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League of Legends |OT11| going

I think I'm going quit/take a break from league. I just don't enjoy solo q anymore. So many games that I've played are just over by 20 minutes. I just farm lane and I'm done. I feel like I can't do anything playing ADC nowadays. I don't know if I'm just playing really badly or if it's a meta thing but I feel like I have no impact on the outcome of the game whatsoever. I still enjoy dynamic queue, but I've always been more of a solo player. Maybe I'll feel better playing the solo q playlist? I really have no idea. Anyways, my last game. Adios folks, maybe I'll return and change my mind in a week, maybe I'll just be done for good.

As another AD Carry main in a much lower rank, I can say I feel similarly. A lot of times I don't feel like I do as much as I should, and in part I think it is the meta.

Like others have said, maybe a break or something will help and I've taken some short breaks as well, but if it's been your last game, I at least have to thank you for giving me something to try and strive for in my play. I've been trying to follow some of the advice I've seen you post, especially on builds, and it's helped me out (namely my Sivir play; my CSing is much more consistent and higher at 10/20/30 minutes than it used to be with her).



do what

I haven't watched LCS in like a month


This top meta sucks. Every-time I shit on someone in lane and they come back with a Frozen Heart or Iceborn Gauntlet, my soul dies a little inside.

I might just roll up with Poppy and Trundle more often. At least me shitting on them matters.


As another AD Carry main in a much lower rank, I can say I feel similarly. A lot of times I don't feel like I do as much as I should, and in part I think it is the meta.

Like others have said, maybe a break or something will help and I've taken some short breaks as well, but if it's been your last game, I at least have to thank you for giving me something to try and strive for in my play. I've been trying to follow some of the advice I've seen you post, especially on builds, and it's helped me out (namely my Sivir play; my CSing is much more consistent and higher at 10/20/30 minutes than it used to be with her).

That's one of the reasons I like playing ashe so much. She brings utility as well as decent damage. I can't even count the number of times hawk shot has saved the team or a well placed arrow has won a teamfight. There's also many instances of just spamming W to slow pursuers to get an overextended teammate out of a jam.

Unfortunately I lost my second ranked game with her last night but I'm still putting up a fine 75% winrate with her. Brings a little life back to the role.


That's one of the reasons I like playing ashe so much. She brings utility as well as decent damage. I can't even count the number of times hawk shot has saved the team or a well placed arrow has won a teamfight. There's also many instances of just spamming W to slow pursuers to get an overextended teammate out of a jam.

Unfortunately I lost my second ranked game with her last night but I'm still putting up a fine 75% winrate with her. Brings a little life back to the role.

I still think Ashe is the maybe the most underrated ADC in the game. With just a modicum of teamwork, she has great playmaking potential while hitting like a truck.


I still think Ashe is the maybe the most underrated ADC in the game. With just a modicum of teamwork, she has great playmaking potential while hitting like a truck.

I agree 100%. I'm glad she's where she's at right now though. There's no reason for her to be overpowered and her lack of mobility is a huge issue in the current meta. However her playmaking and utility is probably unmatched for an adc and really dominant in the gold elo and lower (to my experience).

I die more with her than say tristana or Lucian but I win more too. And with the right support you can easily win lane against most bot lanes.


I think Ashe is probably the weakest she's been in a long time with shit like Trundle, Poppy and Naut all running around. Don't even get me started on Zed or Alistar. Literally like masochistic to play Ashe right now.

Honestly, I think I preferred the Cinderhulk meta lol.


that's just how league works

current meta always sucks

except after the worlds nerfs cos the meta is nice and settled and the game's mostly balanced

and then they shuffle it back again


I dunno it felt like at this point last season all you really had to worry about where the top lane tp hecarim ganks and you were golden if you watched for that

I'm probably remembering wrong


that's just how league works

current meta always sucks

except after the worlds nerfs cos the meta is nice and settled and the game's mostly balanced

and then they shuffle it back again
No... the game was fine before. The meta picks right now punish lack of mobility so hard. It's so game warping.

The biggest change that needs to happen is that dragon needs to give gold again so botlane can become more impactful than toplane, and blade of the ruined king needs higher % dmg.
I'm enjoying this season more than 5

primarily because i haven't burned myself out as much as I did with 5.

Still annoyed at how fast matches can go though.

season 7 please remove runes and masteries


There isn't a single meta related complaint here that hasn't been around for years now. There's a lot of rose-tinted glasses stuff here.


I often feel nostalgic about seasons 2 and 3. Season 4 was decent. Didn't play at all during season 5.

