Ghost is Bad
i thought they nerfed nid
why am i still full clearing at 3:30
why am i still full clearing at 3:30
I just encountered the strangest kind of rage after my most recent game.
The entire game, my team was going on a rampage, but the enemy ADC kept going postal in all chat over the fact that our ADC (my friend who hasn't played in 3-4 months) wasted his ban on Cait since he ended up taking Sivir. The other ADC kept on stressing that Sivir counters Cait, we could have banned a more important champion, and that our strategy would have been better.....even though the score was like 17-3 in our favor. Dude kept calling us trash, and it was so weird.
The guy even started to say stuff like "Anyone can play Azir" just because our Azir was breaking their ankles while shredding them in the process.
i thought they nerfed nid
why am i still full clearing at 3:30
i thought they nerfed nid
why am i still full clearing at 3:30
both still clear the samekrug or gromp start?
i thought they nerfed nid
why am i still full clearing at 3:30
Why is that.Alright, I'm no longer playing ranked solo. Never again.
Why is that.
do i need to write an obituary for nihontiger too
I have a great game and then I get stuck with people who really don't know what they're doing
And just the toxic attitudes are weighing me down and making me snap at people. There's far more of them in ranked than normals in my experience.
I earned 11 in a month I think, so that would explain why I haven't gotten more.Hmm the system is normalised to 12 fragments a month
You've earned 8 in 1 week so your current pacing is too high for the system probably
ghost on bnetWhat's a ghost obituary look like
Someone like Maokai is a good example of what a tank should be like. Maokai takes a while to kill someone, but you can't just ignore him.
I think you're forgetting that Naut has a tonne of damage on his AAs, unlike Maokai. Damage statistics over the entire game on aren't going to tell you the full story. There's a reason why Naut has a significantly better winrate than Mao despite them filling similar roles. Mao has poke with his sapling thing, which is naturally going to boost his damage stat.I don't want to blow your bubble but Maokai's damage potential is about the same as Naut's. Just doing some quick calcs and checking data on shows this. Both have upfront burst and sustained damage as well. If Maokai was a staple top lane pick you'd be complaining about him too.
Played a Sejuani and Kindred game today. Sejuani game was stomp for the W but Kindred was a drawn out loss. 3rd Kindred game and feeling better at her, but nowhere's near competent. Had a few situations where I should have had kills but I wasn't aggressive again. Even though I'm improving, and certainly making my own mistakes, I'm having awful luck with teammates, both players and some really odd comps. In this game I had a dumbass proxy Singed and a bot lane than gave up a pair of kills before I even cleared three camps. Bot lane wouldn't stop pushing even when behind which let mid/jungle collapse on a few occasions and Singed wouldn't stop splitpushing, which is normally fine on Singed, but they had a ton of engage against our otherwise squishy team.
Went Devourer->Runaan's and naturally because I hate Devourer I did a really shit job of stacking it.
Yeah idk what was up with thatIt's really nice that they're tuning down poppy's E range. It felt a lot longer than pre rework poppy.
.i like it cos her pants are straight out like falling off her butt
Living up to your tag~i like it cos her pants are straight out like falling off her butt
Imho essence reaver isnt worth it on mf early onMF is so stupid at low elo
solo q not coming back makes sense. its a team game, riot wants you to play with friends, get your friends to play league, more $ for riot.
What if I don't have friends who play this game?
What if I have friends who play but not regularly?
Could u elaborate why pls?Build ER on MF always.
What if I don't have friends who play this game?
What if I have friends who play but not regularly?
Tell me ur build i must try itLmao. This Full AP Maokai really is too fun. I just went 22/13/18 on the last matched that I had. At one point I had 5 saplings in a bush, and baited this Nocturne/Bard, which ended up killing them both as soon as they got close.
Once I had full build, I was doing 1440+ from a sapling. Fun times.
Join a club with other people that want to play, or just keep playing dyn queue alone.
What if I don't have friends who play this game?
What if I have friends who play but not regularly?
Best get used to playing with 4 mans...
Once every 25 games.
Real though in like 150+ games this season I have never once noticed a difference that I could attribute to the enemy team being queued together. It's a complete non issue imo
you coudlve been the 1 with 2 duo queues before and i didnt see you complain
Im a solo player and i dont see the difference tbh
So what you are saying is deal with it.
Very condescending.
Even the most dedicated GAffers in the club don't play regularly.
Tell me ur build i must try it
It's not meant to be condescending, if you didn't have issues with ranked before you're unlikely to have issues now. You'll get with a 4-man premade once every 20 games or so.
You have the option to play with more people, but you don't have to. It's fine.
With clubs it's easier than ever to get into a group of people with similar ranks who want to play if you want to find new people. I know GAF is inactive, especially EUWGAF. On a sidenote, we're more people than I expected in the gaf club in EUW.