Getting camped sucks.
It's been awhile since I've been camped that hard, ugh.
I don't JG.just play Kha'Zix and Yi in the jungle, where they belong.
The problem is every half decent laner will be a bad match up for Yi. Your one form of harass pushes the lane, you're useless without farm, you're immobile, you're squishy.
Even super passive stuff like Singed can just eat you up with minor jungler help because your kit just doesn't work with lane dynamics. has some stats for the new patch.
With the exception of Malz, Fiddle hit the jackpot with the update. He'll probably get away without nerfs for a while, too.
Anything works if people let you grab 4000+ gold unscathed, I guess.But with just BoTRK and like part of a 2nd item really spikes your power.
Normally I don't like Master Yi players, but he got absolutely Sejuani'd. I don't think the buff to Bloodrazor is going to help him, he really needs direct buffs.
Nah, Yi would be shit regardless, Devourer Rageblade was a crutch, now he has to deal with the same bullshit as other auto attacky carries except he's melee so it's even master yi's winrate now is straight garbo
I guess that's what happens when you nerf a champ because of an item and then remove that item
Anything works if people let you grab 4000+ gold unscathed, I guess.
Lane Yi is a low ELO thing.
out of my mids, viktor got considerably higher winrate now (couldn't get any lower, could it lol) and syndra dropped a bit more
ori and lizzy seem to be a big deal higher too
really curious what to build on ori, i was thinking roa into morellos like i did with syndra but i can see tear into morellos being really good too
As everyone i always used them.So boots enchanments are gone, as support I always used them
Goddamn tank meta. I just laned against a Jax who rushed Randuin's Omen. This is seriously giving me Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome, Takayasu Arteritis, and Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia with Eosinophilia all in one.
I'm not sure what randuins has to do with tank meta since it's a straight situational item now and most of its power is loaded into anti crit. It's actually insanely inefficient against non adc types and doesn't contribute to damage at all, which is the real problem with tanks right now.
"Tank meta" is full on meme status. People just use it any time they lose to a tank
or he sucks
or he sucks
fight me 1v1 no items
no stage lol what a nublet
I got them from Zhonya and Abyssal. Don't see why I should get anything else except maybe a situational Visage.
Zhonya and Abyssal have CD now? Goddamn Riot. Just give all mage items CD while you're at it @_@
Yeah that's the kinda shitty thing is you pretty much hit cdr cap with any build without even trying. I'm not sure if it was intentional but it seems like it takes a bit of strategy out of builds
First two games were rough. I'd work on csing and understanding enemy pathing. If you don't want to follow someone up on something ping them off. Sometimes people will still blame you but at least you warn them before they commit.First time playing with gaffers and it goes like this.I feel disgraceful.
*sigh* Gaaah.
Edit: That Voli focus.. I saw everyone go for him, that I felt the need to as well. Should have went for Lucian.
Eh test our cdr runesStill trying to figure out where to fit Cooldown into swains build. I tend to go for Liandry than Zhongya and by then it's like 'why do I need cooldown'.
Gonna break my Diana break and try the new Rageblade on her (Plus Imma try to roam for once, need to get better about that.).
I mean, provided I get mid ..
EDIT- Noooope, it was so prefect. I was last pick Mid, enemy mid is Zed (I don't have a problem playing Diana into him) everything was good but the fucking JG picks Viktor JG.
I don't give a fuck if maybe it's some viable lil known thing, I'm not dealing with yet another possible troll JG this week. Def not with the enemy team having a fucking Shaco ...
Tried Rageblade Diana ... not at all impressed. It feels much more like a ranged item now that it has to be stacked after 6 attacks.
Just played Voli vs Susan again ... we FFed @ 20. I solo killed him early but Shy kept camping my lane to get him back in the game and I didn't get one damn visit from the Lee I leashed (who also didn't get any damn drags and went 0/3/0).
Also, mid was Zed vs Kayle ... he fed early and it went exactly how you would expect.
EDIT2- Just dodged my last game for tonight cause someone locked in Nasus Jg and I was gonna make my first attempt at a Wukong game against a Darius ... seemed like a shit show ready to happen. :/
I generally wouldn't bother dodging normals. The outcome doesn't matter at all and you're not always gonna get a perfect meta fitting game. Just use weird games as ways to practice particular matchups and game knowledge as other people's picks will pretty much never influence those things. Obviously if there is just something you'd rather do for 10 minutes then dodge away but if it's just because people pick off meta stuff I don't really see a reason to dodge