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League of Legends |OT11| going


I've always been baffled by how well rumble performs in urf. He seems like the anti urf champion because cooldowns aren't really even his biggest restriction

edit i just tried it in a custom and apparently overheating doesn't silence you on urf
Playing Sion and rushing ZZrot has shown me so much.

Like how people don't seem to give a fuck that you're laying ZZrots around until late game. As in, they don't counter your rot by having someone buy their own and by the time they do (IF they do ... they rarely do) it's too late, you're storming their base.

Also, dropping rots seems to sometimes inspire someone else on your team to do the same.

I also love how it's a item that makes money. Was mid once with a EZ top (Why? IDK ..) vs a Nasus top. By the time I was able to complete my rott it dawned on me that "Fuck ... they have a Nasus and I already have 2 parts to the Rott". I got it anyway figuring that seeing how the towers were up and it was early he would stay top. After having it down for a bit I see this mofo just sit in my lane which sparks a team fight. I didn't drop it again but was able to sell it and buy another tank item from the gold it earned.


On the other hand, I don't understand why people don't use Rot portals as bait.

Set up a rot in a easy to get place and just camp the bush. Kill the guy who comes to get it and push the lane down with the Rot.

People just let them get taken for free sometimes. Really confuses me.
On the other hand, I don't understand why people don't use Rot portals as bait.

Set up a rot in a easy to get place and just camp the bush. Kill the guy who comes to get it and push the lane down with the Rot.

People just let them get taken for free sometimes. Really confuses me.

I WANT to do this! But unless I'm building some DMG items I feel like I'd need a 2nd person to sit there with me if I want a straight clean kill and it feel like often times people just kinda do their own thing and if it lines up with someone else they stick together in solo.

Gonna try typing that out though.

Normally I just use them from behind a tower to push the lane and after some towers are down I drop one down when I'm splitting to speed things up or leave one in a decent bust to push as I group up.


sealed with a kiss
i need to build mortal reminder more often against teams with lots of sustain

it just doesn't feel as good as LDR tho since often you're just building Mortal reminder for 1 or 2 champs when LDR is being used to it's full potential against 3-4
Presented without context.

BreezyLimbo GAF: sorry
BreezyLimbo GAF: panicked
BreezyLimbo GAF: They already banned all the op picks OH MY GOD I DIDN'T GET MALZAHAR .-.
Lego Sucks Blanc: lol
Lego Sucks Blanc: i actually
Lego Sucks Blanc: feel bad fo ryou naz
Lego Sucks Blanc: lol
Steph Sucks Blanc: you banned his taliyah
Steph Sucks Blanc: dafuq m8
Nazuell Element [Sexy: why ban tal
BreezyLimbo GAF: I panicked, reverted to the newest champ ban
Nazuell Element [Sexy: like I was had herpicked
Nazuell Element [Sexy: you
Nazuell Element [Sexy: have
BreezyLimbo GAF: I'M SORRY
Nazuell Element [Sexy: 108
Lego Sucks Blanc: LOL
Nazuell Element [Sexy: +bans
Nazuell Element [Sexy: I want you to dodge
Nazuell Element [Sexy: yea?
Nazuell Element [Sexy: you
Nazuell Element [Sexy: can
Nazuell Element [Sexy: how
Nazuell Element [Sexy: did you panic pick her?
BreezyLimbo GAF: yea
BreezyLimbo GAF: I saw ekko, kindred, and zed banned
Nazuell Element [Sexy: you could've picked anyone
Nazuell Element [Sexy: anyone
BreezyLimbo GAF: and thought 'fuck what do I ban'
Nazuell Element [Sexy: anyone
Nazuell Element [Sexy: other then your team
Nazuell Element [Sexy: have 108+ champs PANICS AND BANS TAL
Lego Sucks Blanc: LOL
Steph Sucks Blanc: lmao
Lego Sucks Blanc: lego wakes naz up just to have his tal banned
Lego Sucks Blanc: gg
Nazuell Element [Sexy: yea
Lego Sucks Blanc: LOL
Steph Sucks Blanc: LOL


Well I may as well play Uncharted 4 some more. Don't think I'm going to top this tonight. First time I've been called a smurf lol.
lol that's so awesome


You banned his Taliyah intentionally, didn't you?

Yes. I feel Taliyah is just weak.

Also, this game was fucking nuts. Oh my god. So I banned his tali, and I gifted him a mystery skin as a 'sorry', he got blood moon kennen. He gifted me back, I got Program Lissandra!(I don't play Lissandra BUT IT'S OK I'MA MAIN HER.)

