looks like MTG artwork
guess I'm just a toxic player, i love sivir and soraka atm
She has to hit the Q though, that's basically the only thing they changed about her in this rework, if you don't land Qs you're just a shittier version of her last iteration.Not really sure what is up with Soraka right now. Probably the last thought intensive champion over any iteration. Feels like it plays itself and you don't even really need to be hitting the Q. Can't really understand how she keeps coming out like this...
?The new Lux shield is a big nerf. As an immobile mage with high mana usage and limited autoattack range, she struggles in mid lane now.
yeah i actually think it's sort of a fair nerf, although it's supposed to speed back up when taveling back and maybe i'm wrong but i'm just not seeing that happenWell people have been complaining about Lux so here it is :/
Haven't played her myself so not sure about the W changes. She still has her damage though.
after hearing marvels of deadpool from every single person i've talked to about it i watched it myself and thought it was all kinds of awfulI don't get the Bootman Vs Supermeng hate, I thought it was pretty good, specially after the clusterfuck that was Man of Steel.
She's ok. Not bad but nothing special.Is Jinx pretty bad in the current meta compared to other ADCs? I saw someone else here recently destroyed with her, but a recent spree of bad Jinxes on my team has me doubting her viability.
Is Jinx pretty bad in the current meta compared to other ADCs? I saw someone else here recently destroyed with her, but a recent spree of bad Jinxes on my team has me doubting her viability.
neither of those are big problems for lux right now
Is Jinx pretty bad in the current meta compared to other ADCs? I saw someone else here recently destroyed with her, but a recent spree of bad Jinxes on my team has me doubting her viability.
yeah but like, that's not a mana or autoattack range issueLux has always been susceptible to being all-in'ed by her opponent for those reasons. Since her shield is nerfed 1v1 now, there's actually a reasonable chance of dying in the all in.
yeah but like, that's not a mana or autoattack range issue
that's just basically "i'm a mid"
People called Lux trash for the longest time for those very reasons; I'm pretty sure she's had gradual buffs to spell activation, shield and mana usage before she became relevant. Loads of mid laners farm safer than Lux.
The reason Lux farmed safely in mid lane was her shield. She has to autoattack minions for last hitting even quite late into the laning phase and this opens her to potential intiations - people just didn't do it because it was hard to trade through the shield.
Is Jinx pretty bad in the current meta compared to other ADCs? I saw someone else here recently destroyed with her, but a recent spree of bad Jinxes on my team has me doubting her viability.
Six losses in a row. Last game we started the game off destroying---8 and 0 before they started getting kills. Then when team fights began, team kept targeting Cho. Over and over and over. And a Shaco that refused to group.
I have to break this streak...
There's not really a reason to pick Jinx right now even with specific comps, honestly. There are better late game carries in the game that don't have such a rough early game.
The ADC changes coupled with her nerfs hit her scaling hard.
This is why Riot needs to add solo queue. Newt must be stopped. What his AFKs could not accomplish, queues must.So basically I'm winning almost every game after not playing solo q. There's just no incentive anymore.
I think it would be nice if they added a 10-20 second thing, even an option, that waits for your main role and THEN pops for your secondary. Picking support as secondary will give you quick / instant pops for 99% support in my experience.Getting an instant queue pop for your secondary should not be possible.
Lordy. I wish you luck in snapping the streak. I just played my first ever game as Vayne and somehow managed 13/2/3. I think the gods felt terrible for me and under-handed me an easy game. But no surprise that my first game I win in a long while I had a great team with me. They were pretty much handing me my kills.If it makes you feel better, I'm on an 8 game loss streak. Lost 10 of my last 11 :^)
So basically I'm winning almost every game after not playing solo q. There's just no incentive anymore.
He didn't take a break though, did he? He just took a break from duo queue.That's the beauty of taking a break.
That's the beauty of taking a break.
Nah, I stopped playing solo q completely. Now I only do duo or more. I suspect you just have less impact when you're playing with/against three - four mans.He didn't take a break though, did he? He just took a break from duo queue.
Nah, I stopped playing solo q completely. Now I only do duo or more. I suspect you just have less impact when you're playing with/against three - four mans.
Do you play on NA or the GAF ghost town (EUW)?Maybe that's why I've found ranked so much harder this season. I spent last season hovering between Plat 3 - Diamond 5. This season, I'm stuck in Plat 4 even though I don't think I'm playing worse.
Being support every game hasn't helped I guess.
So ... how the hell do you build ____?
Just bait his q and go all in on his assWhy does every game with Aurelion Sol on enemy team start with my team laughing at him for "picking a stupid mid counter" or whatever. Then 15 minutes later when team fighting begins and A Sol pounds us like 3-dollar hookers my team is screaming and crying.
So ... how the hell do you build Kass?
I see so many different things. Most all want you to go RoA but I hate how expensive and time sucking that item is. Saw some that had the Tear item line in them ... I almost never see that item used so maybe he's one of the ones who can use it?
This is when you just afk at fountain. Even if you win, it's not worth the effort.I can deal with losing badly, but losing badly, only killing 1 tower, having your ADC leave after 3 deaths at level 11, and STILL treading water 46 minutes is very unpleasant.
At that point, if you still haven't killed 2 towers, I feel it's unlikely you'll win, but who knows.
You in the gaf club yet? Say hi to dobe or me if not.ghost town![]()
i'm ready for the buffs, rito
riot jino was the only reason they stayed in that game. he was trying hard to carry and was 6/0 at one point but TF just kept ulting back into lane past mid game, never tried to use it offensively
Unnecessary buffs on Ekko rearing their ugly head.
Support sion isn't terrible. Has a good amount of CC for peel and such.
Cho is always annyoying to lane against, like no matter what you are. Poke champ oh doesnt matter because of his passive and amount of health he gets. Assassin, oh super tanky, cc and a silence. And he keeps getting buffed.Gonna play some more Top Shen today.
Unless it's an annoying matchup in which case I go Chogath :V