oh i have to do this
You'll press R on accident a time or two but it's worth
oh i have to do this
Of course it's bmDo you guys consider it bm to flash your mastery emote after making a play?
You'll press R on accident a time or two but it's worth
lol i remapped laugh to C awhile back when I played veigar for being super annoying. My favorite is when someone totally fucks up a play then flashes the mastery emote.You'll press R on accident a time or two but it's worth
Do you guys consider it bm to flash your mastery emote after making a play?
Yeah I never shit talk or act rude but if I thoroughly embarrass somebody I'll flash em my mastery emote and I'm just wondering if that's a little too much salt in the wound lol
After the enemy tries to dive you and you pull off a double kill.
My friend types ??? everytime there is a bad play, ally or enemy. It tilts me so hard in a match, and the feeling I have is only increased by the fact that I'm talking to him in skype.
You guys are terrible.
"Is that a rocket in your pocket?""You can't milk those!"
"You can't milk those!"
"You can't milk those!"
"You can't milk those!"
"You can't milk those!"
"You can't milk those!"
"You can't milk those!"
Lemme rephrasewho do you think is selling it?
Both are really goodI'm still confused by the skin sale, can I expect Pool Party Lulu to go on sale ever? It is sitting at 975 right now.
Also, is Pool Party > Winter Wonderland?
First u gotta ask: is bm actually bad?Do you guys consider it bm to flash your mastery emote after making a play?
I need t for zhonyas but yea, ctrl6 is a painI have it mapped to T for highly efficient trolling
Doesn't come close to how bad this is.that irelia skin is so fucked up
goes to show how generic she is that u can't tell her apart from karma
it's still the best gold skin tho lolDoesn't come close to how bad this is.
that irelia skin is so fucked up
goes to show how generic she is that u can't tell her apart from karma
I guess they just made the system a bit tougher. I was expecting p1, and got placed in p5. I don't think it's a "problem" per se.So I haven't played in like a month and the first thing I see is that ranked is reset. To my surprise a lot of people seem to complain about their placement matches. There seems to be a problem where people get placed on a much lower rank than what you would expect. I've seen a guy go 9-1 but end up in bronze 3.
Is this just anecdotal or is it widespread? I'm asking because I don't want to play ranked yet if some problems are persisting right now.
i really wonder why rito hasn't reworked irelia yet
i'm guessing she's a bigger scope fiora cos they basically have to scrap everything but her q
yeah, you have a point thereI think Meddler mentioned that all the diving fighters (Irelia, Xin Zhao, Renekton, Riven??, etc.) probably need a class pass at some point. Basically divers are a relic of the Irelia Problem, so they all have kits that are a little generic and try to do too much, they tend to have scaling problems as a result, and since they rebalanced a bunch of stuff to let juggernauts be a thing they are a little out of place. I think they need a clear vision of what divers are for and why you would pick a diver over an assassin (better burst to go along with target selection) or over a juggernaut (better survivability to go along with sustained damage).
that irelia skin is so fucked up
goes to show how generic she is that u can't tell her apart from karma
Doesn't come close to how bad this is.
Next Rework guys:
Its happening.
If you like Pool Party then just get it.
Well yea but now I'm wondering if it will be on sale, thanks to the new skins sale schedule they started last year
8-2 and placed in Silver 3. Not bad really, I ended the preseason at Gold 4 with MMR probably around Gold 5 or Silver 1
i mean, i guess thing with irelia is that she's a lot of work and ppl already like her as she is so it's not that big of a deal if she's kind of a mess
compared to like fiora or poppy who were just as dumb but no one really liked or played them
or like shen, who's pretty popular lately and so it's a big problem if he's got poor design
Too bad the new sejuani skin doesnt have a special recall, I wanted to buy the russien skin but she does a silly dance, I think irelia dont have a new skin with special recall outside the frost spandex skin
Next Rework guys:
Its happening.
Next Rework guys:
Its happening.
Well yea but now I'm wondering if it will be on sale, thanks to the new skins sale schedule they started last year
8-2 and placed in Silver 3. Not bad really, I ended the preseason at Gold 4 with MMR probably around Gold 5 or Silver 1
I'm starting to wonder whether Poppy's quick R effect will get changed. It seems much more popular and effective than the actual charged R, and I'm not sure that's what they intended.
Frostblade Irelia doesn't have a special recall.
... No Irelia skins do.
It's why I'm hoping she gets a new skin (pref. 1350, but I'll settle for 975) soon, because the 750 was a slap in the face.
Oh, lucky me, I got that retrieving from server bug when I got into champion select, which forced a dodge and made me lose one of my promos.
That happened twice today. What the fuck.
I hope they make him as fabulous and camp as possible. I would love for Taric to have a similar amount of complexity as Bard and Thresh, cause I love those type of champions.
it'll be cheaper eventually, but it's a good skin at that priceIt's on sale right now. Today's the last day. 975 RP
i think it's ok since it makes ppl u hit untargeteable so there's some timing work into chaining cc after it for kills. like, it's not just a pile-on cc, not completely at leastI'm starting to wonder whether Poppy's quick R effect will get changed. It seems much more popular and effective than the actual charged R, and I'm not sure that's what they intended.
he's gonna be fab but probably nowhere near as jokey as nowI hope they make him as fabulous and camp as possible. I would love for Taric to have a similar amount of complexity as Bard and Thresh, cause I love those type of champions.
it's not as clear cut, but they do seem to prioritize champions that are problematic in the right nowThis sounds pretty much right.
"Problem" champs (Lee/Nidalee/Soraka/Sona/Shen) > Champs no one plays that are unhealthy when actually played (Poppy/Yorick/Fiora) > Champs no one plays (Eve/(Karma/Taric/Galio/Urgot) > Played but could still really use a rework (Iriela/Warwick/marksmen/mages) > champs who need a visual update only (Twitch)
seem to be the general order, though there's some randomness depending on how quickly they find "inspiration" for new kit design. Whether or not they give them a visual update or not seems to be random too (they updated Nid/Karma/Poppy/Twitch ect but not Eve/Lee/Sona).