I played against bots and the AI somehow managed to get an even score with us, including an ace (33 to 31 at a time). Most of the time the bots would be grouped up together and people would go one by one to fight them (and getting killed), and then we'd ace them and my teammates would instantly back instead of pushing, which forced me to ping and call them out repeatedly until they'd realize that constantly killing or getting killed without ever taking any towers/inhibs wasn't the right thing to do. Some of them were probably new because they didn't have they keystones yet, and the locked Tristana did questionable stuff such as rocket jumping onto minions just to damage them, not planting bombs on anything or randomly deciding to back off when I was engaging or attempting to engage by herself and getting killed really quickly as a result.
It's still nowhere near as bad as the one bot game I saw my cousin play where he had a Garen and Jax who would constantly dive three or more bots with Garaen's spin or Jax's jump and then do nothing else, feeding the AI while my cousin could do nothing but watch as he was just trying Udyr out so he didn't know how to try and salvage the game. I was laughing out loud as we watched Garen spawn, rush to lane, spin and die over and over and over.