Oh right , the dragons have elements my junglers still ignore
Just turn off your E and dont W or Q near the waves.MYMU = I suddenly see tons of Kats.
Don't wanna play Diana so I play Cho.
2 mins in THEIR BOT LANE (ADC and SUP) is in my lane ganking me. Anytime I play him into Kat my lane gets fucking camped. I feel like it's hard to freeze with him so I end up pushing non-stop. :/
imo water and earth are the strongest, everyone hates air but i think it's pretty good
all for one is my favorite bonus game mode so far
smacking some zeds around as brand
not yet but soon, I think. I need to struggle with him to better understand my limitations with him and his limitations in general.Cho the dream. Tried any ranked with him yet?
Sometimes you literally can't win games just from match making.
This is why i check everyone on the team before I decide whether I want to play or dodge
Doesn't help that the other players on the team were only a bit better than this guy.
How the fuck did this guy even get queued in a high plat game
9 straight S's. all normals, but still. feels pretty good. I don't believe I've had a run like that even with Champs I've played daily for years and I just picked up Cho on Monday or something.
Worked, but bot lane failed and the game was a wash with a Fed Jinx running amuck.Just turn off your E and dont W or Q near the waves.
overwatch is so good boys
yea we had some fun games with pankaks (who still plays support like every game lol) tonight
i felt bad and tried to play support a couple times but fed so much that i went back to tracer and d.va that are things i can understand
Didn't get mid but didn't feel like playing Trundle a 2nd time in a row when I saw Susan top selected.
So I picked Da Bear and shat all over Susan.
I really do think Voli it a great Nasus counter. he doesn't have the DMG or health to out trade your passive early on so you can abuse that. Once he gets behind there's not much he can do. Hell, I pushed him outta lane so hard he tried to flip the script and partake in team fights instead of coming to lane ... and he got shat on there cause he's still in early game.
He was in a 3 man premade so that was something we worried about. Employed my inner Trick2g and started a Proxy when I could, making him pick between trying to get revenge on me or farming ... he tried to take revenge and lost farm for it. Also channeled my inner SRO and froze the wave to zone him from farm. Then, after getting a kill, I got the cinder cause I completely forgot I was freezing ... so I had to just go the push route.
Didn't know Warmogs could be active sooo early on da bear.
i really wonder which overwatch champion breezy would like
Good nasus' farm under tower because the bear likes to push
well of course, you're not 12Well I like Reaper
Like, ironically like him
i really wonder which overwatch champion breezy would like
well of course, you're not 12
i don't think u need to work too hard to find nsfw stuff out of anythingHave you stumbled upon any NSFW Symmetra stuff yet?
he's fun to play tbh, but his design is super dumb to the point of comedy. i think they kind of play into that a bit in the trailersI just unlocked his highlight intro where he teleports half way through the floor and laughs
so damn edgy
Tried K-6 mid against Vel ... man, it's gonna be hard finding a place or match up to play him at. Mid lane has lots of soft lil champs to eat ... buuuut many of them are mages with great wave clear or assassins who are too slippery for one leap to take out. Top has more melee champs ... buuut many are either tanky or brawlers who are build for 1v1 fighting. Trundle's my goto for facing Fencing lady and Sion is my Shen counter. Those are 2 of ones I see the most other than fucking Teemo or other ranged harassers.
Got the same problem with Master Yi, too soft early one to trade super well with the tops. But at least he gets wave clear pretty fast.
I just took a piss in one for all against Malz, fuck that nigga.
Soldier 76 -> Reinhardt -> Bastion -> Symmetra
all you need to win games tbh
and fuck all the people playing Tracer
Holy shit, just played a game against 3 tanks who had full build. They can just atatck under turret all day and just...
That incredibly frustrating thank fully we won the game with our Cho carrying.
a fully fed Cho is scary.