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League of Legends |OT11| going


Gold Member
man my friend is taking his third straight account to plat playing only singed

we were just getting rekt by a support karma last game and dude was pulling like 4 people and making it out alive and we won the game off that

makes me think singed is super op lol

Nah.. it just means your friend is super good at singed. That also probably means he's a one trick pony if singed is all he ever plays.


Gold Member
Hey why isnt it league of if 5 tanks were so unstoppable why isnt competitive full of 5 tank teams

There's a few reasons a guess. The ones on the top of my head are wave clear, kiting, dueling and split pushing.

Having an all tank team means you will lose out on one or more of these which is kinda crucial in the game.
the competitive meta has been stagnant for a while because there's never going to be a variation of the safe 3v1 tower take so long as there's no drastic metashift away from farming for 15 minutes and then fighting. adcs exist literally as tower pushers which is why fast pushers with strong early mid games like sivir kalista and lucian dominate competitive. not having one for the 3v0 laneswap means you cant take towers as fast since youre rarely going to build aspeed items on tanks.

oh yeah and zzrot portal is awful design. givin people a buyable np ability in a game where tp is a 270 second cd is stupid. banner is ehh but the rot just plain sucks for gameplay.


Nah.. it just means your friend is super good at singed. That also probably means he's a one trick pony if singed is all he ever plays.
he goes from champion to champion in that way, before singed it was udyr

and yeah he's pretty great at that

sadly next game of the evening we got rekt by a back to s3 riven+fizz combo and all his proxying couldn't help


sealed with a kiss
is there any way to report stuff like this?



What champ doesn't want flash


if you don't take flash you're hindering yourself on purpose

more mobility is always a good thing

So making flash just a basic tool for everyone isn't really a nerf for champs who don't want flash, because now they have flash on top of 2 summoner spells

how is that a nerf, having an extra mobility option

the fuck
Getting 2 summoner spells in addition to flash would probably break the balance of the game. You'd see a lot of cheesy stuff or you would need to nerf summoner spells by a lot.

I think the best example is Shyvana; Shyvana has a meaningful choice of going Smite + Exhaust or Smite + Flash, where both choices are viable but give different strengths and weaknesses.

Other champs like Udyr, Hecarim, Shaco, Singed, Yi, Fizz do not always pick flash. For some it's just a straight replacement with Ghost, for others it's more of a tradeoff. I'm sure these champs could be rebalanced a forced Flash.

I'm not that opposed to getting Flash as a basic ability, but you would have to limit players to one summoner spell besides Flash, and I think that would needlessly reduce what little choice exists.
Won one lost one. Didn't really enjoy either of games. I don't think low mobility champions are really playable unless you're like duo with some peel support that's just gonna sit on your ass all day keeping you safe.

Most popular support is Thresh though, so that's not happening lol.

You have the wrong idea btw Leezard, neither Sivir nor Jhin are low mobility champions, Sivir especially isn't. When I talk about low mobility champions I'm talking about stuff like MF and Ashe. Sivir and Jhin both get a lot of free movement speed.

Ashe is among the lowest mobility champions in the game with zero mobility related abilities, sure. I can't really agree on MF, she has surprisingly good movespeed. Ashe still has a really high winrate in solo queue, though her effectiveness seems to be mainly as a counter pick. She's far from unplayable.

I think you're a bit too scared of Thresh though, a little bit of positioning and prediction play goes a long way. Of course you will need to rely a bit on your support; you're getting caught by the enemy support after all. Alistar/Braum/Janna/Morgana are all good at peeling away a Thresh, and three of those are what constitutes the bot lane meta right now (along with Thresh).
I've got a question guys, I have two personal friends whom I know in real life (really just one actually but the other person is his girlfriend). They play bot lane where he supports her and she adcs. After playing a few games with him, I notice he would say things like "Stop ks'ing her" and in my mind I think I'm going crazy. It doesn't matter if a team fight occured, he would tell the team to stop ks'ing her. Bot lane collectively lost their lane and I'm Quinn top .. like 15/2, after game, tells me I ks'ed too much and I'm like "excuse me for doing my job??" This "ks'ing" sentiment isn't only directed to me. When she gets a kill, he really hams her up while in my mind it was nothing really special but uh .. I guess that's what couples are for? lol.

