plus I see a ton of illaoi sups so you can't assume she will be top.


How is reksai in the current Jungle? I rarely saw her

In SoloQ, pretty bad. She doesn't do much damage but has good inherent tankiness, and is much more reliant on counter-jungling and unorthodox gank pathing (along with good team coordination) to snowball lanes.She's like Azir, in that they're probably better in competitive, and that the time it takes to learn the champ might not be worth it when you can learn something easier and still be just as effective.
game balance folks think she's definitely OP, but will never appear in competitive unless she's utterly broken considering how her kit functions.

I can see it.
We've had this discussion before and both Leezard and I called her bad.

Originally Posted by Fallen_Hero
I think she's pretty weak. If you literally walk around in between your spells and autos, she can literally do no damage because her tentacles always miss.

Originally Posted by Leezard

I'm just not seeing it. She has a really low win rate and I've never seen her have a large impact later in the game. Her lane opponent that probably lost lane is typically more relevant than illaoi come mid game. Perhaps it can change if the meta allows some more beneficial team comps.


For the record, I went 18/7/20 that game against her.

How can Riot think she's OP when I'm dunking on Rioters playing her.


this tk was so good. he was all over the place making plays. asked everyone to honor him :)
and finally made it to Silver! :) this was a REALLY tough match. throws galore. I wish I could take a video of the final fight that happened. It was crazy.

edit: the funny thing is I never play adc


Gold Member
gj man.

I kinda want to start to adc too but still waiting for the mage update so I can choose which secondary role I fit it. So far I have been using my top champs to play midlane. Been using mid as secondary cause it makes it easier for me to play my primary role.


my friend just picked ezreal and game gave her cassiopeia

we had to dodge


like we all literally saw the big ass ezreal splash in champ select get locked in but then the small portrait was cassi


my friend just picked ezreal and game gave her cassiopeia

we had to dodge


like we all literally saw the big ass ezreal splash in champ select get locked in but then the small portrait was cassi
That reminds me of the person who tried to buy Bard and was given Illaoi instead.


I think I'm going quit/take a break from league. I just don't enjoy solo q anymore. So many games that I've played are just over by 20 minutes. I just farm lane and I'm done. I feel like I can't do anything playing ADC nowadays. I don't know if I'm just playing really badly or if it's a meta thing but I feel like I have no impact on the outcome of the game whatsoever. I still enjoy dynamic queue, but I've always been more of a solo player. Maybe I'll feel better playing the solo q playlist? I really have no idea. Anyways, my last game. Adios folks, maybe I'll return and change my mind in a week, maybe I'll just be done for good.



People have no idea when to effectively split push.

When their entire team is pushing with baron on one side of the map towards our inhibitor turret, you don't push the opposite lane when we only have one turret down on that side.

fuck tryndameres.


woo I am climbing fast! Probably gonna jinx it now. Went from Silver 1 to Gold 4 now in maybe a week or so. Games are considerably easier when I support but man it gets so boring sometimes.
I think I'm going quit/take a break from league. I just don't enjoy solo q anymore. So many games that I've played are just over by 20 minutes. I just farm lane and I'm done. I feel like I can't do anything playing ADC nowadays. I don't know if I'm just playing really badly or if it's a meta thing but I feel like I have no impact on the outcome of the game whatsoever. I still enjoy dynamic queue, but I've always been more of a solo player. Maybe I'll feel better playing the solo q playlist? I really have no idea. Anyways, my last game. Adios folks, maybe I'll return and change my mind in a week, maybe I'll just be done for good.

I've felt like this lately, it's made me entirely abandon playing matches by myself and only playing dynamic queue with friends.

But even with friends, it feels that it's too easy for matches to end either way at this point. I think if death timers were shortened, the game would be more enjoyable.


Neo Member
Anyone have any tips on telling friends that I don't want to dynamic queue with them? All of my rank losses the past week have happened when I group with a particular group of people and I just feel like we don't play well together but I know them in real life so I feel bad about saying anything.

my friend just picked ezreal and game gave her cassiopeia

we had to dodge


like we all literally saw the big ass ezreal splash in champ select get locked in but then the small portrait was cassi

Similar thing happened to me, I was going Bard and the game switched me to cait.


I've felt like this lately, it's made me entirely abandon playing matches by myself and only playing dynamic queue with friends.

But even with friends, it feels that it's too easy for matches to end either way at this point. I think if death timers were shortened, the game would be more enjoyable.
I think death timers used to be shorter, but Riot made them longer because games were so long.

Even with the new timers I STILL have 45-65 minute games sometimes. I'd hate to see it with longer death timers. Any game that goes over 45 minutes is a nightmare. I wish nearly all games went 20-30 minutes instead.


Anyone have any tips on telling friends that I don't want to dynamic queue with them? All of my rank losses the past week have happened when I group with a particular group of people and I just feel like we don't play well together but I know them in real life so I feel bad about saying anything.

Similar thing happened to me, I was going Bard and the game switched me to cait.

Ha that's funny. Just tell them you feel like doing it yourself or something. More of an accomplishment
Anyone have any tips on telling friends that I don't want to dynamic queue with them? All of my rank losses the past week have happened when I group with a particular group of people and I just feel like we don't play well together but I know them in real life so I feel bad about saying anything.

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