Stone Ocean
Just kill Tank Ekko already.
Jesus Christ new triforce will make irelia broken yisssss
Jesus Christ new triforce will make irelia broken yisssss
A 80% attack speed buff at level 16 is nothing compared to other ADCs. Trust me I have like 1k ranked Sivir games. She's a tank enabler and split pusher. Her damage is lacking.Her damage is garbage how? Her ult passive gives 80% attack speed when W is active (always) at max rank. Her Q is one the strongest pure damage spells in her class. And she has AoE crits that let her damage the backline by hitting the frontline, nullifying the range issue. Her passive and R make her kite and chase top tier.
Why not build a comp designed to buff the strongest teamfighting adc in the game?
Irelia has no friends.
Oh good, add Fizz's ult to the "counterplay = Zhonya's" pile.
Just play Sion Mid and shit on him.
Love me some prefect KDA Sion mid games >
Sion is actually now my 3rd highest mastery champ ... just pushed out Trundle.
Not even from "prince pooperdik".post game chat without any shit talking what is this
Yeah I got fed as shit on tristana yesterday and still didn't feel that strong2 things
1- I have a bigger potty mouth than Newt on EUNE
2- I don't like using Tristana nowadays, she just feels...weak to me...
post game chat without any shit talking what is this
Not even from "prince pooperdik".
Also, Azir's ult got nerfed pretty hard. Pretty warranted, I guess, but Trump wouldn't be happy if he played League.
Holy shit that's brutalEmperor's Divide (R):
Wall duration lowered to 2 seconds from 5/6/7
So I guess they feel queue times below Diamond are fine?
I'm in gold and have never waited over 2 minutes for a queue, even when duo/tripling. What's wrong with it?
plz no![]()
Holy shit Riot ain't pulling no punchesKindred
Mounting Dread (E) slow reduced to 45% from 70%
What? It's a massive buff lol 20% Crit by itself is nothing.Triforce got a huge nerf
Over the last few months, ADC / mid has been anywhere from 2 to 10 minutes even with queue restarts. That's silver 4 where I'd assume there are lots of bad players, on weeknights.I'm in gold and have never waited over 2 minutes for a queue, even when duo/tripling. What's wrong with it?
What? It's a massive buff lol 20% Crit by itself is nothing.
Meanwhile it got 10% CDR, almost 3 times as much attack speed and it's considerably cheaper.
The movement speed is still thereBut now I can't build it on Nasus and get dem huge crits. Or Move speed.
The movement speed is still there
Lol, someone tried to pick Cass on my team.
Cass will probably be a lot better with tomorrow's buff. She's so fucking wonky to use.
I really don't because I keep the shitters in champ select in know how this feels.
I wonder how new triforce will affect Corki