What if I'm a jungler who already has cinderhulk?
What if I'm a jungler who already has cinderhulk?
DMP has been nerfed a bunch but it is nice for chasing people, but omen is stronger.What if I'm a jungler who already has cinderhulk?
Don't buy CinderhulkWhat if I'm a jungler who already has cinderhulk?
What if I'm a jungler who already has cinderhulk?
Yeah, they increased it's armor and damage against minions and monstersI see. So general consensus is build something other than cinderhulk then go sunfire. Was sunfire buffed or something? I only typically see it on tanky top laners who needs to push waves faster.
should i build a second zeal item or second BF sword item after i finish ER and RFC on Luc?
IE for sure, BT if you're super behind or just need those stats
man all my farm animals other than ghost are happy. boko is happy, neko is happy, scy is happy, costy is happy, but ghost the goat is always sad
also eddie is always out of milk
wth man
Some is having fun with their barn yard animals.what the fuck
Finding the people who share in your hate is great.Sometimes I love this community.
what the fuck
I think it's ideal to focus on just a few championswhen you guys do ranked do you guys just focus on a handful of champions to play? with the main/sub role declaration thingy for draft, seems "easier" to narrow down a pool of what champs to focus on, versus before where you'd potentially be left with any of the 5 roles.
trying to figure out a set of 5 champs per role to focus on hmm.
Deity Slayer : heads up ima muting everyone wen the match starts
Deity Slayer : it just stopps me from flaming u guys for not being good at the game
And he picked aatrox with tp ignite.
How are you still bronze with your stats?
You seem to get fed enough to solo carry games
Voyboy feeds so much on Yasuo and solo throw games through split pushing, it's ridiculous.
I don't know why people listen to his whole "Pick yasuo in any elo and it's free wins" shit while they watch him get shit on in lane.
He went 6/0/1 and didn't lose his tower (until the end?) against an aggressive Fiora, so I guess that's a good outcome.Deity Slayer : heads up ima muting everyone wen the match starts
Deity Slayer : it just stopps me from flaming u guys for not being good at the game
And he picked aatrox with tp ignite.
Holy shit. 3 per role? God, I'm awful. I truly feel like I only have 2 champs mastered altogether. Maybe 3? I need to get cracking. I've tried a lot of champions, but I always find myself falling back to the same familiar ones .I think it's ideal to focus on just a few champions
Even like 3 per role is ok.
Btw, voyboy streams a lot of Yasuo games if you really want to get into it
I felt a bit like a dick because I had a recent game where bot lane showed he was going to pick Yasuo--I banned Yasuo then played dumb. "Oops! I didn't notice."
I wonder when another Boss skin will pop up. I'm not even sure who should get the opportunity to be in this skin line. lol
when you guys do ranked do you guys just focus on a handful of champions to play? with the main/sub role declaration thingy for draft, seems "easier" to narrow down a pool of what champs to focus on, versus before where you'd potentially be left with any of the 5 roles.
trying to figure out a set of 5 champs per role to focus on hmm.
Speaking of, I bet the last Arcade Skin is going to be for Azir in the vain of the Pokemon/Monster Rancher theme, since we have Sona (DDR), Miss Fortune (Sidescrolling Shooter), Hecarim (Uh... Dunno what he represents) and Riven (Zelda-Esque adventure games).
So how does matchmaking work now with games won lol? I'm assuming things are better in Ranked, but I still ain't that far. My last match was our:
Against their:
Our highest was lower than their lowest. I even averaged the numbers out for curiosity's sake and got 861.2 for them to our 110.6.
Basically I'm not seeing any matchmaking system in place looking at that. I know you can play something for years on end and still suck (and therefore still understandably be paired with new people), but seeing that the game was 45/6 in their favor I don't think that was the case.
The pre-game chat was great though. I love when you get in lobbies where everyone is just talking and laughing it up with one another. I bet the enemies didn't win in that department.![]()
You have to consider the number or losses as well. For all we know that 2000 win guy could have double the losses which would sink his mmr to the ground. It's more reliable to look at their rank. Normal mmr is different from ranked mmr and the effort one would put at normals could be vastly different but their rank could at least determine his/her general skill level.
Edit: You also have to consider that there are some people who don't play normals at all. This could make matchmaking very difficult to balance. A player who was at silver mmr in normal could have only played ranked until he was at platinum then decided to play normals again. That would mean he has skills at platinum but at silver mmr in normals. They would have to play a few games and stomp then until they reach the point where he would play with platinum players and his win rate would normalize. I typically see challenger and masters at my normals but I would never see them in ranked unless I get a mean win streak.
Hmmmm, didn't think about the fact it's showing games won from all sources. I thought that it showed Wins only for the mode you're currently in, but that clears up a lot of the confusion.
Maybe she's doing it on purpose.
Black cleaver on zed and Talon is justfucking weird
Seriously do these people who build it even KNOW how it works?
I could ask you the same question lolBlack cleaver on zed and Talon is justfucking weird
Seriously do these people who build it even KNOW how it works?