Presented with Context-Our team was down in the dumps. Katarina and Lucian were beyond fed. Our eve dced for 8 minutes in mid game. We lost every dragon, an inhib, they still had outer bot tower 44 minutes into the game. Luci was single handedly carrying them.

And....we won. Between me, Lux, Janna and Eve, we locked down Luci, and they fell like Dominos. Made a push down mid(This is when timers are at 50 seconds), Blitzcrank was the first to die at his inhib tower. We took down the inhib, kept pushing, Luci respawned but died again, and we beat the turret. It was a great game. Game of the night. I did pretty decent as new vlad too(First time trying him out after remake.)

If I were to pinpoint one mistake they made, the one thing that caused them to lose, was that J4 wasn't taking the initiative when it came to initiating. He popped his ultimate...about 3-4 times after laning phase was over, even though we had bad positions, he didn't take advantage of it. Just a lack of initiation by a pretty tanky J4 lost them. Half the time we were the ones starting the teamfights. What a great game. I think this is one of my top games in a while, this week defnitely.

BreezyLimbo joined the room.
Prosciutto joined the room.
Aeritha joined the room.
Blackbeardlol NDUCK: thats
Nazuell Element [Sexy: fuck
Nazuell Element [Sexy: this
Nazuell Element [Sexy: fucking
Prosciutto VGs: that feel when luci go ham
Nazuell Element [Sexy: game
Prosciutto VGs: and dies
Prosciutto VGs: LOL
Blackbeardlol NDUCK: most ridiculous
Steph Sucks Blanc: :(
Aeritha EdgeT: lol
Blackbeardlol NDUCK: ever
Steph Sucks Blanc: the janna god
Aeritha EdgeT: this jhin
Aeritha EdgeT: i was carrying him too hard
MrBlackNRed ErDy: jinx fuck u
Nazuell Element [Sexy: I saved your ass lego
Aeritha EdgeT: doesnt deserve a win
Steph Sucks Blanc: o yea
Steph Sucks Blanc: ty
BreezyLimbo GAF: Hey Lux
Steph Sucks Blanc: naz
BreezyLimbo GAF: For you
Steph Sucks Blanc: ill honor u
BreezyLimbo GAF: Soz for the ban
Nazuell Element [Sexy: yo thanks vlad
Nazuell Element [Sexy: xD
Prosciutto VGs: Luci and blitz both went in alone.. like idk how more bronze it can get
Lego Sucks left the room.
Steph Sucks left the room.
Nazuell Element [Sexy: nah you're gine man
Nazuell Element [Sexy: honeslt
Aeritha EdgeT: lma
Nazuell Element [Sexy: ywasgiving you shit
Aeritha EdgeT: lma
Aeritha EdgeT: L
Aeritha EdgeT: M
Aeritha EdgeT: A
BreezyLimbo GAF: I can't read any of that
Aeritha EdgeT: O
Aeritha EdgeT: jhin
BreezyLimbo GAF: BUT OK
Aeritha EdgeT: you went top jhin
UveBeenFlashed TPV: lmfao
MrBlackNRed left the room.
UveBeenFlashed TPV: jhin
Nazuell Element [Sexy: gift
Nazuell Element [Sexy: got a figt
Aeritha EdgeT: i had to carry you
Blackbeardlol left the room.
BreezyLimbo GAF: WHOA
Nazuell Element [Sexy: gift
UveBeenFlashed TPV: i wasnt even involved in that tramfight
Nazuell Element [Sexy: gg man
UveBeenFlashed TPV: due to saving u from eve
UveBeenFlashed TPV: stfu now.
Aeritha EdgeT: and youre useless self
Nazuell Element left the room.
Prosciutto VGs: but luci
Prosciutto VGs: think about it
Prosciutto VGs: why would u 1v3
Aeritha EdgeT: because why not
Prosciutto VGs: u literally are being a hypocrite
Prosciutto VGs: when u said
UveBeenFlashed left the room.
Prosciutto VGs: its not game
Prosciutto VGs: then go in 1v
Prosciutto VGs: 3
Prosciutto VGs: like
Aeritha EdgeT: hypocrite?
Aeritha EdgeT: lol
Aeritha EdgeT: wrong word bud
Prosciutto VGs: wheres the thought process
Aeritha EdgeT: might wanna look that up
Prosciutto VGs: u said we wont lose
Prosciutto VGs: and go straight into a 1v3
Sir Saucy left the room.
Prosciutto VGs: thats pretty next level
Aeritha EdgeT: that doesnt mean im a hypocrite?
Prosciutto VGs: throws
Aeritha EdgeT: LMFO
Aeritha EdgeT: get outta here dude
Prosciutto VGs: ur skirting the question
Aeritha EdgeT: you dont deserve that win anyways
Prosciutto VGs: of course
Aeritha left the room.
Prosciutto VGs: feels ignorant man
BreezyLimbo GAF: He didn't want to hear my joke
BreezyLimbo GAF: That's why he lost
Prosciutto VGs: lel
BreezyLimbo GAF: GG Jhin
BreezyLimbo GAF: it was a fun top
Prosciutto VGs: feels throws man
BreezyLimbo GAF: first time with new vlad~ You were a good challenge. Shit happens, luci didn't respect our lock down
Prosciutto left the room.
Such a strange match.

