They gave eve breast reduction surgery and made Rammus look super cool
Luckily I have every eve skin so I still have them big jugs.
They gave eve breast reduction surgery and made Rammus look super cool
new boobs look much better, old boobs were gross
yeah there's a lot of key customization to be done
smartcast with indicators is on key release instead of press, which makes it a little bit slower but i play mid so i need my indicators to aim
i have so many dumb things configured, i hope those things are stored on your account cos setting all those things again would be kind of a nightmare
It happens more than you'd hope, but less than you'd think.this convo
Come back to me after at least 15 ranked games of Draven. Feeding is acceptable.Newt pls
teach me how to Draven
You disgust the arbiter of lewdness i can say with absolute certainty that there are gross boobs and eve's old boobs were one such example
don't settle for gross boobs when u can have pretty boobs
world should be pretty
surely a future we can all strive for together
My cutoff is either 3.0 KDA or 60% winrate. If it's less than that I'm not gonna play with a Yasuo on my team. If Voyboy tried to go Yasuo I would ban it immediately.newt if dyrus was in your queue
and he was like 'give me yasuo'
would you ban yasuo y/n
I thought about dodging, but then I would lose LP AND I wouldn't be able to report him.
That's a pretty dumb mindset.
Expect the worst, reporting someone isn't gonna get your time/wasted lp/fun back.
Had a game where a teammate accidentally banned Ekko when someone on our team had wanted him top. Dude raged, picked Kog and said he was going mid (the role of the person that banned Ekko).
Game starts and he goes to mid and just sits there saying free kill. We proceed to lose the game obviously.
How the hell is this fair? When will Riot come up with some way to prevent this from happening? I thought about dodging, but then I would lose LP AND I wouldn't be able to report him.
What can Riot even do? Maybe a vote kick system in champ select, but only if the other team isn't a premade? A vote kick with no LP penalty sounds like a decent option to me. Instead, if a player is kicked often, he gets sent to the Tribunal or whatever.
Yeah, better lose 20lp and 20 minutes than 3lp and 5 minutes.How is this not an even dumber mindset LOL
It's also not productive to my questions: how can Riot prevent this?
How is this not an even dumber mindset LOL
It's also not productive to my questions: how can Riot prevent this?
What 4800 ip champ should I get now?
Had a game where a teammate accidentally banned Ekko when someone on our team had wanted him top. Dude raged, picked Kog and said he was going mid (the role of the person that banned Ekko).
Game starts and he goes to mid and just sits there saying free kill. We proceed to lose the game obviously.
How the hell is this fair? When will Riot come up with some way to prevent this from happening? I thought about dodging, but then I would lose LP AND I wouldn't be able to report him.
What can Riot even do? Maybe a vote kick system in champ select, but only if the other team isn't a premade? A vote kick with no LP penalty sounds like a decent option to me. Instead, if a player is kicked often, he gets sent to the Tribunal or whatever.
Diamond gaf.
Infiltrate the ranks. Give us leaks
Yeah, better lose 20lp and 20 minutes than 3lp and 5 minutes.
The thing is, riot probably can't prevent this, and even if they could they're not going to.
So many games I've had a Yasuo on my team so I decide to go jungle bard. Most of the time people dodge. Even when people don;t dodge though, there's nothing inherently wrong with a jungle bard.
While I feel for you (it's happened to us all), dodging is the answer. If you have even an inkling that someone is going to be a problem, suck up the LP loss. It doesn't affect your MMR so you don't really lose much other than the dodge penalty time.
I don't think there is anything riot can do. A vote kick system is ripe for abuse. And in this specific case you even said you didn't see much wrong initially other than the guy saying he was taking mid.
The only thing riot can do is ban these guys after the fact.
that wouldn't work:
a - premades can just shit on solo queuers
b - ppl can just agree to kick someone random if they don't like the enemy comp or whatever
It is actually a fundamental screwup on Riot's part to officially say that there's now a thing to report people for in champ select (abusing dynamic q) but not to actually implement a method of reporting people in champ select.
They just need to add reporting from champ select, and then you can dodge. Dodging is free since it doesn't touch elo, so no cost there.
I have grave doubts about any sort of vote kick feature -- way too easy for that kind of thing to be abused.
Done! Helps that I main mid.
She's always seemed pretty tricky to play well, with her ult. I love her passive though.
i agree with you that dodge+report is not an ideal way to solve the issue but i think there's no other waya. Forgot to add to not allow in premade games with 4 people.
b. That is a good one. Not sure how to fix that. Although, dodging doesn't seem to be a big issue to you guys here, so you can just dodge if you don't like their comp.
At the very least then, maybe a "Report Player" option in the champ select?
Diamond gaf.
Infiltrate the ranks. Give us leaks
Diamond gaf.
Infiltrate the ranks. Give us leaks
If only they did this 2 years ago
It's too late riot
swain will never be the best there ever was
a. Forgot to add to not allow in premade games with 4 people.
b. That is a good one. Not sure how to fix that. Although, dodging doesn't seem to be a big issue to you guys here, so you can just dodge if you don't like their comp.
At the very least then, maybe a "Report Player" option in the champ select?
They announced this??? They should also have the first dodge be free of LP loss. I mean 3 LP isn't a big deal, but shit happens. One dodge a week or something doesn't seem that bad imo
don't get me wrong, I like sexy characters. All my favourites are waifus. But Eve is just bad all round.
I was going to make a similar, but less negative, post:I got DJ Sona by rolling 3 skin shards into a permanent. Ty Rito, too bad I don't play that boring character. Well at least it's better than any of the shitty shards I had, I didn't actually expect them to give me one of the three most expensive skins for free so there's that.
Yeah. As zkylon and other said, the potential abuse goes way beyond premades.
- don't like team comp? Vote kick
- don't like enemy team comp? Vote kick
- don't like someone's off meta pick? Vote kick.
Yes you can dodge in all those circumstances but that doesn't penalize the poor person the other 3-4 decide to pick on.
Top Vel'Koz, taking uselessness to the next level.
someone's not a breast man i see
you couldn't be more wrong lol.
Just in terms of the game and how she fits in, Eve is bad.
The playtest team seems like it'd be a really rad job to have. Too bad I am no longer Diamond.
Pretty much all jobs at Riot are cool
But to be serious and give a little bit of extra context, it's a cool but very analytical job. Being Diamond V is like the minimum to ensure games are competitive. What they're really looking for is a person who's able to articulate their points well, can give constructive feedback on changes and works really well as part of a team, because it's a very collaborative position. D5 is on the low side for them (they have former pros and high elo players like Nickwu, Sickoscott, M eye A etc. on the team) but if you're really exceptional at all of the above then you could still be considered, as long as you're D5 MINIMUM.
They did a podcast on it recently and it's a really interesting listen. If any of you are really interested in this and think you'd be a fit knowing the above criteria and you are a US citizen (viasas are a bitch) let me know.
i'm pretty sure they do this all the time?
RiotMontag said:Want to: I think we always do.But it's not always productive when a lot of players on a thread honestly believe we're trying to undermine them or are outright lying. There's not much you can say to someone who's made up their mind, especially when they put the credibility of what you say at 0.
On the other hand, it can be very productive to talk to someone who may not agree with you but who understands you're working toward the best outcome for both parties. You can influence each others' opinions in positive ways and come away with a greater understanding of the situation from multiple perspectives. (They're the best humans to hang out with just generally, in my experience.)
My guess is I'll probably get some flak on this post, too, but I wanted to at least provide a little insight into how I think about where to post, as one Rioter.