Newt, if that's your voice, you just ruined the image of when I read any of your GAF posts in Draven's voice :'). (I read Zkylon's in lux's) but that only happens for you two, I'm bored I guess.
alright, the ease of CS and contribution here in 20 minutes. you know what, he's in my ranked rotation already. 5 matches in, i'm sold. he is a terrorist.
I read ghosts posts in his voice from the vid where he raging about that fiddlesticks
Lol, what was that heim trying to build, holy shit.
Out of curiosity do you remember what grade you got that game by some chance?
Lol, what was that heim trying to build, holy shit.
Holy shit, he just fucking walked in.I read ghosts posts in his voice from the vid where he raging about that fiddlesticks
I read ghosts posts in his voice from the vid where he raging about that fiddlesticks
my rough ideas for kayle:New guinsoo is probably gonna be broken on Kayle.
She really needs a new kit and/or nerfs. She's just so good at exploiting broken items, and at the same time she's one of the easiest champions in the game to play. Only stuff like warwick is easier.
i wanna try athenes mid, stillI'm so hyped to play on the new patch today.
Soraka nerfed, relic shield sustain nerfed.
New Athenes looks sweet.
Mages being stronger should really weaken sunfire + iceborn gauntlet.
Why not just ask him to boost you instead?
Stop being such an ass.
Did I kick your dog? wow.
It might depend on how much you want to scale if you want athenes now in mid lane. Anyone without heal/shield pretty much can't buy athenes rough ideas for kayle:
- she's ranged and she has the splash dmg from her e as her passive. armor/mr shred removed. her range is probably 550 instead of 525, not sure
- her q is now a line skillshot with a longer range (maybe 800). second option would be to make it so it enhances her next auto, increasing its range, dmg and applying a slow on hit.
- her w is reworked into a spell or passive that better conveys that she's supposed to be flying. i want it to still have utility so i'm thinking something like a short range dash that leaves a buffing trail that lasts a couple seconds. buffing trail would apply something similar to current w, speed up and heal or something like that, while she gets the healing on cast, the speed on finishing the dash.
- e i'm not sure. i think she shouldn't really have any more cc or utility, so definitely some sort of damaging ability. maybe the w can be split up into two spells, maybe it's a three-hit passive, no idea. i like the idea of kayle being a judge-like character, so maybe she could explore that fantasy with her e a little bit more. idk
- r i'd keep the same, but increase the cooldown a bit
i'd like to see her visually redesigned too, right now she's not very interesting and i think the character has a lot of potential
i wanna try athenes mid, still
it's so cheap that u can do athenes+amp tome and have like 60 ap like on live (with 200g to spare) and i feel that on lulu it'll be a really good item
i think it won't do the job for ori and she'll probably be a tear champion, and honestly i don't think i'll trend towards the murdering items more but i like the idea
Pankaks and I used to play a shit tonne of ranked together an he has a lot of replays.
Here's one.
keep in mind they're a bit old tho haha
For once I'm not really part of the drama. It's rex/kayos thing.
When you lose 11 games in a row:
1- Take a break. A LONG break
2- Think what you might be doing wrong, maybe you are too aggressive or to catious
3- Play a NEW Champ, your favorites aren't helping you, might be a good idea to pick a new one
4- Google counters (Example Sona Counter Morgana) for your preferred lane
5- stick with 1 Lane (Supp, ADC, Top, etc)
6- Maybe learn 1 Champ REALLY WELL
7- Play with a friend
8- play against a friend (1 v1)
9 - Learn how to trade better, get more CS on shorter times, when to Push and not to push, etc...
10- NEVER RELY ON YOUR TEAMMATES FOR ANYTHING. Let them die, let them feed, play your own game at your own pace. Once in while you will play with better players who will not feed
11- Enjoy the rank you are (I personally gave up on going up to Silver, I am trying to sustain myself in being Bronze III and II)
12 - MUTE everyone and don't chat
13 - make a goal for each game (example, get x amount of CS in that amount if time, get at least 4 kills while roaming, Get at least 3 kills early game, Never die between mins 15 and 21, etc.) this will give you better idea on what are you doing.