Is it really that serious that someone else than his precious adc got the kill? Cause these past few games I noticed he would only say that if someone/anyone else got the kill. I had to call them out on it a few days ago where I told them, you should really try to change that idea you have and stop playing blind pick and even just play normal draft or ranked then try to say that to actual / random people.

I don't know, I don't anyone personally takes the time out of their day to KS his girlfriend but scuse me if AP Lucian can do enough work and secure kills to do further work on the lane they also fed >.< .


Ashe is the only immobile adc then
I've got a question guys, I have two personal friends whom I know in real life (really just one actually but the other person is his girlfriend). They play bot lane where he supports her and she adcs. After playing a few games with him, I notice he would say things like "Stop ks'ing her" and in my mind I think I'm going crazy. It doesn't matter if a team fight occured, he would tell the team to stop ks'ing her. Bot lane collectively lost their lane and I'm Quinn top .. like 15/2, after game, tells me I ks'ed too much and I'm like "excuse me for doing my job??"

Is it really that serious that someone else than his precious adc got the kill? Cause these past few games I noticed he would only say that if someone/anyone else got the kill. I had to call them out on it a few days ago where I told them, you should really try to change that idea you have and stop playing blind pick and even just play normal draft or ranked then try to say that to actual / random people.

I don't know, I don't anyone personally takes the time out of their day to KS his girlfriend but scuse me if AP Lucian can do enough work and secure kills to do further work on the lane they also fed >.< .
They don't know how to play the game

Also, playing as the odd wheel to the gaming couple is hell dude


Oh no, I'm not afraid of Thresh on the enemy team. I really dislike having to play with Thresh. Mostly because Thresh is unique in that he's one of the few high mechanical skill requiring supports. He's not like Janna or Soraka where you can win lane by spamming E and W.


Oh no, I'm not afraid of Thresh on the enemy team. I really dislike having to play with Thresh. Mostly because Thresh is unique in that he's one of the few high mechanical skill requiring supports. He's not like Janna or Soraka where you can win lane by spamming E and W.

So he's your support version of Yasuo, I see. I know you have your ways of dealing with Yasuo.

edit: considering the current passive tanky support meta in bot lane even a bad Thresh is probably not punished in most games. Team fights are another thing though.
Oh no, I'm not afraid of Thresh on the enemy team. I really dislike having to play with Thresh. Mostly because Thresh is unique in that he's one of the few high mechanical skill requiring supports. He's not like Janna or Soraka where you can win lane by spamming E and W.

At least Soraka spams Q now :).

Anyway yea, the sentiment I was trying to relay to them was that you can't expect the 3 other players to babysit the both of you, particularly her. It's something you have to learn playing this game. Yea, you're in bot lane but it is still a team game. I noticed this as early as my first game with them where I was jungling shaco or elise and they told me the same thing cause I got a kill and I'm like ...


i played one game with noot and he said my thresh was good

but i think their bot lane was just bad

also man i kind of wish my ranked 5s team had the will to discuss strategy during loading screen. i feel like i finish every game feeling like we had no plan going in and just bruteforced it


i played one game with noot and he said my thresh was good

but i think their bot lane was just bad

also man i kind of wish my ranked 5s team had the will to discuss strategy during loading screen. i feel like i finish every game feeling like we had no plan going in and just bruteforced it
No battle plan survives contact with enemy forces!


that's super real

and it looks awesome, i knew it was gonna be transformers inspired when i saw the all spark thingie in the teasers

my favorite out of the bunch for sure


Ugh really? The fat transformer look is terrible imo but I seem to be the only one that doesnt like it

I'll reserve judgment til I get a real look at it i guess though because I like it in concept but I really think the model is awful


It's OK though they'll have a really hard time out doing the base VO so it would probably have taken a lot for me to buy this one


Lol. Bumblebee sion.

I don't look forward to the influx of sions after this skin.

Khazix skin confirmed terrible. Hardly any uptick in play rate. Don't make the cool alien bug a pastel purple flower.


Who would you recommend for a tanks support? I play a lot of support and want a tank option in case my team needs one. Thinking Alistar or Braum right now...


Who would you recommend for a tanks support? I play a lot of support and want a tank option in case my team needs one. Thinking Alistar or Braum right now...

Alistar and Braum are the currently popular tanky supports.

Braum is a bit more fun to play IMO, but Alistar is cheap and effective.
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