pretty muchSounds like everyone is using mid to game the system a bit here and get their priority picks a little more reliably. Sounds like the matchmaking really needs to prioritize primary role selection more.
I actually got mid my second placement game instead of my primary jungle. I was genuinely annoyed. I did not want to play mid in my placements. Sigh. I guess I'll go back to bot being my secondary and get that 75% of the time.
I really like the new queue but the biggest draw was I'd get my role every time. But when a secondary role becomes the primary because of demand, it loses it's luster.
not sure if I mentioned before, but today is my first day as a permanent RIoter after working there as a contractor for the last 6 months.
not sure if I mentioned before, but today is my first day as a permanent RIoter after working there as a contractor for the last 6 months.
Congratsnot sure if I mentioned before, but today is my first day as a permanent RIoter after working there as a contractor for the last 6 months.
Yup. They really need to add an option for playing your main role if you dont mind about extended queue times, even if it's only for mid lane. Either that or disable mid as a secondary option <_<pretty much
it makes solo queue awful because i never get mid anymore while before at least it was 50-50 at worst because if you're a mid main ppl would just you, see you're crap at everything else and give u mid
congrats costy
but u still haven't replied my damn pm you dickkkkkkkkk
i think they need to make the primary stuff a lot more strict so u can actually get your primary most of the timesYup. They really need to add an option for playing your main role if you dont mind about extended queue times, even if it's only for mid lane. Either that or disable mid as a secondary option <_<
is this ur first soon™ as a full-on rioter?I told you I will! we're just getting our results and then we'll decide on the next steps, so I'll hit you up then because I'll have more answers for you![]()
yeaMy frustration isn't that I necessarily get placed into my secondary role, it's that I generally get placed into my secondary role with almost no queue wait time (especially when my second role is bot).
This says to me the system is not prioritizing my primary role but instead simply looking to fill positions on existing potential games from a pool of primary or secondary roles. I.e. there is a group of 9 other players that have likely been waiting longer for a game than me, my secondary role and MMR fits the game well so I get placed in the game instantly. In this case my primary role selection is disregarded or weighed far lower than filling the already existing potential game. While this scenario is good for the matchmaking system as a whole, it is not good for me as a player. My preference would be to spend a little more time finding a game for my given primary role before filling a secondary.
Yup. They really need to add an option for playing your main role if you dont mind about extended queue times, even if it's only for mid lane. Either that or disable mid as a secondary option <_<
Sounds like everyone is using mid to game the system a bit here and get their priority picks a little more reliably. Sounds like the matchmaking really needs to prioritize primary role selection more.
I actually got mid my second placement game instead of my primary jungle. I was genuinely annoyed. I did not want to play mid in my placements. Sigh. I guess I'll go back to bot being my secondary and get that 75% of the time.
Got placed on smurf. I still don't understand the placement system.
not sure if I mentioned before, but today is my first day as a permanent RIoter after working there as a contractor for the last 6 months.
Oh ok that makes sense, yeah i didnt know exactly how the system worksMy frustration isn't that I necessarily get placed into my secondary role, it's that I generally get placed into my secondary role with almost no queue wait time (especially when my second role is bot).
This says to me the system is not prioritizing my primary role but instead simply looking to fill positions on existing potential games from a pool of primary or secondary roles. I.e. there is a group of 9 other players that have likely been waiting longer for a game than me, my secondary role and MMR fits the game well so I get placed in the game instantly. In this case my primary role selection is disregarded or weighed far lower than filling the already existing potential game. While this scenario is good for the matchmaking system as a whole, it is not good for me as a player. My preference would be to spend a little more time finding a game for my given primary role before filling a secondary.
i'm guessing rito has the data that says that not enough ppl play support so the system needs this secondary crap but tbh i wonder how much longer queue times would be if they removed it
I mean, that's why picking mid secondary to game the system is a dumb idea unless you're actually mid secondary.
the thing about team builder is that it's a normal mode so it's not really 1:1 comparableIt would be Team Builder, basically -- that ended up being the pilot program to gather that information.
I kind of think Riot just needs a streakbreaker, so that your primary/secondary ratio converges in the short term on whatever the target is, not just the long term. That would mean inconsistent queue times, though, and they probably wouldn't want to talk to players too much about how the streakbreaker worked or they would game it.
the thing about team builder is that it's a normal mode so it's not really 1:1 comparable
there's a lot competing with team builder, like regular blind pick, draft pick, arams, freaking urf mode, etc. team builder was a casual mode for ppl that wanted to try random crap and didn't care much
there's no alternative to ranked, so if you want to play serious league that's the mode u have.
so idk, i'm guessing whatever they got from team builder doesn't exactly translate
not sure if I mentioned before, but today is my first day as a permanent RIoter after working there as a contractor for the last 6 months.
Gz Costy.
Also, I don't know if it's intended or not, but as a trio you get two roles guaranteed with dynamic queue.
Yeah. Lol. Like gaming the system is all well and good until you actually get stuck with mid. In my case it's a calculated decision though. On my personal rating scale, if I'm a 10 in jungle, I'm a 7 in adc, a 4 or 5 in mid and don't even consider top or support viable roles for myself. Given that I get adc 3 out of 5 times if it's my secondary but mid 1 out of 5 times if it is my secondary, I'm giving myself a better chance of winning over time with mid as a secondary instead of adc even though I'm better at adc. I can still win in mid, it's just not what I was hoping for in the important placements.
Yeah. Lol. Like gaming the system is all well and good until you actually get stuck with mid. In my case it's a calculated decision though. On my personal rating scale, if I'm a 10 in jungle, I'm a 7 in adc, a 4 or 5 in mid and don't even consider top or support viable roles for myself. Given that I get adc 3 out of 5 times if it's my secondary but mid 1 out of 5 times if it is my secondary, I'm giving myself a better chance of winning over time with mid as a secondary instead of adc even though I'm better at adc. I can still win in mid, it's just not what I was hoping for in the important placements.
Dying to get home and play him.Jhin's out! get hype![]()
This is true, but I'm pretty sure that's why they made Team Builder the only mode available to new players for that month-long period a couple of years ago, to attempt to replicate the experience of ranked being the only game in town.
Of course, the problem with that is that players under level 12 or whatever are probably somewhat less set on getting their desired role. Data's always terrible.
got him on my first try in a draft.
rankedorbustblergh, did well enough but feeding support/mid/top ruined it, then the TF went afk too. Sucks.
shoulda played yasuo :^)