I have cancer. (Shouldn't have been playing today honestly, lol.)
TF couldn't smite for shit, so we got Baron stolen from us not once, but twice...
Kog's build was weird (built Trinity Force first item), but he fixed that upon my recommendation.
My main complain is TF. He kept on trying to 1v1 Sated Xin, and even if he was Sated himself, there was no way he could have won that. He kept on insisting on splitting when we should have just grouped and peeled for Xin.
Wu was fine for the most part, but for some reason, he was so afraid of engaging. I would give him the ball, but it was like he didn't know what to do with it... Just go invis and ult so I could ult. You see that both Morg and Lux used their snares? Go in and ult. Not that hard.
Honestly, I could've played better late game, too, since i was getting impatient and trying to forcefully instead of playing of the enemy mistakes, but I can't help but feel salty about TF practically solo-throwing the game for us. Why would you give the enemy 3000 free gold and a bunch of levels. Why.
I tried telling him nicely what to do... Like, I laid out what we needed to do (or at least what I thought we needed to do) to win... Ideally, I'd ball Wu, he'd go in, ult, then I'd ult, then TF and saves stuns for whoever gets close to Kog while Raka and I would heal/shield anyone who looked low, with priority towards Kog.
What should I do in the case of an incompetent smiter? Just try to win w/o Baron? Would that be more better, even if slower? How do I get people to listen to me? Or at the very least, group up...
I got to Gold V in like 100 games (from Silver IV), but so far, I've been going back and forth between like 50 and 0 LP. Any tips, GAF?
I needed someplace to rant, and this seemed like the best place. Either here or /lolg/, but I doubt I'd get any serious feedback there, lol.
Just needed to get some salt out of the system, haha.
EDIT: Also, I'm bad at this game, I know. ;n;