Peanut Butter
Guess who got a 2/10 Yasuo on their team who disconnected for 10 minutes during their first placement match?

If you are in bronze and silver and someone first picks a yas dodgeGuess who got a 2/10 Yasuo on their team who disconnected for 10 minutes during their first placement match?
Xin is going to be crazy if those changes go throughSo they're making aatrox even lamer by putting both of his W procs on xin's W lol wow
I guess E max on xin will be gone too with the cd change so he'll just be nuts early
no noIf you are in bronze and silver and someone first picks a yas dodge
Xin is going to be crazy if those changes go through
So they're making aatrox even lamer by putting both of his W procs on xin's W lol wow
I guess E max on xin will be gone too with the cd change so he'll just be nuts early
poor aatrox. He should get a rework.
True forgot about and lolking.Xin is going to be crazy if those changes go through
no no them and see if they've been going like 13/4 in the past games or not. it could just be a smurf climbing
What is the ghetto way? I am not able to consistently do the combo, although I am probably just bad.
i feel like xin is one of "those" champions that if riot doesn't handle his buffs VERY VERY CAREFULLY he'll break again
Gold V to Silver 4. This season maybe over for me before it began. Not sure if I can handle another Silver run.
That's actually a pretty good placement from g5. Well above average if i had to guess
woah this new pickings...
You get to pick first before banning? Sorry it's my first time to play ranked in this new mode.
I'm getting there.s+ or git gud :>
I'm so terrified of doing placements
its just 'pick intent' to tell your team what you want to play and discuss strategies
s+ or git gud :>
so unlike rito to make placement so specially brutal without even mentioning it
I'm so terrified of doing placements
How do you go 0/0/0 and winhuh, I've owned Vlad for a long time but never even bothered playing him til tonight. I kept trying to tell the new queue thingy to make me mid. nope it decided to make me Top (my secondary) every time
I dont wanna lose my nice shiny Silver border (from being Silver last season). I have feeling when I do placements I will be dropped into Bronze where i probably belong
I just wanna know how to win tbh... Never mind 3 in a rowHow do you go 0/0/0 and win
How do you go 0/0/0 and win
Okay. The state of the game is way more shit than I thought it was before putting games in on the new season. I really just cannot believe how much worse the game is. the directives for the keystone masteries is awful. Introduces way too much power creep but it comes as flat damage that scales wildly unevenly across different champions. Mobility creep is awful too. Absolutely unreal, and it's a mix of the current champion imbalance combined with masteries and item changes. Strongest champions are the most braindead ones. There's no inbetween on bruisers anymore either. People are either super tanks or they just blow people up. Just hate it. I used to welcome the attention of Riot towards tweaking the game but things have just gotten out of hand and now there's all this overdesigned gunk ruining the game, and while they continue to whittle away at making keystones "balanced" the game feels like it's filled with more unfair champions and moments than ever before. Not going to see any of this stuff fixed anytime soon either. Next patch will not help at all either. Zero changes for stuff like Graves is just How?
Definitely liking Jinx, even though I accidentally screwed up my weapon switching a bit. Got a Heimer who went off on me about how useless I was going to be and told me not to get near his lane for taking her and then he goes 1/0/1 (with bot help) to my 9/2/4 after a 21 minute game, lol.
Specifically, it was 'ADCs are unnecessary' and 'fk jinx', lol.This is literally the first time I've ever heard of anybody complaining that Jinx was useless.
Specifically, it was 'ADCs are unnecessary' and 'fk jinx', lol.
ADC is unnecessary? What a filthy thing to say.
Definitely liking Jinx, even though I accidentally screwed up my weapon switching a bit. Got a Heimer who went off on me about how useless I was going to be and told me not to get near his lane for taking her and then he goes 1/0/1 (with bot help) to my 9/2/4 after a 21 minute game, lol.
Okay. The state of the game is way more shit than I thought it was before putting games in on the new season. I really just cannot believe how much worse the game is. the directives for the keystone masteries is awful. Introduces way too much power creep but it comes as flat damage that scales wildly unevenly across different champions. Mobility creep is awful too. Absolutely unreal, and it's a mix of the current champion imbalance combined with masteries and item changes. Strongest champions are the most braindead ones. There's no inbetween on bruisers anymore either. People are either super tanks or they just blow people up. Just hate it. I used to welcome the attention of Riot towards tweaking the game but things have just gotten out of hand and now there's all this overdesigned gunk ruining the game, and while they continue to whittle away at making keystones "balanced" the game feels like it's filled with more unfair champions and moments than ever before. Not going to see any of this stuff fixed anytime soon either. Next patch will not help at all either. Zero changes for stuff like Graves is just How?