Damn. Was starting to play rammus top.
I like the Udyr nerfs. They make sense. The hp regen might be a bit too much though.
Monkey stance nerfs are fine. You just never give blues now and you no longer have any leeway in what you want to buy as a second item (Can't buy health anymore, need to rush a glacial or sheen to keep up stacks).
But what the fuck at the rammus nerfs. He's very strong but he's situational as hell. If you go full AD or first pick a snowbally top laner, you should be punished. These nerfs are coming out of nowhere.
Unless your very specific problem is that you get trolled by four-man premades all the time, solo queue would not solve any of your issues with dynamic queue.
Rammus's win rate in top lane is second for all top laners.
And it's DOWN from previous patches! It used to be 56%!
The deal with Rammus has never been that he wasn't strong -- he's always been pretty strong -- it's that this is the first time he's actually been popular in a long time. This was kind of inevitable for him.
"99% of your games are against similarly queued teams, you're not losing because the enemy has an advantage you're losing because you suck"
What's people issue with Dynamic queue?
1. Solo queue will be much more competitive becaue of point 2.
2. With dynamic, you can't tell who played with others to get to their current rank. I don't want to play with players who got to their rank by playing with 3 or 4 other people because the majority of time at a higher elo they will be worse than the people who played solo all the way up. I know from other games this to be true.
3. There won't be random pairings of people all over the place, e.g. 1 solo 4 premades which will happen quite a lot I'd guess. Or me who is solo queued versus a Mid/Jungle duo.
Point number two should be explained the same way you explain to a Bronze player that elo hell doesn't exist. Statistically more likely that the boosted player is on the enemy team than yours yada yada
Did you really expect anything from Lyte in the first place lol.
Point number two should be explained the same way you explain to a Bronze player that elo hell doesn't exist. Statistically more likely that the boosted player is on the enemy team than yours yada yada
Everyone puts mid secondary because you have a higher chance to get your primary role if you do.
This leads to longer queue times for everyone since noone is filling the other roles. I'm a jungle main who supports pretty damn well but the moment I put support as my secondary, I will most likely get it. So I'm forced to put jungle/mid or jungle/top just so I can play the role I want to play instead of playing support 80% of the time.
It also places people who don't know how to mid into mid.
That probably hasn't been commented on that much but I've noticed that Mid is just a shit show now. You have people who don't play mid or know anything about the role against mid mains for more than 50% of games.
Mid has the most control over the map so games just lead to stomps and early surrenders if mid gets stomped and lose an early tower.
You want to know why you're getting 4 manned top or bot or you lose 2 drags before 20minutes? It's your mid's fault 90% of the time.
spotted the redditor
the zven tweet is worthless cos it's 2 months old
Seems like a strange thing to be upset about when NA solo queue was already a joke and didn't offer very high level play. Partly because of players like these.
15 mins? It's nowhere near that for me. Mine is at most 8 mins in d5. What are your primary and secondary roles? It may have something to do with that.
What division are you in?
What division are you in?
Well unranked atm but last season I got to diamond 5 from plat 3 in like 1 day at the end of the season. Pretty sure I can get higher fairly easily if I actually played ranked.
What division are you in?
You haven't even played ranked and you're complaining.
i cant
Yeah I haven't played because I really cba with the dynamic queue bullshit.
this is on EUW, mid and adc
Can't be assed to queue up like normal and get even teams 98.6% of the time?
.1. Solo queue will be much more competitive becaue of point 2.
2. With dynamic, you can't tell who played with others to get to their current rank. I don't want to play with players who got to their rank by playing with 3 or 4 other people because the majority of time at a higher elo they will be worse than the people who played solo all the way up. I know from other games this to be true.
3. There won't be random pairings of people all over the place, e.g. 1 solo 4 premades which will happen quite a lot I'd guess. Or me who is solo queued versus a Mid/Jungle duo.
Your second point makes no sense because there's statistically a better chance that the enemy team has one of those people than that person being on your team, since you take up one "slot".
Your third point has already been completely disputed, and uh, duo queue has been in the game since ever.
I wouldn't want the boosted player on the enemy team either. I don't play ranked for free wins, I play it for the competition.