14 - Always repeat; FUCK VAYNE, ASOU and LUCIAN players. this will make you feel better![]()
14 tips for breaking a ranked losing streak
You won't believe #9
it's your whole attitude over the last few pages. Being a dick to people trying to give you advice without looking at your own flaws, then calling your opponents "silver shitters" and "silver fucktards" which is really hilarious to me considering last season.
Your attitude stinks to high heaven.
To be fair Rex gave you perfectly good advice and you belligerently ignored it.
When you lose 11 games in a row:
1- Take a break. A LONG break
2- Think what you might be doing wrong, maybe you are too aggressive or to catious
3- Play a NEW Champ, your favorites aren't helping you, might be a good idea to pick a new one
4- Google counters (Example Sona Counter Morgana) for your preferred lane
5- stick with 1 Lane (Supp, ADC, Top, etc)
6- Maybe learn 1 Champ REALLY WELL
7- Play with a friend
8- play against a friend (1 v1)
9 - Learn how to trade better, get more CS on shorter times, when to Push and not to push, etc...
10- NEVER RELY ON YOUR TEAMMATES FOR ANYTHING. Let them die, let them feed, play your own game at your own pace. Once in while you will play with better players who will not feed
11- Enjoy the rank you are (I personally gave up on going up to Silver, I am trying to sustain myself in being Bronze III and II)
12 - MUTE everyone and don't chat
13 - make a goal for each game (example, get x amount of CS in that amount if time, get at least 4 kills while roaming, Get at least 3 kills early game, Never die between mins 15 and 21, etc.) this will give you better idea on what are you doing.
14 - Always repeat; FUCK VAYNE, YASOU and LUCIAN players. this will make you feel better![]()
Yes yes let the cho flow through you.![]()
alright, the ease of CS and contribution here in 20 minutes. you know what, he's in my ranked rotation already. 5 matches in, i'm sold. he is a terrorist.
Ashe is decent overall. Easy to play mechanically and provides a lot of utility.Try ashe for adc. She's like adc gold in gold.
She provides:
- decent damage. She can be a lane bully if you get the first level 2, W them for the slow, pop your Q and chunk them down to almost nothing.
- slows. I can't even count the number of times I've saved a teammate with just walking up and landing a W to slow the enemies chasing them
- vision. Hawkeye is a godsend. Use it wisely and you will be rewarded.
- initiation/self peel. Land the arrows and you will win.
Everything a team needs in gold elo. It's like playing a jungler and adc in one. Just need good positioning, probably swifties most games and wise use of the arrow (not to mention landing it).
Yeah thats what alot of people think about it, i know dryus has said the samething about meta picks. And i totally agree with them. I have played people like azir and have had tons of fun with them but yet for mages when i go into ranked i usually just pick someone like brand who is nice and simple. Same thing with adc, i just pick utility based adcs like sivir and ashe.Ashe is decent overall. Easy to play mechanically and provides a lot of utility.
This conversation reminds me of that CLG analyst who posted his difficulty rankings of all champions, and suggested playing easier ones to focus on being able to learn other stuff in the game (rotations, csing, strategy, etc).
I'm gonna find them and post them later, I think it's a good resource for new-ish players. We could link to it in the OT.
I have been in every elo, from bronze to diamond 2
Diamond 5 is absurd, genuinely absurd, there are no words to describe the people you meet there.
It is a sandtrap
There is no light in diamond 5, it is a vacuum
It's easy to explain too.
Plat is the most toxic elo.
Diamond 5 is filled with a lot of plat 1 people who think they are better than plat.
My biggest issue is the dance. I dance around mid or a lane and don't know what to do after the hard landing phase is over. I waste 10-15 seconds four or five times a game just walking around a lane planing my next move. It's a bad habit I really need to kick. Setting little goals like that is something that can help.
If your teammates are being dumb I recommend using the ping system rather than chat. I ping a lot in my games. Not in quick succession, just over the whole game. People seem a little less likely to tilt if you ping a couple times rather than chat and tell them what to do. Need to do Bsron? Ping omw. Want some CS? Ping back on someone trying to take it. Just once.
