I want Jinx to have an original skin that really fits her crazy personality. There is so much they can do with her.
She also already has two holiday-centric skins (Lunar Revel, and Harrowing), and the latter... I just don't like.
I agree, I don't like Mafia Jinx because it doesn't fit her style/ character (but it's the only one with a unique dance animation :/ ). Firecreaker Jinx isn't bad but it's ehh ... Slayer looks like "Riot Girl Jinx" in that it's just a cooler looking Jinx (I'd love to get this buuuut nope, can't buy it :/ ).
man league needs more robots
you can only do so much shipping before you hit a wall in this fucking game
League needs more female Yordles. Only got 3 ...
I would like a stealthy female Yordle who uses a 2-big-4-u sword to keep with the trend of them all having big ass weapons. Would also help fill out the RPG archetype (You got the ranged Gunner, the Mage, the Tanky Brute and now the Stealthy Blade User! may also need a Hand-to-Hand melee fighter to be a full party though.)