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League of Legends |OT11| going

Took my first Taric game straight to ranked. The mechanics around W is funner than I expected. It's a bit like playing Lulu. Pretty good for engage and disengage.


What did rito do to their spectate client the last couple patches? Tried to spectate some friends and it is unbearable, constant long pauses and skips/lag, eventually a connection error that makes you quit out. Two other friends I talked two also have this so it can't just be me.


Finally played my first ranked match in quite the while as mid. Had a blast even though we lost. my main focus is just on improving myself and making better plays. Ended with 10/6/12.

Might play one match later to get my WoTD later tonight if I have time
Gross malz.

Also cho gath right now is pretty dumb.

I wanna try Cho with the new item changes. Until then IDK where I wanna play him. Top or AP Mid..

Just had this long shot victory.


Veigar got rolling early cause no one bot respects the fucking MIA ping. They got 2 barons and 20 more kills on us and Veigar's just running around one shottin people with 4 Deathcaps ... still not sure wtf happened.

Through out the game fucking Top is whining and /FF voting cause he got first blooded and couldn't snowball.

(Also, stupid shit like this is why I like to Counter pick Veigar with Garen. Cut his knees early and such with a AD tanky champ he can't do shit to early game. But the reworks gonna change that I guess)
I wanna try Cho with the new item changes. Until then IDK where I wanna play him. Top or AP Mid..
Either, he is a great anti assassin cause he is crazy tanky with his ult and then his W and Q. I love playing him against yas because your E makes him never really has his shield and when he dashes into you, you just W Q auto him and he cant do anything.

He is also fun against ekko cause you can just eat him before he can ult back.

Cho is almost always kinda dumb. But he's boring as fuck.
I agree, he is dumb, I think he is alot of fun to play, and easy to play which is good. You dont have to playing the hardest champ.


Holy moly what are these queue times

Is everyone playing hexakill or has the dynamic queue effect finally gotten to gold elo


Holy moly what are these queue times

Is everyone playing hexakill or has the dynamic queue effect finally gotten to gold elo
It's silver/bronze too. 2-5 minutes or more to get a lobby (which is also long and which might get dodged) makes me want to play less, which I guess helps queue times creep up even more. :p


Holy moly what are these queue times

Is everyone playing hexakill or has the dynamic queue effect finally gotten to gold elo

Riot claims 1 million concurrent users so it's baffling this is a thing. perhaps the numbers they report is during special events when they grant party XP bonus or when a reworked character is available, I dunno.

I know during weekday mornings I have to wait 6 min+ for normal matches in gutter elo


Just had a guy who begged for mid from another guy, says he never gets mid and it's his best role. The guy who originally gets mid gives it to him and the guy who begged for mid goes 0/10. Like poetry.
Just had a guy who begged for mid from another guy, says he never gets mid and it's his best role. The guy who originally gets mid gives it to him and the guy who begged for mid goes 0/10. Like poetry.

Well that's because he never gets mid! If only he had mid more, he'd improve.
THIS was a damn nightmare struggle game!

Early it seemed like we were doing good to me cause I beasted all over Shen top but then I look at the deaths and see how lop sided it is ... then I notice bots like 0/7. I'm convinced that Nami was premade with Trist cause even after their bot pushed our mid she would stick to the useless Trist like glue until late late game when we started seeing light at the end of the tunnel.

This Trist was troll (I mean, idk wtf she was doing but when I had 160 cs she had fucking 21 and was 0/12) but lucky for us they didn't know how to finish games. I tried FF twice and at some point I was like "Fuck it, Just gonna ram through Mid and wait for others to catch up". I just charged through with Fizz following up from behind and we danced in their base long enuff for the team to take mid towers and inhib ... put the fight back in everyone. Shyvan really stepped up though with the split pushing, even with her failed baron steal AND failed 25min Baron call.

Was wonderful employing the Sion tactic of "Be sooo tanky 3 people are needed to kill you so you sloooowy kite them top/ bot as someone pushes before popping your ult to GTFO"


Just had a guy who begged for mid from another guy, says he never gets mid and it's his best role. The guy who originally gets mid gives it to him and the guy who begged for mid goes 0/10. Like poetry.

wow... How do scrubs like this get into high elo? Guess elo boost...


Or you can git gud and get diamond even easier than being friendly.

jk diamond players are garbage too

i mean, he's really good at the game in his own crazy way

he was just built for the rivens and the yasuos rather than adcs and supports
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