As a support who sometimes goes with unconventional picks like Vel'Koz, I hate seeing shitty supports who skip vision. These players are generally just playing support as if they're mid and fuck their team in the process.thanks doge
Also, 2 consecutive games, 2 consecutive supports who built only AP damage items, no utility or vision items. Why. -_-
When you solo kill the enemy laner and look up at the scoreboard
Holy shit that was amazingRolling deep with the premade 5
When you solo kill the enemy laner and look up at the scoreboard
10 minutes
You 1 - 5 Enemy
When the mid and the jungler are in the bush and you think you're about to get ganked
Running away after a lost teamfight
we lost, time to blame the jungler for no ganks
Back to Q'ing solo. Gotta read the newest Trick2G guides to carry this team
There really IS a Spongebob pic for everything.
F U C K L U Xi almost feel as if u ppl dont appreciate the ot i made
i almost feel as if u ppl dont appreciate the ot i made
Stay positivei almost feel as if u ppl dont appreciate the ot i made
My favorite one.League of Legends |OT12| Who's Lane is it Anyway
You have to keep in mind the average JG might be a few levels under the mid laner. The average jungler is just a ganker- not a substitute laner and especially not a sub mid laner.
All that being said; I do think it's nice when the JG comes to help sub but I wouldnt expect it
edit- I love that spongebob story
I'll make a new OT and fill it with Spongebob memes
League of Legends |OTXII| Curiosity Killed the Solo Queue
League of Legends |OT12| Ayyrelion Solmao
League of Legends |OT12| Booster's Paradise
League of Legends |OT12| 치즈 오믈렛
League of Legends |OT12| Low-Sodium Edition
Liga de Leyendas |OT12| Un trabajo de amor
League of Legends |OT12| Once Queue Pops, the Fun Don't Stop
League of Legends |OT12| Who's Lane is it Anyway
My procrastination levels are at an all time high
Do you need an adult?jesus christ
Yeah im sorryjesus christ
Hm, why people still ban Darius. is this just a low elo thing?
I always translate a Darius ban into "that guy just got his ass whooped by Darius last game" and isn't in the mood to re-live the nightmare so soon.Hm, why people still ban Darius. is this just a low elo thing?
i almost feel as if u ppl dont appreciate the ot i made
Guess maybe there is hope for me as mid. Diana won this one but if yall could spectate this ranked match I'm sure you'd laugh. It was for sure a Bronze quality game with lots of throws, some name calling, etc.
I was just glad I was in mid lane cause our bot lane was fighting amongst themselves so hard next thing I knew- support Thresh was helping me in my lane lol
yeah i think kha has the most satisfying reset mechanics in the gameHe blows people up and has a reset mechanic. When you get a kill -> hop -> kill -> hop loop it's very rewarding. Not surprising that he has a draw.
damn, banned for posting a lux video
Well you do eat anything that gets on you feet so that shouldnt come as a surprisewell there's a reason why i'm not allowed out without adult supervision
clash of fates what
Or a stupid mobile card game
There will be collecting of some sort, I guarantee it.
League of Legends |OT12| Who's Lane is it Anyway
pls teach me everything that happened after yasuo was released
[5:27PM] Corgi the Chloe joined the room.
[5:29PM] Corgi the Chloe: HELLO
[5:29PM] Corgi the Chloe: idk any of you
[5:29PM] Sammyroc left the room.
how do you know they were a premade?Holy shit, I tried another solo q game. Turns out we were all random players against a 3 man premade. I'm telling you this guys. Don't waste your time playing solo q anymore. Riot killed it with dynamic queue.
how do you know they were a premade?
could just say yes to tilt you
i'm gonna make you a goat in my stardew valley farmHow come I own Yasuo and Project Yasuo. I don't think I had the game even installed when he came out.![]()