Keep these things in consideration at all times, laning, mid game, and beyond-
Are there any objectives?
Are any of them dead?
Do I have knowledge of the enemy team to do an objective?
Does any other lane need help or a gank?
Where is my team?
Is my team capable of doing X if I ping it?
Am I able to assist in a way that will get us ahead?
Where is the enemy team?
Is there anything I can do that isn't just farming?
Try to keep these things in mind as a checklist, after a while it'll become 2nd nature playing this game. This is crucial to knowing when, how, and where to move. Knowing your teams level of communication(Do they listen to pings? Do they talk about a gank?) is also a good indicator of knowing what you should do in regards to your team.
I have never had more afks in my life than diamond 5, not only that but sulking players who say "Im not grouping, you all suck" or some variant, the toxicity is off the charts, almost every game is over before 25 minutes because no-body has the stomach to fight and there are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
many people who are obviously boosted.
You check their match histories
The red
the bright red
Those games that don't feel that good to win but they feel terrible to lose.[IMG]
New rageblade is just busted on yi. Fortunately we had enough CC to survive it. Had to really calculate things with Cho and not use his skills for wave clear before a fight because who knows when fuckin Twitch or Yi are going to jump out of a bush. Twitch was exceptional in his timing. New Frozen Heart felt pretty good. We defended the Nexus 5 different times (couldn't leave base for the last 25 minutes of the match). In the end, Varus and Corki drove it down middle after a 4-man wipe to finish as Yi tried in vain to go through me and Zyra defending Nexus.
All those champs feel fuckin beast now.
Anyway here's hoping your first match on the new patch isn't an hour-long heart-stopper too. [img]
I think it's time for a Cho skin.
Thanks mate. Some of this stuff is sort of "duh" and a mindset thing rather than a quality thing. I think some of the stuff will definitely help me.
keep in mind, that I am still a Bronze player so the only thing I can help is simple things like this.
Those games that don't feel that good to win but they feel terrible to lose.
Every once in a while it can be nice to experience though. Just to see these close comebacks.
That's great, then. I'm often too exhausted after such a game to be able to enjoy the win properly.I must say, I feel fuckin great.
edit: match up - dem stats.
edit 2: we were locked mostly in our base and definitely on our side of the river from 36:00 - 1:05:00. nobody even entertained the thought of giving up.
But ranked will be really fun now when nobody knows what's good!Aww geez. All these changes means I won't be able to play ranked for days. Feels bad.
New rageblade is just busted on yi. Fortunately we had enough CC to survive it. Had to really calculate things with Cho and not use his skills for wave clear before a fight because who knows when fuckin Twitch or Yi are going to jump out of a bush. Twitch was exceptional in his timing. New Frozen Heart felt pretty good. We defended the Nexus 5 different times (couldn't leave base for the last 25 minutes of the match). In the end, Varus and Corki drove it down middle after a 4-man wipe to finish as Yi tried in vain to go through me and Zyra defending Nexus.
All those champs feel fuckin beast now.
Anyway here's hoping your first match on the new patch isn't an hour-long heart-stopper too.![]()
I think it's time for a Cho skin.
Edit: says the match is still processing. Varus did 100k damage to lead the game and somehow didn't earn an S+ O_______O . Twitch not far behind at 88k. O__O
But ranked will be really fun now when nobody knows what's good!
But I wanna get to masters, not have fun :/ Maybe I'll just spam leblanc and kill mages all day. Lol jk I'm not gonna get mid all week, ADC all day ever day.![]()
I'm genuinely mystified by that varus build. and the fact that it produced that much damage. Wow.
Yeah cho is great against assassins. People never respect his pure damage.I'm right there with you. He was straight *chunking* people. I didn't know he had so much AP in his kit but...yo. 100k damage clearly says he does.
Also, another Cho game another S-. Three straight. This time against a Fizz. He killed me once in the first 6 or 7 minutes. Finished 8/2/0. Fizz remains tricky but he played himself a few times not respecting the tank + silence + pure damage and got ate.
Yeah cho is great against assassins. People never respect his pure damage.