I would love to give it a shot, but I feel getting back into Diamond 5 after a year hiatus would take too much time for the amount of applicants applying right now. Also the fact that I haven't played for a year, although I'm sure I could pick champions up again quickly and items after having a little more time spent with them... I can probably send you some analysis on someone like, Yorick, and how he wouldn't fit in many ways with todays meta(Since he's unchanged more or less compared when I played), and possible fixes to his current kit(Although he really needs a rework, so maybe Yorick isn't the best analysis) or give a look at a new champion by looking at some high level players playing them, if you'd be willing to give me a shot knowing my crackled history on here~.
I would definitely love to work at Riot. They've definitely done alot of positive things that I used to criticize(Like fix the homogeneous ADC game, where now various ADC's can build different things compared to each other and not be hurt by it), but in ire of some other companies with bad balancing(Bungie and their 'global philosophy' of balancing PvE and PvP 1:1 without giving regard to how a nerf in PvP affects PvE) has actually been my focal critique lately.
Lemme know if you'd like to hear an example analysis of any character you want. I'll look at some recent videos of high level play of those characters, see various match ups, parse the information from various ranking sites that list out sites, and write out something for you.
They've hired pro players before, but not directly like this before that I remember.
If you are genuinely interested, you should do the exercise they want instead of a cover letter. However, you should do it based on your own experiences with the current meta, balance etc. and not based off streams or data from sites that's not 100% accurate.
Instead of a cover letter, wed love for you to answer the following questions:
- Pick a champion that you find frustrating to play against:
- What is it that you find frustrating?
- How does this frustration relate to the champions intended strengths/weaknesses?
- Where/why does this champion fail to display their strengths/weaknesses ?
- How would you change the champion to address the frustration while maintaining the intended strengths of the champion?
- What would some side effects be of your suggested change?
Being brief and concise is highly valued - a few paragraphs at most.
I'll always be willing to have a look at stuff from serious applicants. If you really would love to work at Riot though, you'd have to change your (perceived) attitude to a lot of things, honestly.