Dyrus was saying on his stream the other night that he is *only* playing 5 hours a day and that's why he isn't a top tier player anymore. Really put in perspective that for the players at the top of the ladder this game is a full time job and you need to devote a lot of time to become really good at it.
Yeah. It's really staggering how deep the game is mechanically and analytically. To be very good at it you have to master it on so many levels. I.e. to be a top tier player you need more than just mechanical skill. You need to know all the champs, the matchups, the items, how champs interact with items vs your own, best ways to build in each scenario, how to manage minions, etc etc. It goes on and on.
But the lower you go, the better chance you have of climbing just with some of that. I.e. getting out of bronze can be accomplished by just being better at your champ than the enemy is at theirs. With 100s of games on khazix you can stop thinking about how to respond to a situation and just do it. Jump in, kill their carry, jump out. Something happen? Oops, you automatically press your ult and move out of danage. No thinking involved. It starts to get automatic and you get better at managing your power spikes and matchups with a smaller timeframe. Even a bronze team is likely to win if you constantly create 5v4s or 5v3s with their biggest damage source dead.
The challenger level guys literally just play all day. I kind of wish I was younger when this game came out. I used to be ultra competitive and I could have devoted a lot more time in college than I can now. That time went to ultima online and everquest though lol.
wtf at that karma buff
she's already kind of annoyingly strong
edit: that khazix buff, wow. slowly shifting back to the old style
Holy crap. That's likely a big buff to khazix. But dammit, do they know how long it took to train my fingers to stop trying to W in the air? Now I have to relearn that and they'll probably just take it away again. Lol
I can't wait to try new shen and jhin in the jungle!
The nunu buff makes me cry though. that is a huge huge buff. Wtf. With the amount of cdr around he's going to be a perma slow machine.