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League of Legends |OT11| going


I got a survey from Riot, it was about champion updates. It asked me about a couple of champs and then asked me to name three champs I thought needed an update the most; then it asked me about the three champs I named.

I put some pictures in an imgur album:



I forgot about Aatrox when I wrote it, and I did not mention Yorick since he's about to get a rework anyway. After these two and Akali/Warwick which I mentioned I think Kayle really needs an update.
I got a survey from Riot, it was about champion updates. It asked me about a couple of champs and then asked me to name three champs I thought needed an update the most; then it asked me about the three champs I named.

I put some pictures in an imgur album:




sky video is pretty good, i think the community has done a lot of good job of fairly and respectfully dismantling some of the arguments for dynamic queue, even if there's a ton of hashinshins out there talking nonsense

riot may change it back, who knows, the whole thing feels far from over and thinking about it i get the impression that this is a really strange mess to be in, like riot didn't predict how big it was gonna be. tho tbh, i think it blew up again thanks to that post, i don't think ppl were quite this upset last week

anyways, one thing is certain, riot's already lost me to overwatch


sky video is pretty good, i think the community has done a lot of good job of fairly and respectfully dismantling some of the arguments for dynamic queue, even if there's a ton of hashinshins out there talking nonsense

riot may change it back, who knows, the whole thing feels far from over and thinking about it i get the impression that this is a really strange mess to be in, like riot didn't predict how big it was gonna be. tho tbh, i think it blew up again thanks to that post, i don't think ppl were quite this upset last week

anyways, one thing is certain, riot's already lost me to overwatch

Seems to be a lot more League convert reddit threads in /r/dota2 lately. IDK what rito did but that's pretty nuts that someone would pick Dota ahead of Hots or OW. I doubt it will do much to Steam Dota numbers, prolly just a bunch of looky-loos. Will be interesting to see what the result is a month from now.


Seems to be a lot more League convert reddit threads in /r/dota2 lately. IDK what rito did but that's pretty nuts that someone would pick Dota ahead of Hots or OW. I doubt it will do much to Steam Dota numbers, prolly just a bunch of looky-loos. Will be interesting to see what the result is a month from now.
I would be shocked if Riot didn't respond to the backlash lol.


Does that mean actual change or free hats?
Like I wouldn't be surprised if dynamic queue gets either removed or every queue gets restricted to 3, not just diamond + players.

Either way, I personally am somewhat satisfied because of the diamond changes.
Skys video is ok but its main point seems to dwell on toxicity

And it just appeals to emotion because of it. He makes a case that he feels that Riot is trying to force everyone to work together but that they throw away this ideal in Diamond. And its like...yeah toxicity is a problem, but in high diamond this toxicity sticks out like a sore thumb. And then he tries to defend the 1%(he says what...riot made it better for the 99%, but not for the 1%?) and at that point he lost me. Like I said before, that 1% could probably do your roll better than you can, even if they dont main it.


sky video is pretty good, i think the community has done a lot of good job of fairly and respectfully dismantling some of the arguments for dynamic queue, even if there's a ton of hashinshins out there talking nonsense

riot may change it back, who knows, the whole thing feels far from over and thinking about it i get the impression that this is a really strange mess to be in, like riot didn't predict how big it was gonna be. tho tbh, i think it blew up again thanks to that post, i don't think ppl were quite this upset last week

anyways, one thing is certain, riot's already lost me to overwatch

Yeah that's very nice fan art
as for the pros playing on the Tournament Realm, it screams of them wanting to have their cake and eat it, too. In the xpecial video, he's complaining that in NA, as a Challenger, he plays against D2(and/or other Challengers get the same) players.(Even says it's not Riots fault). He continues to say that the autofill isn't the issue about why they're moving away, it's simply a case where there isn't enough high level players in NA compared to asian countries. It's an elitist issue of 'How dare they make us play with D2 players!'. Which I mean, they can do what they want, but atleast Xpecial understands its not Riots fault(Well, it might be since they split Diamond/Master/Challenger or whatever).

Solution-Remove challenger and Masters. Diamond 1 is the highest. Add sub categories to Diamond 1. If the population is that dire in Challenger/masters tier, then it's obvious that for NA, that split of categories isn't helping that ego that you get from being challenger when you only have 200 like opponents to compete against, and getting matched with D2 feels like the worst thing? I guess?

Just quietly, it's funny how despite Xpecial saying that D-queue isn't the problem, you still have redditors parroting that it is, in the reddit thread for the video


What Xpecial is saying isn't anyone's fault... There's nothing you can do if the aren't more players online at a given time. But yeah the difference in number of people in NA vs EU and KR servers is probably showing up a lot. I don't see EU pros crying about this whole stuff as much.

