whenever reddit is crying about Riot doing something wrong and destroying something, I think back to this video:
lol this always makes me laugh
Xpecial's video really has nothing do with dynamic queue anyways.
The point is, is that many people including me, Talents, and I'm sure more people have had to play against premades as full solo teams. They moved in the right direction by reducing the max premade to 3, but it was only because people gave them this feedback.
Anyways all Riot has to do to make Newt happy: diamond + queues have a premade restriction of 2.
don't you mean plat 2+ queues?
Rito posted a graph of how playrate of certain champions correlate with other champions.
If you select a champ in the graph you can see more details, and actual ranks. For example if someone plays a lot of Zyra their next most played champ is likely to be Nami. If someone plays a lot of Heimerdinger their next most likely champs are Teemo and Blitzcrank. Draven correlates a lot with Vayne and Kalista.
Nobody likes Vel'Koz. Or is it that if you play Vel'Koz, you play few other champs?
kind of weird, if i put on ori i get a frightengly accurate list (ahri, lebonk, lizzy, syndra and lulu) but if i put on lux it's like the most random shit ever with like morgana and mf and jinx and fucking malphite lol
Riot promised SoloQ and changed their minds. If I make a promise to my kids we're going to Disney World and later change my mind well then my kids will think I lied. If I accept a job offer and later cancel then I'm also not credible to that company.
That's just how I see it and won't discuss it further
i mean, don't discuss it if you don't want to (i'm always confused when ppl decide not to discuss things further like why did you even start a conversation then?) but like what can i say, your opinion is dumb
like, hey, i get it, it sucks that rito didn't follow through on their promise but we're supposed to be adults that can do more than cry when they don't get to go to disney land. we can be reasoned with.
maybe disney land is super expensive or maybe there's something unforseen that came up that's more important
maybe going to disney land was a bad idea in the first place and going there just to meet some promise is ridiculous
the attitude you/a lot of ppl on reddit are having about it is that of a child and reality is priorities change and opinions change and as long as there's a reason for it that makes sense then cool, let's deal with it
you may then disagree with the decision and promising something and not delivering on it is definitely something to be mad at them for but being all like RIOT LIED TO US is really silly
Lastly, the conjecture bout Riot deleting posts is stuff the Reddit posters are eluding too. go debate it with them I guess I don't really care
if you don't care then why are you posting about it? and why are you repeating random crap with bad sources (doto reddit is not an objective source you can trust) you hear?
give riot the benefit of the doubt, they have reddit shitting on them day in and day out for as long as i've been playing league and they've never deleted any one post.
If riot is so intent on having people play in these 5 man parties in ranked, then why is there still no built-in voice chat?
Also, you might as well just compromise and use the dota 2 system. Just have individial mmr ratings depending on if you're in a party or playing solo.
the doto system is pretty good imo and would be cool if they use it, even if afaik in doto you can also be matched 4+1 which is one of the problems a lot of ppl complain about here/at reddit
the voice chat thing, idk, it's ok, but like other rioters have asked, why is it that no one ever drops like a discord or curse link for ppl to talk in
ppl don't love talking to strangers, specially in a game like league in which you'll probably want to murder those strangers
so idk, i doubt it'd make much of a difference considering how rare is for ppl that play league to not have any sort of voice comms installed on their computer already
like to me riot's logic makes a lot of sense, why bother developing something that's already out there and works
like i haven't ever seen ppl use overwatch's voice chat much, but i get invited to discords by my friends all the time