Riot please.
Is that a thing? I don't want something that's taking my credit card info to ever not ask me for my CVV lol.
Riot please.
yasuo losing to an alistar top
wtf dude
Is that a thing? I don't want something that's taking my credit card info to ever not ask me for my CVV lol.
Depends on whether you want to be hated by 5 people or 9 people
To me vayne is more fun, but ez is probably better than vayne right now.Should I buy Ezreal or Vayne? They both look like a lot of fun, with a good learning curve.
When is AS being released?
To me vayne is more fun, but ez is probably better than vayne right now.
I just perfect the feeling of Qing around fights and 1v1 people. Also her passive is super nice for chasing people down. I havent really liked ez when i played him.Any particular reason why?
Probably won't ever take them into ranked anyway. MF is probably the only adc I feel comfortable with.
I just perfect the feeling of Qing around fights and 1v1 people. Also her passive is super nice for chasing people down. I havent really liked ez when i played him.
Ok well i dont know exactly if he is better because i dont play adc, but ez was one of the better adc recently but maybe after all of the nerfs he is worst than vayne now.I mean why Ezreal is better right now?
yasuo losing to an alistar top
wtf dude
I mean why Ezreal is better right now?
Thanks that a much better explanation than i gave. I dont play much adc so im not super in the meta bot lane.His ridiculous poke and kiting ability. Once Ez finishes IBG, he becomes sooooo hard to kill because of his Arcane shift along with the IBG slow and armor. Muramana ups the damage on his attacks, combined with the IBG mana, means he can spam out Q's and W's for days, whittling his opponent's health down while simultaneously slowing them so the rest of the team can unload.
Vayne can literally 1v5 if in the right hands, but she has to get in your face to do her damage, and that leaves her prone to getting caught and bursted.
Ok well i dont know exactly if he is better because i dont play adc, but ez was one of the better adc recently but maybe after all of the nerfs he is worst than vayne now.
The reason vayne was not that good was because the adc item rework didnt really favor her. The only time it did was when rapid and static stacked and that made her good.
His ridiculous poke and kiting ability. Once Ez finishes IBG, he becomes sooooo hard to kill because of his Arcane shift along with the IBG slow and armor. Muramana ups the damage on his attacks, combined with the IBG mana, means he can spam out Q's and W's for days, whittling his opponent's health down while simultaneously slowing them so the rest of the team can unload.
Vayne can literally 1v5 if in the right hands, but she has to get in your face to do her damage, and that leaves her prone to getting caught and bursted.
I mean why Ezreal is better right now?
It would be ok if she the push distance is the same, but yeah I didn't see that nerf originally. That hurts jungle poppy quite a lot.
I'm not even sure what should be nerfed in Nautilus. The shield strength isn't that crazy considering the CD. Hook CD and damage are alright. His base stats are
kinda bad. E could be trimmed more. I suppose reducing the duration of his passive root would be good, but I'm not sure that affects top Naut all that much. Nerfing the passive damage would hurt top Naut but do nothing to support Naut.
My preference would be to change his ult slightly so that landing it takes a bit of skill. Maybe Naut needs to detonate it manually with a slight delay. Or change it wholesale into a skillshot of sorts and give players a chance to get out of it.
I think you're forgetting that Naut has a tonne of damage on his AAs, unlike Maokai. Damage statistics over the entire game on champion.gg aren't going to tell you the full story. There's a reason why Naut has a significantly better winrate than Mao despite them filling similar roles. Mao has poke with his sapling thing, which is naturally going to boost his damage stat.
GAF isn't really inactive on NA. I've seen lots of people from bronze to gold playing ranked with each other. You're only going to have problems starting at Plat.It's not meant to be condescending, if you didn't have issues with ranked before you're unlikely to have issues now. You'll get with a 4-man premade once every 20 games or so.
You have the option to play with more people, but you don't have to. It's fine.
With clubs it's easier than ever to get into a group of people with similar ranks who want to play if you want to find new people. I know GAF is inactive, especially EUWGAF. On a sidenote, we're more people than I expected in the gaf club in EUW.
Yeah, agree a lot of the problems aren't just with the tanks, it's with mages and the reworked ADCs.Naut's AA is probably more important as a farming tool than it is damage to champions. Even at level 18 it's something like an extra 110 damage before reductions on decently long CD for that sort of passive. Over the duration of a fight, Maokai's higher AA base damage and attack speed evens things out. It's certainly not a ton of damage.
