I won a game where out team got counter invaded at level 1 and starting the game 0/4. We had a 2k gold deficit at 3 minutes lol.
lol, so tank Talon is a thing now.
I'm starting to see the problem here. It's not the fact that tanks are too strong - the itemization is to blame. Sunfire is broken. Iceborn is broken. Titanic Hydra is broken. Sterak's is broken.
Anything that gives you tankiness and damage doesn't belong in this game.
yipes i think i've lost lane and game on my last 5 or 6 matches
gonna take a break when dark souls releases, i'm not like feeding horribly every game but i don't feel like i contribute anything and winning off other people's backs feels pretty sucky. mostly i think comes to me not being super into the game atm and not putting in the hours to be practiced enough to play at my level. probably gonna look into taking a more supporty role and just spamming lulu/lux games after i get back, to be a real carry u gotta be good at laning and that's just not me nowadays
Man ive been thinking of tank talon for weeks now and some suckefs already beat me to it :/lol, so tank Talon is a thing now.
I'm starting to see the problem here. It's not the fact that tanks are too strong - the itemization is to blame. Sunfire is broken. Iceborn is broken. Titanic Hydra is broken. Sterak's is broken.
Anything that gives you tankiness and damage doesn't belong in this game.
Those items have been the problem all along and you just throw them on kits that they work with. I have no idea how tank talon would fit. Akali works because she just relentlessly sticks to people and has a ton of built in sustain. Talon doesn't have either of these. I don't doubt it can work since that item combo is so strong, I just doubt it could even be i the top 10 of priority picks in Top. No way it does anything that Akali can't do twice as well
lol, so tank Talon is a thing now.
I'm starting to see the problem here. It's not the fact that tanks are too strong - the itemization is to blame. Sunfire is broken. Iceborn is broken. Titanic Hydra is broken. Sterak's is broken.
Anything that gives you tankiness and damage doesn't belong in this game.
i'm at that rate atm, ~three nights a week, 2-3 games each sessionI'm in that boat lately. Just playing bad. Gonna cut back to a couple of normals every few days until I'm feeling it again which could be anytime. Bought dragons dogma to fill the void but it's doing nothing for me so far :-/
IDK if those items are "broken"
IDK if those items are "broken" so much as it being a case of the game evolving in a way that wasn't foreseen when all the champs had their kits made and their stats balanced and their Ts crossed and so on.
Like Juggernauts. They're a fair concept IMO, beastly strong champs that can kill people and are damn near unkillable unless focused down .. BUT they are melee, mostly immobile and lack hard CC so you just have to stay away from them and they can't pop their load on ya.
Problem is that something like that was introduced to the game ... so it's not a part of the foundation that all champs where built around. In order to make it work you would either have to change the stats of the Jugg Champs to make them tanky AND have dmg on the base level or make items for them that do that. Once you build items or change items for them to help them in their identity yoooou give Tank champs items that allow them to build tank and get DMG and on the flip side AD DMG champs now have items that can still add to their AD DMG but also allow them to be tankier than before. Champs who were never meant to use the items may have kits that synergize too well with them (like these "tank assassins" who can afford to build tanky cause their kits give them decent base DMG and good mobility or sustain) .
Then when everyone is a lil tankier the scum bags who play assassins get upset because now it's harder for them to 100 to 0 people. Then THEY get a AD item to help them and ... now champs who do AD DMG can use that item to help them kill champs closer to how an assassin would.
It's all a strange web of shit, IDK the game well enough to know the history behind these items and changes so I'm just talking out my ass I guess.
Currently I feel like ADC champs are too much of a focus now. They seem like the only type of champ that you simply HAVE to have because they're the best at taking objectives yet they can be played in any lane (hell, I'm starting to think it's a good idea to take Trist or Jinx mid to counter shit like Donger. I just faced 2 Dongers tonight as Diana and that shit's annoying, would love to counter pick him with a strong ranged champ who doesn't burn mana to pop his robots ...). How Graves and Quinn are allow to be things in this game is beyond me.
Are April Fools skins time restricted ala Harrowing? I wanna buy Meowkai.
Like Juggernauts. They're a fair concept IMO, beastly strong champs that can kill people and are damn near unkillable unless focused down .. BUT they are melee, mostly immobile and lack hard CC so you just have to stay away from them and they can't pop their load on ya.
Problem is that something like that was introduced to the game ... so it's not a part of the foundation that all champs where built around. In order to make it work you would either have to change the stats of the Jugg Champs to make them tanky AND have dmg on the base level or make items for them that do that. Once you build items or change items for them to help them in their identity yoooou give Tank champs items that allow them to build tank and get DMG and on the flip side AD DMG champs now have items that can still add to their AD DMG but also allow them to be tankier than before. Champs who were never meant to use the items may have kits that synergize too well with them (like these "tank assassins" who can afford to build tanky cause their kits give them decent base DMG and good mobility or sustain) .
and boko asked if i was a fan of feversea
Those ears make no sense to me; do they protude from her head as some kind of skin+hair+fur hybrid?
yeah, Not a fan of the juggernaut's introduction just because they seem half-assed ideas put together. It probably sounded much better as a concept, but now, you hardly see anyone being played apart from Darius, and its because he was a popular champ before his re-work
Yes as they are Fox ears and anatomically speaking the ears would be there.
More kiting for the people.leeg babies werent ready for having to kite champions as a team
thats why assassins and tanks are so populat
No-one is complaining about juggernauts right now, since juggernauts are mostly shit. People are complaining about pure tanks like Poppy and Naut who are completely bullshit.Juggernauts as a class are a great concept. They promote good gameplay and positioning. Playing against juggernauts should teach people how to think about a champions strengths and weaknesses but instead they just stand at melee range and face tank them and nobody peels them then people bitch because they killed me before I killed them but I'm an adc building full damage but they out damaged me it's not fair
No-one is complaining about juggernauts right now, since juggernauts are mostly shit. People are complaining about pure tanks like Poppy and Naut who are completely bullshit.
But Poppy is fun.
Why... would shebut what if she also has HUMAN ears too?
Which Juggernaut can even be complained about, lol. Morde and Skarner are not good, and Darius and Garen have clear weaknesses.
But Poppy is fun.
Yes. It's what tanks rely on for damage. I'm reluctant to include sunfire but it's probably one of the most abused items.Ibg probably needs a nerf.
tanks are only dealing 'a ton of damage' because theyre hitting a squishy....
And that's the problem. That's what a bruiser does, not a tank filled to the brim with CC.again
tanks are only dealing 'a ton of damage' because theyre hitting a squishy....
sure, a tank should still be a valid damage threat, but not to the extent they currently are with half the items they build now providing damage in addition to defense
And that's the problem. That's what a bruiser does, not a tank filled to the brim with CC.
Tanks right now have a massive identity crisis, just like in the Cinderhulk meta. They're basically super bruisers, tanky assholes that bruisers can't deal with in lane but at the same time become extremely hard to kill while soloing glass cannons on top of their utility. They're supposed to trade off damage for utility but then they just... don't.
A perfect tank paradigm would be Leona, but then people want tanks to go anywhere else but bot lane so you have to give them tools to jungle and lane and here we are.