Sooo many kills being split between just 2 champs ...

Anyway, match gave me a S- for Sion which puts me half way to getting super special rank 6 :eek: ..

Mid/ ADC and JG were a premade ... I have no clue how Mid ate it soo hard but he has the lowest CS in the game by a mile :/

Thought we were done fore when I saw how hard he was feeding ... until I remembered that they're a full AD team and are pretty piss easy to itemize against. Shoulda gotten Ninja Tabs but I wasn't biting it so I guess it never crossed my mind.


On the other hand, I don't understand why people don't use Rot portals as bait.

Set up a rot in a easy to get place and just camp the bush. Kill the guy who comes to get it and push the lane down with the Rot.

People just let them get taken for free sometimes. Really confuses me.

I usually use it yo build up a big wave whenever an objective is coming on the other side, or if the other team is pressuring a certain lane and tunneling on it. I'll just place it on the opposite lane.


sealed with a kiss
I'm still reeling over that game last night. Shut down league, nothing satisfying will ever come out of it again until Dragon Master Swain.

imagine, instead of a silly laser dragon beatrice can shoot fire

the flaming aura for your ult

the dragon claws erupting from the ground to snare your foes
imagine, instead of a silly laser dragon beatrice can shoot fire

the flaming aura for your ult

the dragon claws erupting from the ground to snare your foes

I had a better design for it

Swain gets 3 tiny dragons that follow him

One does his Q

For W, the dragon circles an area than shoots fire in a wheel like aspect that snares

For E, the third dragon just shoots a fireball that "ignites" the opponent

For his ultimate, each rank he takes on an aspect of one of his dragons. For level 2 and 3, he gains an extra head. Oh and his abilities now come from him while ulted..but I thought of that before they changed his Q ._.
I had a better design for it

Swain gets 3 tiny dragons that follow him

One does his Q

For W, the dragon circles an area than shoots fire in a wheel like aspect that snares

For E, the third dragon just shoots a fireball that "ignites" the opponent

For his ultimate, each rank he takes on an aspect of one of his dragons. For level 2 and 3, he gains an extra head. Oh and his abilities now come from him while ulted..but I thought of that before they changed his Q ._.

Rank 3 ult with Dragon Master skin = after getting Elder Dragon to 500HP, Swain takes control of it for 2 minutes.
Support Fiddlesticks. What? Didn't even buy a sightstone the whole game. Kept CS'ing from his ADC. He ended up with 80+ CS. I just....I don't understand why someone like that is playing Ranked. He isn't even close to being competitive.


Soraka URF was kind of fun. I was against a Talon mid and he got so annoyed he couldn't do anything to me, he just left and roamed instead, I won our last teamfight when the enemy tried to tunnel on our Kindred while in her ult and I just silenced like four of them and they all died.


Looking through bestbans.com for patch 6.10 when I see something unexpected.

Far down the list at least, not worth a ban.

Lucian's influence rating is ridiculously high compared to everyone else though. That pickrate is something else


posts in that lion thread in OT are seriously fucking pissing me off, how are people not being banned for some of the fucked up shit they're saying when people get banned in gaming side for taking a shot at a game.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I'm telling you guys all random URF permanent mode would be legit.


sealed with a kiss
lucian with youmuu+bc is like the only adc that actually feels good to play tho

just buff the other adcs to his level or something
I'm telling you guys all random URF permanent mode would be legit.
Then people start making ARAM-like accounts and presto, mode is ruined.

Random modes will never work unless all champions are avaiable at all times.
lucian with youmuu+bc is like the only adc that actually feels good to play tho

just buff the other adcs to his level or something
So you want all ADCs to be gods at all points in the game? That won't get old quickly
lucian with youmuu+bc is like the only adc that actually feels good to play tho

just buff the other adcs to his level or something

Honestly as long as he has his dash and double shot steroid, he's going to simply outclass other ADCs for those reasons alone.

Remove his dash and put something else, and honestly he would be an ok ADC as is




Lucian honestly just does too much damage early game and is too lane dominant. Only immobile ADCs should have access to that much early game power eg Draven/MF.
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