What the fuck did i just see lolalways fun playing on a new account with your low level friends..
the true elohell lolWhat the fuck did i just see lol
it's pretty good, it's like dark souls 1 controls and level design with the streamlining of 2Can't wait to get home for some dark souls
That shit is just gonna keep happening if you play blind pick. If you want better games, move to draft, or even better, move to ranked.
Pretty much.
Blind pick is for impatient people who want to practice champs in any given role. You can't complain about feeders in blind pick.
I played 3 games with my friend who's a legit noob pretty much and I'm not going to lie, the first 2 games I was completely blown away at how NICE everyone was. It was like I was legitimately playing a different game, it was hilarious cus the other team had pushed 2 of our inhibs down and got baron and they had an open nexus on us, and one guy goes "is it even possible to come back?" and the other guy goes "tough, but can happen if we really try!" I was like wtf world did I get transferred to, everyone on my team was like a wide eyed, uncorrupted nice person.I bet that the "american dogs" guy said the words aloud as he typed and then spat on the ground when he was done.
Dank souls
Ok so i must be doing something wrong when playing as cho top
Intake it i gotta be defensive when using abilities and oberall play right?
S2-GV Basics are mastered by this point. Teamplay is more common, but still missing in a lot of games.
G4-G1 Mechanics and strategic play are vastly improved but still lacking. Teams still cannot function as a unit completely, grouping problems continue.
Someone pulled out a Wukong mid on my Diana ... never laned against him but I realized fast that he's like Diana in that he dives in and does shit. But UNLIKE Diana he can do that shit WAY before level 6 and he has a disengage skill so he stumped my ass in. Tried to counter pick a Kayle top cause I was top and she shits on all my melee tops. But she was Sup ... the Zed ended up being top and I have never laned against one as Lulu so I got wrecked.
Still getting the Maestro and Bugplast errors with the client on 6.7 and after repairing on latest Win10 insider release (so a newer version than when I originally posted about it a few weeks back).
There's nothing from Riot on this from what I can tell yet a few different posts on Reddit moaning about it too.
That really sucks. Does running it in some kind of compability mode fix it?
Alright back to diamond with mostly solo q but a few duo games. I honestly got to say, dynamic queue isn't an accurate representation of rank. It's way easier to win games with a 3-4 man dynamic queue. Solo players of the same rank are gonna be better overall. That's why when I had been playing dynamic only and suddenly switched to solo q, games went sour for me (also shitty tank meta and adc main). I suspect a lot of dynamic queue players would demote if they were put into solo q.
I really hope Lyte doesn't go back on his word with a solo q release.
The only game I play is LoL anyways, and that is hard enough with Work and socialising being things to consider.
The only game I play is LoL anyways, and that is hard enough with Work and socialising being things to consider.
LoL is mostly my only game too. I get about an hour a day on weekdays - if that - to play which I usually give to a single lol match. Weekends I'll sometimes get an extra hour or two during the day to play something but frankly I usually give that to lol as well haha.
Once the baby is a little older I'll have more time I'm sure. Wife doesn't work anymore which is a big contributor. She used to work 4 nights a week so I'd get to put my oldest son to bed then play a few hours till she got home. Not anymore.
If you guys value your game time, avoid having kids for a bit![]()
I see.
I see how you view gacha games. Not real games.
I thought you were cool.
The hell?
A little confused here, just finished a game with Yi, according to the game I got an 'S' rank, and the most kills, minion kills and tower kills in the game (finished with 22 kills, 7 deaths, the second lowest on my team, and 8 assists)
Two of the other team added me as a friend even though we didn't communicate a lot. And yet on my team, right at the start I had someone in the same bottom lane as me constantly having a go about various things, and telling people to report me - is it generally accepted that Jinx should be allowed to get all last hits in her lane?
Also in mid-game, when I had only died twice, someone got really angry at me and was telling everyone to report me for feeding, even though he had more deaths than me.
I've Twitched it (please excuse the music, I didn't realise OBS streamed iTunes audio too) in case any kind soul can tell me exactly what I was doing wrong. It's pretty depressing when your team wants to report you and you can't figure out why.
Welp, seems my cpu is too bad for dark souls 3. Just constant crashes.![]()
Welp, seems my cpu is too bad for dark souls 3. Just constant crashes.![]()
Get a console disc you pc elitist.Welp, seems my cpu is too bad for dark souls 3. Just constant crashes.![]()
Welp, seems my cpu is too bad for dark souls 3. Just constant crashes.![]()
im playing it on low and it still looks gorgeous
only performance problem are hitches during random saves which is pretty annoying but it's happening to everyone i hear, i think even ppl with ssds
if it's particularly at bonfires, turning lighting effects to low. it's an issue with the PC version. even if not at bonfires, try it anyway!
Noo, I went pc for the better framerate, which is ironic considering it won't play at all. Too bad my pc was too bad.Get a console disc you pc elitist.
Then get the PS4K.It's even worse, it crashes right after it loads, every time, even on low. The furthest I've gotten is to kill one enemy in the tutorial.
In other news, I've just ordered an i7-4790K.
Noo, I went pc for the better framerate, which is ironic considering it won't play at all. Too bad my pc was too bad.![]()
I probably will some day, for super robot wars and bloodbourne.Then get the PS4K.
What cpu do you have? Now you're worrying me
There's some weird lighting issue going on it seems. The game doesn't seem too heavy, my i5 GTX660 PC is running it at high settings and 60fps no trouble. Sure it's not 1080p but still.i3-4340, so kinda weak but enough for everything I've played so far. According to some guy in the PC thread it might have more to do with the game than with my cpu, but cpu should still be a good upgrade.
I probably will some day, for super robot wars and bloodbourne.
i3-4340, so kinda weak but enough for everything I've played so far. According to some guy in the PC thread it might have more to do with the game than with my cpu, but cpu should still be a good upgrade.
It's even worse, it crashes right after it loads after character creation time, every time, even on low. The furthest I've gotten is to kill one enemy in the tutorial.
In other news, I've just ordered an i7-4790K.
Noo, I went pc for the better framerate, which is ironic considering it won't play at all. Too bad my pc was too bad.![]()
There's some weird lighting issue going on it seems. The game doesn't seem too heavy, my i5 GTX660 PC is running it at high settings and 60fps no trouble. Sure it's not 1080p but still.
Yeah it's hard to tell right now, but it might not be performance related as you say.yeah that sounds like a weird issue, not sure if it's performance related
RIP, hope you have better luck than me.that's the same as mine((( i3+ boosted 660, hopefully they can fix whatever the underlying issue is before i get the game
Ah, I see.If it's any consolation I also got the today game but can't play it.
Well, I could, but i'm waiting for the weekend to experience it firsthand with a couple friends (^:
found your problemboosted