Naut's ult can deal damage more easily than Maokai's and sapling damage is heavily backloaded to the explosion which at range is pretty easy to dodge.
Point I'm making here is that you could dive into the minutae of how each deals their damage and you'll end up concluding what the numbers we have seem to imply: one isn't massively outdoing the other on total damage, and both mostly go about dealing damage In largely the same way, a bit of sustain and a bit of burst.
Nautilus being better than Maokai right now is better explained by two factors.
First, Maokai having had his mini-rework about 6-9 months before Nautilus' has been subject to more nerfs. Since patch 5.5 Nautilus has gotten two nerfs. Maokai essentially got trimmed throughout season 5.
Second, the current picks favour Nautilus more. Even though the kits are similar, the main differentiator is that Nautilus is substantially better at pick & lockdown while Maokai is better at defending, particularly against AoE by virtue of his ult. A meta featuring more ADCs than usual (in up to four locations now) and a higher frequency of assassins in the mid lane, more soft targets basically, is going to favour Nautilus' pick & pop play pattern. To confirm, who's the other big dog top lane tank? Poppy - who can also pick & lockdown with relative ease. Under the radar top tanks with high win rates? Sion, who , though his pick potential is bad, can engage and lock down for something like up to 4s when landing a good ult. If you take a look at the win rates of all top lane champions you'll see a general trend where champions who can lock down a target or two for an extended duration are doing quite better than those who can't.
The return of sunfire cape, cheap IBG, etc. contribute as well but as Quinn, Graves, and Kindred are tuned down that'll have a effect of reducing the effectiveness of "pick" tanks since those non-bot ADCs are likely to be replaced by other tanks and bruisers top and jungle.
An extra body to absorb hooks, unstoppable forces, wall slams, etc. can go a long way.
I suspect that if the Mage rework is successful and we start seeing more control, range, and AoE out of the midlane Maokai's numbers will tick up.
And this isn't to say that Nautilus isn't OP. He clearly is. But there's more to this than just the numbers in his kit. Defensive items as a whole are too strong right now. I get the reason why. When players are behind in lane Riot wants them to be able to dip into cheap defenses to stop the bleeding. Which is fine for the low and mid tier defensive items but the big ticket items are too cheap.
You can't play Ez without Eing forward. Some people don't understand that.I think I'd rather support a Vayne right now than an Ezreal. Maybe its just the nature of the blue build, but lots of Ezreal's are content with sitting back farming and stacking all lane phase.
It's basically what they can do until Manamune is done unless they know how to take risks which 99% of Ez players don't lolI think I'd rather support a Vayne right now than an Ezreal. Maybe its just the nature of the blue build, but lots of Ezreal's are content with sitting back farming and stacking all lane phase.
Ez has pretty good base damage. People are just too scared yo.It's basically what they can do until Manamune is done lol
The prodigal idiot returneth. I need a loyalty card, every 5 bans you get a get ouf of jail free card.
So what did I miss besides Newt beating Regi's retirement period record and the whole solo Q merdestorm
You can't play Ez without Eing forward. Some people don't understand that.
Not sure why FF Trist cost as much as DT Trist ...
I'm so down you may call me skill floorBTW guys, inhouse tomorrow. Hopefully Good Friday will be the day I get over the hate of this meta :^).
If I see Naut or Poppy against me, I'm tryharding
Because FF Trist is from a time where legendary skins were barely any different from normal skins, but since people paid for that garbage they can't just reduce the price and piss those fools off.Not sure why FF Trist cost as much as DT Trist ...
The prodigal idiot returneth. I need a loyalty card, every 5 bans you get a get ouf of jail free card.
So what did I miss besides Newt beating Regi's retirement period record and the whole solo Q merdestorm
I was kind of not that happy about getting blacksmith poppy out of the masquerade event, but this makes up for that and then some. Go go gadget copter!
So I logged back into the game after since the hextech update has finally gone live in LAS, and out of my one free chest I get...
I was kind of not that happy about getting blacksmith poppy out of the masquerade event, but this makes up for that and then some. Go go gadget copter!
are you fucking kidding me
* Why? Yasuo got what he deserved
lol @ Mundo's build. omg what a foo