Maybe we should all calm down and move away from that discussion. Maybe take it to PMs?
Maybe we should all calm down and move away from that discussion. Maybe take it to PMs?
I'm not gonna lie, you sound like an absolute nightmare teammate and I'm glad I've never come across you in my gold ranked games
I bet you're that guy that types "GG" in all chat if the enemy gets first blood then spams laugh while AFKing in fountain when it's 11-5 20 minutes in
Cool your jets and think, dude. You obviously didn't come here for advice, you wanted a pat on the back and a "damn sorry you couldn't carry silver shitters."
Yep. I love Taliyah. Absolutely, without a doubt, my favorite champ.
I mean didn't you just tell like 3 people to fuck off
But oh well, go watch MSI y'all, someone's playing Aurelion Sol and isn't feeding. It's a Christmas miracle
Maybe we should all calm down and move away from that discussion. Maybe take it to PMs?
If this makes the current, very volatile situation any better, you can try giving Nasus a play. He's both a tank and someone whom will enable you to obsess about your CS and wave control. He also is someone who plays very passive until you can destroy. He's ALSO someone who will allow you to learn very easily the lengths of your abilities. I don't know, just my one cent, lol.
I think generally the more you hate this game the better of an ADC player you are.
I think generally the more you hate this game the better of an ADC player you are.
She looks really good. That ultimate is definitely ultimate-worthy, despite no damage. Unless her numbers suck I'm expecting her to see a lot of play.
She looks really good. That ultimate is definitely ultimate-worthy, despite no damage. Unless her numbers suck I'm expecting her to see a lot of play.
I watched a couple videos and her Q has really good damage numbers already, it's just that it's a common thing I'm hearing from streamers/youtubers that her W/E combo is sort of hard to pull off in the laning phase. I guess I have to update my pbe to see for myself. All the possible uses of her ult is exciting to me.
In general if you play LoL or by extension any moba, you must be a masochist on the inside.
I think generally the more you hate this game the better of an ADC player you are.
That's Sith line of thought. Reach enlightenment and rise above hate for true elo.I think generally the more you hate this game the better of an ADC player you are.
I watched a couple videos and her Q has really good damage numbers already, it's just that it's a common thing I'm hearing from streamers/youtubers that her W/E combo is sort of hard to pull off in the laning phase. I guess I have to update my pbe to see for myself. All the possible uses of her ult is exciting to me.
In general if you play LoL or by extension any moba, you must be a masochist on the inside.
Ikr. Maybe she can even get some competitive play. Her lack of escapes and the worked ground effect on her Q make her strictly a mid-laner, but I think she would be a good counter-pick against heavy mobility comps. Does anyone play Yasuo in competitive anymore? She's like one of the hardest Yasuo counters. I think she could also beat Fizz pretty easily if played well. Dunno how the interaction with Fizz's Playful/Trickster works.
Blind picking her is risky, she gets trashed by speedy AP burst like LB, or AD's with blinks like Zed / Talon. Situational in competitive at best, though she'll prob see a lot of SoloQ play since she's so damn fun.
I mean didn't you just tell like 3 people to fuck off
But oh well, go watch MSI y'all, someone's playing Aurelion Sol and isn't feeding. It's a Christmas miracle
what the fuck why is MSI on right now
Breezy please use this other thread for MSI discussion.
Just to let people who are gonna watch vods avoid spoilers.
It's in China which is shitty for NA.
It''s something. That's for sure. Her kit has no cohesion with itself, no synergy, it's just a mish mash of random abilities.
Like, I've criticized Aurelion Sols kit, but atleast it has cohesion and there is synergy with it. This is just a Frankenstein of abilities that sound cool in concept but really doesn't work as a whole.
Before you take this as a 'Wow Breezy was just waiting to hate something', I was excited for Taliyaj. I love Shurima champion, I love the thematic concept of sand/ground(Whether it's Nasus strengthening himself up with the sands of the desert or malphite launching shards of rocks), Taliyah is just disappointing.
I tell the guy to read the minimap and get told to fuck off.
Feels like solo queue.
How's the MSI so far out of 10? Might get into it this weekend if they're good games.
I tell the guy to read the minimap and get told to fuck off.
Feels like solo queue.
How's the MSI so far out of 10? Might get into it this weekend if they're good games.
Her kit has plenty synergy. Your knock back from W will instantly detonate your traps if you cause an enemy to fly over them, and the CC makes it easier to land multiple shots of Q. Her passive lets her move quickly along her ult wall if you decide not to ride it. Her W can fling enemies over walls, an obvious synergy with her ult (chuck a tank over your wall, keeping them out of the fight).
You just lack imagination. You said the same thing about Bard when he was revealed, ignoring the way his E (if used by enemies) and R and can set up Q stuns.
That was a beast game.
Anyway, in other news ... I got Death Blossom K-6 in and final boss in some boxes with left over RP from buying junkyard Trundle.
You know what that means?
I'mma start learning me some K-6 top and Veigar mid. (And AP Sona mid if I like her changes. I love that DJ skin so I refuse to dust that shard but I refuse to play bot lane again. Plus I feel like the new item changes might work really well on her)
The only thing I disliked about Bard was his whole roaming aspect.
And in practice, her skills do have synergy, if you're good enough to land them. Kinda like Azir but with a worse ult.. Still think her ult is one of the worst things about her kit.
Veigar might get strong with his changes.
Yeah, I hear that ... but I just hate him. From playing against him mid so often as Diana I just fucking HATE him. >:/
All I care about tomorrow is
Raven is Coming
I played him for the first time a couple of days ago and had a blast. There's something almost cathartic about safely farming and then just one shooting someone with a single ability.
Actually, more of a serious request. Do you have any replays of yours I can take a look at? I want to compare.
I was hoping for some additional sparkly sounds with Kindred autos.
Kind of sad.
Pankaks and I used to play a shit tonne of ranked together an he has a lot of replays.Actually, more of a serious request. Do you have any replays of yours I can take a look at? I want to compare.
For once I'm not really part of the drama. It's rex/kayos thing.oh man noot you're gonna have to give me the summary of this drama
i think the removal of enchantments would be really nice for competitive, because of distortion
this patch looks to be pretty great if new guinsoo isn't totally broken