Maybe keep playing with the low diamonds so they can improve?


what a bad situation Riot has created with their lies (soloQ) is coming back to haunt and also their aggressive suppression of the public voice (deleting reddit comments) is a bit much.

Anyway, all that has nothing to do with me not playing the game much these days (just currently having more fun in other games) but it makes morale go down quite a bit

Trying to defect to Dota 2 might be weird though. My friends and I came across a hardcore Dota 2 player a few weeks ago while eating out. We were talking bout different games and having a blast. Dota 2 player (our freakin' waiter) walks up and asks for game suggestions (games we think he should try out). We suggest a crap ton of games he might like. All he says is "Nope, nope to that game, hell no to that game, blah blah". One friend got so frustrated he left.

Don't mean to typecast all Dota 2 players but this gave us the impression the average Dota player doesn't ever want to play other games. This guy was in pure denial

[edit] Like they taught us in high school I will link my references:
LoL to Dota

That's another huge problem.
What's really bad though is that it looks like the mods of r/lol r/leagueoflegends are now deleting any disagreement with riot. Like 8 out of the top 10 comments on their megathread have been deleted.

(granted this is conjecture on my part about Riot deleting comments at Reddit)
as for the pros playing on the Tournament Realm, it screams of them wanting to have their cake and eat it, too. In the xpecial video, he's complaining that in NA, as a Challenger, he plays against D2(and/or other Challengers get the same) players.(Even says it's not Riots fault). He continues to say that the autofill isn't the issue about why they're moving away, it's simply a case where there isn't enough high level players in NA compared to asian countries. It's an elitist issue of 'How dare they make us play with D2 players!'. Which I mean, they can do what they want, but atleast Xpecial understands its not Riots fault(Well, it might be since they split Diamond/Master/Challenger or whatever).

Solution-Remove challenger and Masters. Diamond 1 is the highest. Add sub categories to Diamond 1. If the population is that dire in Challenger/masters tier, then it's obvious that for NA, that split of categories isn't helping that ego that you get from being challenger when you only have 200 like opponents to compete against, and getting matched with D2 feels like the worst thing? I guess?

Just quietly, it's funny how despite Xpecial saying that D-queue isn't the problem, you still have redditors parroting that it is, in the reddit thread for the video
That's not really about elitism. You don't go to ranked to play matches against people way below your skill level, what's the fun in being a team of master/challenger players and stomping a team of diamond players?

But yeah, I never understood why Masters exists besides artificially extending the pool of matchmaking for challenger players. Maybe it's time to go back to an ELO system to make high level more volatile since people won't have demotion safety nets? I dunno
what a bad situation Riot has created with their lies (soloQ) is coming back to haunt and also their aggressive suppression of the public voice (deleting reddit comments) is a bit much.

Lies might be going far. It's not unreasonable that someone thought soloq could still be done and announced it would come back waaaaaaaaaaaay before they should have. It's not like this is the first instance of someone promising a feature in a game and being unable to deliver (looking at you Molyneux).


yeah but being a programmer myself I knew Riot was sort of full of it from the beginning. SoloQ would've been so easy to implement.

[edit] I regret this post- I dont work at Riot for all I know their code base is utter craptastic.
That's not really about elitism. You don't go to ranked to play matches against people way below your skill level, what's the fun in being a team of master/challenger players and stomping a team of diamond players?

Unfortunately thats what they have to deal with. Its like I mentioned before, autofill came about because of a lack of players to pull from, and this measure of playing only on the tournament realm/making smurfs only dilutes that playerbase. There is a bit of cake there, and there is a bit of eating that cake. There is no easy solution to fixing their problem since they are 1%, except for removing challenger or masters so the stigma of playing with D2 players isnt as big if they were Diamond with an * next to their rank


What do we think Riot will do to diffuse the situation? Will the people that are leaving LoL even scare Riot in the least? Since LoL is f2p and all gamers don't really "quit". We just walk away for a bit, vacation, and come back some day usually
What do we think Riot will do to diffuse the situation? Will the people that are leaving LoL even scare Riot in the least? Since LoL is f2p and all gamers don't really "quit". We just walk away for a bit, vacation, and come back some day usually

I mean

Dynamic queue isnt much of a problem. And communities are fluid to boot. People will always be leaving and joining
What do we think Riot will do to diffuse the situation? Will the people that are leaving LoL even scare Riot in the least? Since LoL is f2p and all gamers don't really "quit". We just walk away for a bit, vacation, and come back some day usually
Dynamic Q woes per se won't really change anything besides competitive minded players which are a minority in a game this big.


