Stone Ocean
GP I guess? I'd need a fake beard though
don't encourage costy
he already has the worst taste in the whole thread
and we've had aatrox and swain fans in this cesspit
I think dynamic queue is a net positive unless
1. You play mid
2. You play with a group with less than 3 people.
Bandit Sivir >
let's play the game we were playing with noot last night
which champ do u think u can cosplay best as
i picked fiora cos i have the red hair streak already and i'm a slim person, so spandex would be flattering, mostly
Client died at the start of the game and now I'm getting a queue. Good old times.
gaffers pls l2spell
Kha > Ren
Evelynn, because I'm a real G that moves in silence like lasagna.
let's play the game we were playing with noot last night
which champ do u think u can cosplay best as
i picked fiora cos i have the red hair streak already and i'm a slim person, so spandex would be flattering, mostly
i think u would make a good teemo
You prob don't play mid then lol.Leave Phil alone.
I've played solo every game and had tons o fun.
U kno it.
You prob don't play mid then lol.
If I didn't cut my hair, I probably could have pulled off Debonair Ezreal.
League reddit is legitimately mad about dynamic queue and a lot of players are waiting till solo queue hits.
Honestly, dynamic queue is legitimately a lot of fun both with friends and solo.
Ekko cause I'm black
i know i know
avatar quote
You black too!? Aye representonly brothers we got to play is Lucian / Ekko. We could use a sista too. I like to pretend Illaio is a Jamacian/Mayan
shushud be a better urgot tho.
yeah i'm surprised they've allowed fiora to go unchecked for this longOk so the current must-bans:
The current probably-should bans:
The current would-ban-if-people-played-to-the-champions-skillcap:
Twisted Fate
The current ban-cause-teammate-selected-to-play-in-lobby:
The first two categories alone are too many. How is Fiora still allowed to be in this state.
only brothers we got to play is Lucian / Ekko. We could use a sista too. I like to pretend Illaio is a Jamacian/Mayan
Nice to knowYes sir
just read back a few pages. All this jhin talk kinda makes me want but I'd have to pay real money unless.... Unless I refund this Challenger Nid skin. I blow chunks with Nid. Cant win a match to save my life. Cant even get positive kda with her.
so tempted to click that refund button and pony up for jhin. Gonna get it another few days sfter I see where his win rate is
karma and illaoi are kinda black-ish
what we need in this game is one true blasian
or maybe a second ahri
Im guessing that what im going to get also when i finish my placementsFinished up my placement matches. Ended 8-2 doing fill every game.
I got Silver 4, Renekton's Zealots. I finished last season Gold 5.
karma and illaoi are kinda black-ish
what we need in this game is one true blasian
or maybe a second ahri
Karma's ethnic group seems to change with every skin she has.
Game needs a chocolate girl. And a kitty woman (we got Rango, we should have a kitty woman to. And no, pokey cat lady doesn't count).
AND we need more female Yordles. I really want a stealthy ninja female Yordle who uses a big ass sword.
i would probably buy it if they still had the chile store but idk rito took it down :T
it didn't really have regional prices so it was still really overpriced but u know at least it might've shipped here for cheaper
god damn rito raising rp prices on canada
will no one give us a break?
The man who could have gave you a break. /s
yeah he sure broke somethingThe man who could have gave you a break. /s
let's play the game we were playing with noot last night
which champ do u think u can cosplay best as
series 2 sounds like the series to goOh cool. She's number one in a new series, "Series 2".
I might just have to keep an eye on them. Keep that artstyle, Riot.
Just looked around, where the hell am I going to put her.
another female yordle might be okKarma's ethnic group seems to change with every skin she has.
Game needs a chocolate girl. And a kitty woman (we got Rango, we should have a kitty woman to. And no, pokey cat lady doesn't count).
AND we need more female Yordles. I really want a stealthy ninja female Yordle who uses a big ass sword.
yeah, i don't think soI don't know. I'm still of the opinion we need more grotesque and ugly champions in league.
I would also like a really buff/jacked up Yordle but that breaks the whole cuteness factor I guess.
yeah, doesn't even seem too soon tm ishI sent a support ticket asking about that, got a soon-kinda-maybe®.
If they relaunch the store, they better have a nice stock of everything.
i think tk cosplay would be awesome if done right, specially if they can do some really slimey and gross looking tongue hahaThere's not much going for tall skinny dudes really. Given a good enough costume I suppose I could do Azir, or Karthus? Jhin, even.
I'd love to do Tahm Kench, honestly. I love his outfit, silly little top hat and all, and I could play his tongue song on my busted old acoustic guitar.
I feel like the game needs more ADCs.
Aye, there is.There's always Urgot, you know.