Season 6 feels like the culmination of everything that started appearing during season 4, and I don't like it. Feels like baby-League.

Oh Madrid's Bloodrazor how I miss thee.


There isn't a single meta related complaint here that hasn't been around for years now. There's a lot of rose-tinted glasses stuff here.

yeah i think it's kind of ridiculous to say the game's specially punishing for low mobility champions when it's been like that for as long as i can remember

also every meta is "hope other lanes don't feed"

that's how this game works

i agree with the idea that dragon is worthless now, that sucks


There isn't a single meta related complaint here that hasn't been around for years now. There's a lot of rose-tinted glasses stuff here.

While there have clearly been op champions, they were easier to deal with and bans were more easily allocated to "I really don't want to play against this because it makes a certain point of the game more difficult"

Now bans are "better ban poppy, fiora, graves, Quinn, nautilus and malphite or our chances of winning go down drastically", leaving no room for the previously mentioned bans.

The state of the game is absolutely terrible right now and a lot of it had to do with whatever riot calls balancing these days. And it's not like these champions are s2 and s3 Kassadin where it'll take a huge rework to fix what's inherently broken about them. That fiora has been able to be like this for so long with inconsequential nerfs that dont even address what her core problem is is ridiculous. Let's not even very into graves, who as soon as he gets a deaths dance with warlords is almost Unkillable. Throw a maw and steraks in and suddenly you have a bruiser with a higher range of a bruiser, a gap close/kite ability that makes you ungodly tanky and gets reset with massive cone damage and its beyond stupid.

And I could go on and on about the other champions I listed as well.


league has historically been fundamentally flawed in how mobility works and how you counter it. it's similar to the bruiser issue, the grand design of league doesn't really have the tools to deal with that stuff and it ends up being a cycle of mobile and immobile champions taking turns being meta

personally i blame lack of good itemization (both in consumibles and big items), lack of neutral and general side objectives and summoners that give u enough adaptability to counter stuff. flash specially makes it so you have a hard counter to mobility but you're also completely helpless without it

right now i just think the current meta picks are pretty obnoxious (naut, lux, quinn, zed, braum, nidalee, shyvanna, etc.) but nothing that a couple nerfs can't solve, dragon should be worth more, specially since it's making competitive really tedious to watch, and personally i kind of hate general midlane meta being kind of "who's the least weak right now" but that'll all be ok with the mage rework, plus the zhonyas vs maw thing is just so frustrating

keystones are now at a point where there's not a particularly egregious one but they haven't made the game any more interesting and the rift herald is ok but hasn't changed the world, no one has ever fought for rift herald and it mostly feels like the opposite consolation prize to dragon (and honestly these days it's more like dragon's the consolation prize to rift herald).

game's just a major balance trainwreck right now, that's what makes it unfun. but problems are kind of the same as they ever were, only more concentrated

edit: yea like neko said adc bruiser itemization is also really stupid right now
Well, then give me an example of something that you feel is wrong with the game that is a new problem.
Yeah sorry i had to go i was about to write out my thoughts.
Ok so i havent been playing for that long, i think it was before right after season 5 starts. So maybe these are recurring things but before this season games havent been this short, and snowbally, so that is 1 thing.




I wish there were playoffs, instead of it just ending.

While there have clearly been op champions, they were easier to deal with and bans were more easily allocated to "I really don't want to play against this because it makes a certain point of the game more difficult"

Now bans are "better ban poppy, fiora, graves, Quinn, nautilus and malphite or our chances of winning go down drastically", leaving no room for the previously mentioned bans.

The state of the game is absolutely terrible right now and a lot of it had to do with whatever riot calls balancing these days. And it's not like these champions are s2 and s3 Kassadin where it'll take a huge rework to fix what's inherently broken about them. That fiora has been able to be like this for so long with inconsequential nerfs that dont even address what her core problem is is ridiculous. Let's not even very into graves, who as soon as he gets a deaths dance with warlords is almost Unkillable. Throw a maw and steraks in and suddenly you have a bruiser with a higher range of a bruiser, a gap close/kite ability that makes you ungodly tanky and gets reset with massive cone damage and its beyond stupid.

And I could go on and on about the other champions I listed as well.

I can't agree with mych of this. Off the top of my head I could immediately think of a well over dozen instances throughout the years of must-ban champions who broke the game. Bans being used to take out the problem cases as opposed to bans used tactically to remove counter picks, team comps, etc. has been the norm.