a fully maxed Q with 40%CDR (super easy to get now that TF gives 20) makes Q have a 4 second cooldown. now you'll have the Q maxed on average anywhere around 20-24 minutes

your q being on a 4 second cooldown that early instead of adding 1 second onto your stun makes you do so much more in teamfights. you can Q on top of people and by the time you E and get 2 or 3 autos off, your Q is back up for an additional wham

Dang... Well guess I know what I'll be trying today.
oh no 80 people arent going to play ranked

reddit, get mad at riot
It's kind of shitty though, part of what made ranked cool for me is the possibility of playing with/against actual pros, without that what's the point of aiming for challenger? So I can get matched with people like Nightblue or qt/Dom monkeying around? lol


It's kind of shitty though, part of what made ranked cool for me is the possibility of playing with/against actual pros, without that what's the point of aiming for challenger? So I can get matched with people like Nightblue or qt/Dom monkeying around? lol

They'll be back.

Pros can't just play against a limited pool of pros all the time. It's just not viable. It becomes insular and gameplay gets stale. There have been many interviews and remarks from pros on Twitch that they learn new strategies from "solo queue" and playing against different players. The only thing this will effect is you won't have your five man premade go against their five man premade. And even then, it'll only be until they realize how stupid this whole thing is.

They'll have their scrims like they always do and they'll be back to dynamic queue. This is all a bunch of nothing.


Well they cant really leave to begin with over a sustained time since they make sooo much money from streaming on twitch. And they cant stream from a different server due to careful forethought from the suits at Riot

Riot will increase their share of the players' LCS salary and everyone will be happy, lol.

this made me lol but has truth too


What role do you guys thing contributes to the overall victory the most? Do you think a fed Janna is overall more valuable than fed Darius or Nasus?

I ask this because with this new queue system I always end up playing support since I am too afraid to pick anything besides fill. I always think "hmm, but if I pick jungle (my strongest lane imo), maybe I take jungle from someone who is genuinely better than me." I use this logic for all lanes which makes me pick fill which has so far put me into support out of all the ranked games I played this season except one (about 30). The good thing is that I think I have improved as a support (especially with Janna) but I think I would have won a larger amount of games if I were the jungler instead of that try-hard Morgana jungle who can't pull her weight at all.

What do you guys think? Should I just pick jungle and risk that I take the place of someone better than me or continue to play "fill" and pretty much always get a support.
What role do you guys thing contributes to the overall victory the most?

I'd say jungle. Unless you're playing a farm-to-6 jungler, their early game pressure can set the tone of a game. Even if you're playing a champion that's better off hitting level 6 before touching lanes, they're still able to come in and get things going.
It changes from season to season, but in the last few Jungle has been the most impactful role and in this season it's the early game impact. That doesn't mean WW's still don't have a place here, but Junglers like Lee Sin who are strongest int he early game do way better in this season.

Mid lane and then top would be how I would put it after that.

On that note how are we feeling about wukong?


When the enemy Swain gets fed and your team keeps focusing him rather than taking out his allies first -_- (I actually 1v4'd Swain's allies and got a Quadra while my team tried to kill him... could have had the penta but I screwed up my flash over a wall... We then lost later on)

On the upside, that maxing Q second on Irelia is quite nice.


Pros are gonna use the tournament realm to have their own private solo Q lmao

What a clusterfuck this has become
this doesn't sound sustainable lol

and this doesn't seem like a new problem, pros have always complained about na solo q being trash so idk why they waited until now to do this

what a bad situation Riot has created with their lies (soloQ) is coming back to haunt and also their aggressive suppression of the public voice (deleting reddit comments) is a bit much.
riot doesn't delete reddit comments, pls don't make up stuff or take random posts on doto reddit of all places as truth

also riot didn't lie, they just changed their mind, which isn't the same

What do we think Riot will do to diffuse the situation? Will the people that are leaving LoL even scare Riot in the least? Since LoL is f2p and all gamers don't really "quit". We just walk away for a bit, vacation, and come back some day usually
no one is leaving league

you're only looking at the tiny reddit bubble that represents a very shitty subset of league players

most people are enjoying the game better and for all we know dynamic queue might've increased league's playerbase rather than reduce it
Sooner or later the pros are going to realize that playing against the same people isnt going to help them out. Not saying solo play is the only way to better yourself, but each type of play helps different things.

Playing scrims against teams is firstly meant for knowing how an opposing team plays. But repeated scrims against the same teams has a deteriorating growth potential. Not only that, but its aldo about knowing your teammates and being able to gain a flow with them whether its communication or eventually instinct.

Solo play is about putting you in situations that can sprout naturally and and how you react to them. Its about how you do yourself against an opponent of like skill. Its about being able to react and adapt to the situation, whether your team dies alot or they feed, and temperament in those situations.
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