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League of Legends |OT11| going


Played jhin for the first time last night. I can see the appeal. He's pretty fun. I think his W is really damn strong though. Stuns on an auto from anyone, huge huge range and passes through minions. It's like jinx W on steroids.

In fact in a lot of ways he's like an upgraded jinx. Only missing the aoe rockets.

He doesn't have the mana issues someone like Lucian does so can get away with an IE rush. Strong at pretty much all points in the game.

His only drawback that I can find is the reloading and the ult isn't an immediate combat one. Takes some planning.

I can really understand his recent popularity.


Hmm I'll probably go Alistar since he is IP cheap. I do own Poppy, how's she work as support? Just tank hits and try to wall slam when I can?

I have been playing support under the impression that supports should never get CS, basically, but then I see that some supports should get some, to be viable... Is Poppy one of those?


Played jhin for the first time last night. I can see the appeal. He's pretty fun. I think his W is really damn strong though. Stuns on an auto from anyone, huge huge range and passes through minions. It's like jinx W on steroids.

In fact in a lot of ways he's like an upgraded jinx. Only missing the aoe rockets.

He doesn't have the mana issues someone like Lucian does so can get away with an IE rush. Strong at pretty much all points in the game.

His only drawback that I can find is the reloading and the ult isn't an immediate combat one. Takes some planning.

I can really understand his recent popularity.

He's definitely my favorite champion at the moment. The qol buffs helped him a lot because he was a little rough on release.


Hmm I'll probably go Alistar since he is IP cheap. I do own Poppy, how's she work as support? Just tank hits and try to wall slam when I can?

I have been playing support under the impression that supports should never get CS, basically, but then I see that some supports should get some, to be viable... Is Poppy one of those?

you get alistar for free if you like their... something youtube?
Hard, with a little bit of effort the gator in this image could be your new avatar:


Tell me that doesn't tempt you.


I've got a question guys, I have two personal friends whom I know in real life (really just one actually but the other person is his girlfriend). They play bot lane where he supports her and she adcs. After playing a few games with him, I notice he would say things like "Stop ks'ing her" and in my mind I think I'm going crazy. It doesn't matter if a team fight occured, he would tell the team to stop ks'ing her. Bot lane collectively lost their lane and I'm Quinn top .. like 15/2, after game, tells me I ks'ed too much and I'm like "excuse me for doing my job??" This "ks'ing" sentiment isn't only directed to me. When she gets a kill, he really hams her up while in my mind it was nothing really special but uh .. I guess that's what couples are for? lol.

Is it really that serious that someone else than his precious adc got the kill? Cause these past few games I noticed he would only say that if someone/anyone else got the kill. I had to call them out on it a few days ago where I told them, you should really try to change that idea you have and stop playing blind pick and even just play normal draft or ranked then try to say that to actual / random people.

I don't know, I don't anyone personally takes the time out of their day to KS his girlfriend but scuse me if AP Lucian can do enough work and secure kills to do further work on the lane they also fed >.< .

They are involving you in their weird fetish life. Watch out.



looks awesome to me

I love this skin. Every other mecha skin looks like complete ass to me with the orange honeycomb decorations and the general blue-steel main colour, but this skin with the focus on orange and the blue lighting looks amazing.


Played a Hecarim last night and the change to his E feels great. Ult-E knockback range is huge. Still has the same problem where his early clears are bad because he's such a mana hog. Problem goes away once he gets a pair of longswords for the warrior enchant. Come mid-game he his usual self.

Followed that up with a Poppy game that I need to review in a replay before the new patch hits. We won, and I played well enough, but my farm was low and I started falling behind in levels and being too tired at the time I couldn't pinpoint why. First Poppy game where I felt I was getting good mileage out of my W though. Managed to catch Kindred and Fiora in it muliple times when they attempted to dive my carries.
Hmm I'll probably go Alistar since he is IP cheap. I do own Poppy, how's she work as support? Just tank hits and try to wall slam when I can?

I have been playing support under the impression that supports should never get CS, basically, but then I see that some supports should get some, to be viable... Is Poppy one of those?

You can get Alistar free I think, along with a special skin if you Google it.

I sometimes use Poppy as a support but depends on the enemy team comp usually. Try and use positioning to hit enemies into terrain for the stuns and use W to stop characters with gap closers to protect your ADC. Stops characters like Lee Sin, Lucian, Fiora, Vayne, Alistar, Leona etc. Her ult is also good to get people off your carries if you charge it a little and have a good aim. I sometimes use it at the start of a team fight to take threats out of the fight so we have an advantage. Also can be used to steal dragons if you and your team can swoop in after.


Riot has said Cass is getting a brand new form of cc and it's got me thinking it might be like a cripple in Smite, meaning it prevents your opponent from using dashes and blinks. I'm not sure it fits her kit but outside of making her petrify a Mario party mini game where you have to click as fast as you can to unfreeze yourself I'm not sure what it would be and riot seems to want to tone down mobility lately


Tragic victim of fan death
only if you play it out. and even then, I think Rito does more about abusive chat people then they do with feeders

Yup. I can attest to this. I played one game with the most abusive player I've ever played with. Said a ton of obscenities, racial slurs, and more. I moved on from that game to the next game immediately and during champ select I got a notice saying the tribunal banned that player's sorry ass.


Kinda weird that we have a silence but not any kind of "you can't auto attack" CC.

Riot kinda really hates silence though. Mostly on assassins which is why all of them lost their silences but I think just in general they don't like it.

Wait yeah Zky is right blind is that nvm
there's blind which is essentially the same thing


ethereal isn't cc

disarm is just a blind
blind is an interaction with hit percentage and it's reduction, which can be avoided with items that guarantee 100% hit chance such as Monkey King Bar. Disarm must be purged if you want to get around it.


Amumu ult is a "you can't auto attack" CC along with a root.
i was gonna mention amumu ult but i always felt like that's a bug they don't bother fixing turned into "special cc" rather than anything else

just salty because league has no definitive item counters to dumb shit like tryndamere :^)

just play teemo

also gotta love that doto has a hit percentage stat, they have to have a random element to every mechanic in the game, don't they

i'm surprised you don't get random stats when leveling up like a jrpg


i was gonna mention amumu ult but i always felt like that's a bug they don't bother fixing turned into "special cc" rather than anything else
What, no, back in the day you could attack while in it. It used to only root.

v1.0.0.100 - 2010-09-08

Bandage Toss can no longer be cast while rooted.
Curse of the Sad Mummy corrected to state that enemies are rooted and cannot attack or move
Cursed Touch Magic Resistance reduction reduced to 15/25/35 from 20/30/40


Gold Member
black king bar would be an adc's dream or basically anybody who is bursted or suffers the most on cc if it ever crosses to league.


dont worry man there's counterplay

its called buying items.
well they got us there for sure

What, no, back in the day you could attack while in it. It used to only root.

what i mean is, it's just an arbitrary thing for amumu to have, kind of like ahri's charm stopping dashes for no particular reason

like being unable to auto but still able to cast spells is super random, there's no thematic element to it, it just feels like they forgot about it

why not just make it a stun

preparing for meltdown...
is this a classic rito talks random indescifrable teaser thing?
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