I agree with the sentiment that Riot balancing is mostly poor, but again this goes back my point that this is nothing new. People have been complaining about Riot reacting too slowly for years. I also agree with the sentiment that bans should be tactical and not just to remove the broken/OP shit from a match, but that's never really been the reality of bans in this game
that's because the bans aren't set up to be tactical. they're all stacked in the first phase of hte game and instead of responding to a forming team composition, you're essentially forced to just ban out whatever's good. Not only that, you don't have enough bans to get rid of all of the stuff that's far too powerful right now without leaving something up that's stupid strong.


Yeah sorry i had to go i was about to write out my thoughts.
Ok so i havent been playing for that long, i think it was before right after season 5 starts. So maybe these are recurring things but before this season games havent been this short, and snowbally, so that is 1 thing.

Common complaint in Season 2 was that game snowballed too hard. That could have extended well into Season 3 as well. My memory is foggy as to when Riot started doing stuff like reducing early kill gold and such. In fact, the reason dragon is so poor (true even before the change from gold to passives) is because the relation between first dragon and winning was really strong.
I believe they started making changes to game length pretty late into s3, might be wrong though, s3's progression is pretty much s blur to me now.


My assessment is that generally the power level this year is just higher all around, mostly as a consequence of masteries. Somebody posted about Xin being able to solo baron early, but, like, I think that's a telling example because Xin is by no means a standout in terms of power right now. He's pretty good, but he's not in pro or tearing up solo q. Being able to solo baron is just a thing that's within the limits for an otherwise okay champion to be able to do.

Having the power level be super high has some unusual consequences. I think this is part of what's creating the idea that there are too many OP champs to ban -- there are just a ton of really strong champs because everything is so strong in different ways. The things that are a little bit frustrating but you used to be able to play around are just harder to play around this year because the power level is so different. That's a frustrating experience.

I generally really like the closeout changes -- I like that games where you are screwed mostly end right away, I like that games where you're stomping can also just end right away, and I like that in Silver land, if your opponent doesn't know how to close it out, you have a strong comeback potential just by not fucking up. Those all seem like good things to me.

I agree with zky/neko that if there's a major design problem right now it's with the "juggernaut" items being too good on everybody other than juggernauts. They seem to be having the effect of giving non-juggernauts the tankiness and damage of juggernauts, which is not good at all, especially because it then makes it stupid to play juggernauts again and the whole point of identifying and itemizing for juggernauts was to give them a place to be in the game.


No... the game was fine before. The meta picks right now punish lack of mobility so hard. It's so game warping.

The biggest change that needs to happen is that dragon needs to give gold again so botlane can become more impactful than toplane, and blade of the ruined king needs higher % dmg.

I can't say I agree. Poppy is a huge part of the meta and punishes mobility. Jhin and Sivir are the flavors of the month for adcs, and they both have low mobility.

I can't say that the bot meta is particularly good right now, though my issue is mainly with tanky supports that are not punished enough for playing passive since the Relic shield heal combined with the new mastery (+20 health for a last hit every 30 seconds) is too much. The tanky supports just play passive and seldom engage. Nerf the heals so that tanky supports are properly punished if they play passively do not engage, and the more aggressive pokey supports can get back into meta.

Bot lane would become more fun with that change. The Alistar/Braum yawnfest needs to end, and bringing aggressive supports back means Janna will get weaker. Tanky supports being too strong means that 20 minutes of farm will happen; playing passive is not punished.


i wish Nami would get reworked into a mid mage. there aren't enough magic champions that can waterboard you to death in mid.

The only thing keeping her out of mid lane is her total lack of waveclear really, if she got that she would probably need to be nerfed to the ground like Lulu. I don't want that.
talking about metas I hate the flash meta and riots insistence on not giving it a dedicated button

why does everyone flash

all day
every day
every match


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Late game Jhin is pretty mobile with his passive. He can also operate well outside the range of danger. I don't really know that mobility is a make or break point for ADCs. It certainly doesn't help Tristana. Utility is probably king still.


talking about metas I hate the flash meta and riots insistence on not giving it a dedicated button

why does everyone flash

all day
every day
every match
That wouldn't solve anything and only be a nerf to champs that don't want flash though. Two summoner spells + flash would be ridiculous too.


That wouldn't solve anything and only be a nerf to champs that don't want flash though. Two summoner spells + flash would be ridiculous too.

I'm not sure I agree. Yeah, it's a slight buff/nerf to like, Olaf and Udyr, but I think it's kind of dumb design to make an ability optional in the expectation that everybody in the game will take it except for two dudes.

It might be interesting to see what the game looks like going the other way and just taking Flash away. Although I think the answer might be "even more frustrating."
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