I am trying to learn Jhin , any tips for him?
Beginners tips:
- Abuse Q and W early game, Don't invest in E unill later.
- Jhin is really strong Lv 1 - 3, be aggressive and learn how to trade well
-Use E to stay safe in lane, most junglers are either careless when they gank or they avoid ganking at all.
- Be aware, if an enemy triggers E use Q for increase in dmg
WHEN TO USE THE ULT. Its infuriating when people just use their ult whenever, because its one of the easiest ults you can dodge or be blocked by. Also its most effective when the champ has a low HP. Ping your support to use CC if possible
- You are relatively slow champ, position your self better.
- For a slow champ, Jhin can be really good 1v1. WEQ and couple of AA will just kill a champ instantly, don't be afraid to actually attack even 1v2
- If you are playing a champ with hard CC, anticipate their engage and don't engage before/without them, if your support do not have a CC, engage with your CC and let them help attacking from behind.
I am a still a newb but hope that helps. I just started playing him and he suprisingly easy to pick up and play due to his slow and deliberate movement, if you are comfortable with Ashe, then Jhin is no brainer.