Normal has a different MMR than ranked.Is matchmaking fucking broken? I've gone up against plat and Gold 1s while my teammates are fucking Silver and Gold V/IVs. What the fuck Riot? Get your fucking shit together. I'm sick of losing games because of these really shitty matchups. Every lane fucking loses and I can literally tell they're the superior team. This isn't even fucking fair.
Welcome to the Bronze V Forever club bro (or welcome back)
Even if they're nerfs, I think they're long overdue, Anivia is so stupid and the "but she's hard!" excuse isn't enough for me anymore when Thunderlords makes her so ungodly frustrating to play against.
Eh masteries are fine, sometimes you get interesting choices like making a champion tankier or do more damage like old masteries, but current mastery selection is fucking awful and most Keystones are dumb garbage that do something Riot has been vehemently against in the past - doubling down on champion strengths for free, screwing balance up.easy, just remove keystones since keystones have done nothing but make the game markedly worse :>
i fully expect rito a few years down the line just go "what were we thinking" and removing masteries altogether
definitely the single worst change i've seen to the game in my 4 years of playing it
Strategic diversity tho :^)
Which would be good if each one was a meaningful choice and not just "keystone A for champ X"
i'm not against the idea of keystones but they've completely screwed it upEh masteries are fine, sometimes you get interesting choices like making a champion tankier or do more damage like old masteries, but current mastery selection is fucking awful and most Keystones are dumb garbage that do something Riot has been vehemently against in the past - doubling down on champion strengths for free, screwing balance up.
New items are going to break Anivia.
It's going to break Swain
Always healing
Always gaining mana
So I went against my better judgment, and my Support Soraka convinced me to pick Maokai instead of Renekton. The enemy top laner immediately locks in Nasus. That was probably the least fun I've ever had in a game.
Now 0-2 in Silver promos, fun times.
Normal games? Those are always skewed
These were ranked games.
This is true for almost every choice you make in League, though, really. Every mastery point is spent more or less by default, every rune pick is more or less by default, even the majority of item decisions are from a pretty tightly constrained tree which you know in advance. So naturally every keystone pick is more or less by default.
"Strategic diversity" is kind of a high-class product that games like League provide to a super small group of players who actually do the work of investigating, exploring and defining the meta so that everybody else can just play whatever's on Probuilds. In the sense of creating more meaningful decisions for average individuals the project was doomed from the start. Most people have enough to worry about identifying how to hit all the minions under the turret without having to understand how their keystone selection affected all their in-game action and how the game would have gone differently if they had hypothetically picked a different keystone.
That said, hey, I knew Grasp was OP before Phreak did, so I guess I'm the 1%.
Anyone else getting authentication issues when trying to log into the LoL client? Keeps saying it didn't receive a response from the server.
Seems NA is down.
and no fun for anyone. Same with malzPsh
It's going to break Swain
Always healing
Always gaining mana
and no fun for anyone. Same with malz
man, everyone is tributing tyler1
man, everyone is tributing tyler1
man, everyone is tributing tyler1
Who is this bustin the nuts guy on twitch lately. I'd never heard of him but now out of nowhere he's consistently one of the top streamers. Did he do something cool or funny or is he a youtuber or something?
He viewbotted
You can get shards for stuff you already own, yes.Two questions fellas:
1. Is it right for us to get a skin shard of a skin we own? Are we expected to just reroll or disenchant these? If so that sucks :/
2. Just got my first gemstone. What do you guys do with this? Save it to get hextech annie? Forge it into key chest? I assume it's a full key?
You can get shards for stuff you already own, yes.
10 gemstones can be crafted into Hextech Annie, hold on to those.
I had a rare "things turned out better than expected" ranked game. Someone picked Hazmat Heimer top and proceeded to straight roll a Tryndamere down his lane to his inhib tower.
Then he came to other lanes and helped us get those too.
No, please stayJust started watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Damn, this starts off so good from the first episode.
Edit: Yeah, this might not be the right thread.