Why is there a challenger player on my team in ranked? I'm only d5...
dyrus played against some plat 1's last night on his masters account
Why is there a challenger player on my team in ranked? I'm only d5...
Get on this Gamefly $12/month 2 games out wagon. $144 a year to play pretty much any game whenever yes pls.can't even responsibly afford ds3 till my next paycheck .___.
Good. That shit was bonkers in DS2
I just hope DEX doesn't suck dick again
Boosted by XWX
He wasn't even that good. Played Cho jungle but didn't create any pressure. Plus our Trynd fed an Irelia and I was reminded why I think Irelia is cancer. Builds damage but is still unkillable. God bless.
I just need to win one out of the next three to get out of the bronze gutter. Pray for me gaf
TLA has returned.swain
TLA has returned.
i got swain once on aram, it was disgusting
well I made a baby step today. I felt encouraged Riot finally adding the weekend warrior modes so logged on. It was just a bot game though.
the only bad thing bout Bronze is the picks. I see many matches get lost in the lobby. I mean outrageous stupid picks like Aurelion Sol ADC (luckily I blocked that one) and the TF ADC (shouldve blocked that one). Oh yeah and the worthless nidalee support that one time
omg.... just thinking back makes me not wanna play. just too many bad memories. Hopefully the new weekend warrior stuff will get me back into the game but I dont think I wanna play ranked anymore
The power of Swains to be buffs brought me back
Swain is so good in ARAM tho
JUST TRASH HIM ALREADY. He need a full on rework, or atleast his abilities be reworked. I love 3 damage over time moves and 1 easy ass snare skill shot.oh you meant that type of disgusting
I might come back to League if Swains buffs are interesting enough
Hello.Hi LeagueGAF.
Welcome to the jungle.Hi LeagueGAF.
well I made a baby step today. I felt encouraged Riot finally adding the weekend warrior modes so logged on. It was just a bot game though.
the only bad thing bout Bronze is the picks. I see many matches get lost in the lobby. I mean outrageous stupid picks like Aurelion Sol ADC (luckily I blocked that one) and the TF ADC (shouldve blocked that one). Oh yeah and the worthless nidalee support that one time
omg.... just thinking back makes me not wanna play. just too many bad memories. Hopefully the new weekend warrior stuff will get me back into the game but I dont think I wanna play ranked anymore
How is top illaoi atm? Anyone tried iceborn on her lately? Should be helpful in landing her q if you do w>q
What's your security question? Maybe we can help. We're very creative people.I wanted to take a break from league and try out WoW again. I don't have the Code Authenticator anymore and I can't remember the answer to my security question so I can remove it. Fml
Still as kiteable as ever and in a meta defined.by frontliners she's completely useless if you don't get a big lead.How is top illaoi atm? Anyone tried iceborn on her lately? Should be helpful in landing her q if you do w>q
How is top illaoi atm? Anyone tried iceborn on her lately? Should be helpful in landing her q if you do w>q
I'm seriously going to get demoted to Bronze III, aren't I? lol.
I just pulled the douche move of the century. Ranked game---I show that I want to pick Vi. I'm changing music on computer, blah blah. Come back and Vi is banned. I'm pissed. "Why the fuck would someone ban the champ I'm showing?" I then ask to trade, and switch for Support role. Guys are all cool about trading in chat. We're ready to go into match....then I realize I'm the dumbass who banned Vi.
What's your security question? Maybe we can help. We're very creative people.
That shit is just gonna keep happening if you play blind pick. If you want better games, move to draft, or even better, move to ranked.This is the kinda shit shows I'm talking about :/
Not saying I'm good or some shit but damn ... Bot/ Top AND Jg all died 6 times each in a 20 min game followed by Rageblade Mal Support??? And no one states "Srry, new to this champ" so I'm to believe they know wtf they're doing? Like, when I play a champ PvP for the first time I'm OK with feeding, it's a part of learning their limits and so on. I still tell people it's my first time with the champ and IMO that makes it better and more understandable when I hear someone tell me that.
This happens so often ... and it's not like I'm letting my Lane enemy run around or something, I almost had his tower before the team voted to FF.
TSM, obviously.Who's your favorite sports team or player
TSM, obviously.
4 ranked losses in a row. Wowza.
Bruce Jenner![]()
Who's your favorite sports team or player
ok dark souls is out see you guys for the mage update lol
Definitely we should. But I lost another in a row. So I'm uninstalling. I take periodic month breaks when I hit a bad streak. Focus on some other things. After tonight, probably a good time to put the game down and come back refreshed.boo
you're NA right? I think we've played together before. We should duo again sometime!
edit: has dobker been busy with school lately? I need someone to carry me :^)