This is what diamond 3 is then. The other team opened mid as soon as the volibear died twice even though our bot lane had died 3 times by then. Good shit.
This is what diamond 3 is then. The other team opened mid as soon as the volibear died twice even though our bot lane had died 3 times by then. Good shit.
yeah i like looking at her "charm" too
Yeah he will just run you down and fuck you up.a fed olaf is pretty scary
I miss those Olaf Lulu compsThose 2 months where olaf top was meta and pick ban worthy in the pro scene were cool
Yeah i need to get Darius so i can cheese level 1 and level 2 fights. Im really good at it with shen. Shens damage on his Q is alot early on.Olaf can all absolutely destroy low elo because all people want to do in low elo is fight as early and as often as possible and he is incredibly strong from level 1
On hit effects are passives that are triggered when the auto attack connects.I don't understand the rageblade changes they're making.
Like, what counts as a on hit effect and who would this be good for?
On hit effects are passives that are triggered when the auto attack connects.
Think Yi, Xin, Jax, Kayle, Kogmaw.
I don't remember how Yi's passive works but Diana would get her passive proc every two autos yes. Sona's passive would only work if you timed the sated proc.Oh, so does that mean that if like Yi (I assume his is the double AA on every 4th hit) used it he would double AA every other auto as well as his reg passive?
So Diana would do the 3-hit passive every other AA along with her reg passissive? Would Sona's powercord pop every other AA?
I don't remember how Yi's passive works but Diana would get her passive proc every two autos yes. Sona's passive would only work if you timed the sated proc.
Because esportz needs to be super srs and profeshunal
Alright I'm officially aboard the fuck dynamic queue train.
Four man threatens to report me if I don't go tanky top, which I was going to anyway. Then they never ping or chat, and get upset that I don't go to where they want me to go. Then they say they're going to report me if I don't give the ADC solo tower gold top.
I don't, because I'm over it, and they all report me and start spamming all chat how I'm racist and toxic.
d y n a m i c q u e u e
Got plat, probably done with ranked.
Glad you got your stupid delusions out of the way.Alright I'm officially aboard the fuck dynamic queue train.
Four man threatens to report me if I don't go tanky top, which I was going to anyway. Then they never ping or chat, and get upset that I don't go to where they want me to go. Then they say they're going to report me if I don't give the ADC solo tower gold top.
I don't, because I'm over it, and they all report me and start spamming all chat how I'm racist and toxic.
d y n a m i c q u e u e
Got plat, probably done with ranked.
Yeah it was super cool, i thought it was seriously
there was a freaking awesome anime thing
why are we doing this crap
also like
wth is sampiyonluk ligi lol
Garena?also like
wth is sampiyonluk ligi lol
Starting April 27, players from the six regions competing at MSI (North America, Europe, Korea, China, LMS, and the winning region from the IWCI
Aurelion Sol has a 54% win rate on a 1.4% playrate. Has there ever been a new champ that was actually really strong have so little interest? Especially as hyped as he was
He's hard as shit to use with no obvious payoff like auto attacking someone for half their health, of course he's not gonna be popular unless he's broken.Aurelion Sol has a 54% win rate on a 1.4% playrate. Has there ever been a new champ that was actually really strong have so little interest? Especially as hyped as he was
Is there anything greater than League rage
Stomping on people that play things like Lux Support?
That was Lux mid
Lulu was support
You asked what was better than League rage, though. That was my answer.
Aurelion Sol has a 54% win rate on a 1.4% playrate. Has there ever been a new champ that was actually really strong have so little interest? Especially as hyped as he was
I'm waiting until the MYMU to try him and many other mages with the new items (I still don't plan to build RoA EVER buuuut I'll give it a try)
AS is interesting in that his kit is simple and not flashy yet his personality is and his Kit is hard to use. He has all the charisma of a smooth criminal yet his power is built around an AOE that leaves him defenseless if you find yourself in the safe zone. Hell, I think that his passive being the core to his build limits what items are good on him as they must match that style.
It's not that Aurelion's kit isn't flashy, it's just that it's boring to play as.
yeah, guess that's what I meant. Pop W, position ... watch for mana ... Q when you wanna stun annnd engage with EQ if you're ballzy.
Just did an AD Sion Mid game ... I shat on their mid Annie but Bot and Top fed too hard. Made 7 of our 17 kills though so there's that.
Nida carried me out of bronze! Can she carry me out of silver?