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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Man burst damage champions are so weird to me. Bursting tanks especially.

Like, oh you worked hard for 30 minutes farming 300cs? Here, hold this 3-shot anyway tho. Enemy carry Vayne gets silenced, slowed, knocked up and bitten by Cho and game subsequently ends.That shit has to feel awful.

I know champs like LB, Lee and similar offer some counter-play, but it just feels really bad to be able to be burst and removed from the game without any strong itemization path to keep yourself alive if you're a damage dealer. GA only holds you up every 5 minutes and often times is just ensuring you die twice on the cleanup. veil and maw fade in relevancy later in matches.

Would League be better or worse off with an item similar to a BKB? Something that grants true magic immunity for maybe 3 or 4 seconds on a 120 second cooldown or some such. I assume they've considered it at some point, so maybe it just wouldn't work out well.
idk, i feel like it's healthy for the game if carries can't survive assassins on their own

they made changes to a lot of assassins to make them work like that, new leblanc is not great at oneshotting people if they have backup cos they can bodyblock chains or cc you if you stay there for too long

BKB would be used by bruisers, not ADCs. Basically "have fun peeling a ghosted Nasus with Poppy's old ult"
well u can prevent that if u do something like mercurial scimitar and put a bf sword in its build path or a crit cloak or whatever

but yeah i most definitely think adcs shouldn't have access to an olaf ult or whatever, that would make them really obnoxious to play against

Sounds like every role has its problems. I may just try to keep trying to improve at jungling.
mid is pretty ok

you got ori and viktor for utility/teamfighting, cassi and ryze for lategame dps, ekko and leblanc and kat for assassins, syndra for keeping adcs salty, taliyah feels fine for roaming if you don't like tf, ziggs/velkoz for poke, etc.

some champions like lb and yasuo are pretty op but that's just the game

but mid is always ok
well u can prevent that if u do something like mercurial scimitar and put a bf sword in its build path or a crit cloak or whatever

but yeah i most definitely think adcs shouldn't have access to an olaf ult or whatever, that would make them really obnoxious to play against

It's an easy solution

Put a health requirement to the item(Or armor/MR). IE "You can only buy this(alternatively, use this), if you have 2500 life or more".

Or you know, the bruiser requirement. They can already program jungle items to require smite, they can do the same for a BKB alternative.


It's an easy solution

Put a health requirement to the item(Or armor/MR). IE "You can only buy this(alternatively, use this), if you have 2500 life or more".

Or you know, the bruiser requirement. They can already program jungle items to require smite, they can do the same for a BKB alternative.
pretty sure there are more elegant ways to solve this


this was interesting if u dont know much about how games work: https://engineering.riotgames.com/news/trip-down-lol-graphics-pipeline

i always like reading that big games like league aren't built in some impossible to grasp unknown way and it's just like yeah i know all of these things

they can always just not let ranged get it and say 'fuck adcs' in the item description

the most elegant of ways
actually it's much more elegant cos it's simpler to understand and doesn't have weirdo scenarios like x champion has low hp/lvl so they end up at 2498 hp at some item threshold or whatever

if u put a bf sword or crit on an item it's immediately undesirable by bruisers unless it's overtuned, that's a decent enough solution
actually it's much more elegant cos it's simpler to understand and doesn't have weirdo scenarios like x champion has low hp/lvl so they end up at 2498 hp at some item threshold or whatever

if u put a bf sword or crit on an item it's immediately undesirable by bruisers unless it's overtuned, that's a decent enough solution

yeah but a bkb would be used by bruisers


yeah but a bkb would be used by bruisers
oh you want it bruiser only?

then don't put attack speed or crit or lifesteal on it and put resistances instead

adcs don't buy maw of malmortius or sterak's gage or whatever, they only did when both of those items were busted
oh you want it bruiser only?

then don't put attack speed or crit or lifesteal on it and put resistances instead

adcs don't buy maw of malmortius or sterak's gage or whatever, they only did when both of those items were busted

yeah the whole point of bkb is for bruisers/tanky people.

refund him
I blew my refunds way early in League. At least I didn't spend real money to buy him. I took him out for a spin in an Ascension game and realized real quick things were about to go bad when I clicked to autoattack Darius and instead of shooting walked up to his face and took an axe.
I blew my refunds way early in League. At least I didn't spend real money to buy him. I took him out for a spin in an Ascension game and realized real quick things were about to go bad when I clicked to autoattack Darius and instead of shooting walked up to his face and took an axe.

I mean at a certain point, he becomes very similar to a ranged hero, so there's that. learning to chain barrels like a pro will be fun for you.


yeah the whole point of bkb is for bruisers/tanky people.
well that's probably not a great idea for how bruisers/tanks work in league

champions like darius or illaoi are fair whenever they have difficulty getting backline access. that creates interesting, rewarding gameplay because it promotes carries to kite him and their team to peel for them (which is a display of skill and coordination), and it promotes him to be crafty and flank and dodge abilities and also his team to set up things for him (which again skill, coordination, etc.)

think how someone like olaf who avoids this problem makes playing against him super sucky

there might be a version of a bruiser bkb item that works but i don't think it's something that's needed in the game

I stupidly bought Gangplank thinking his Q was his normal autoattack. I was looking for a ranged top champion. Whoops.

rito please delete xerath and ziggs from this game tyvm
xerath is ok

ziggs probably needs work, as does velkoz
Rats, bought a ziggs skin yesterday, now I know the same skin will be at discount this month, too bad riot can do refunds for skins if you waste the three they give you at the start




i would say carrying afk farming cait and lets chase singed yasuo is worth that 1 lp ;_;
lots of interesting stuffs: http://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/2017/01/dev-on-state-of-the-game-january-2017/

- unanimous surrender at 15 min
- 5 mastery trees
- fixing pink ward vision

i find the mastery tree thing interesting, if they experiment a whole lot more i may be more positive towards it

I didnt noticed until this season wards not show all the bush vision if you place them on edges.

Rewarding for roaming would incentive "bad" supports to keep raoming and dont help their lane. Why didnt they focus on assists spree for extra exp


i hope they nerf singed soon, i'm tired of seeing him like every other game

God, that is cruel. 99 LP...

i won next game so no biggie

I didnt noticed until this season wards not show all the bush vision if you place them on edges.
they lowered the range which is fine but it should reveal whole brushes if it's in there

it just feels awful

honestly they should just reset the range, it just created a ton of annoying blindspots that aren't fun to use

Rewarding for roaming would incentive "bad" supports to keep raoming and dont help their lane. Why didnt they focus on assists spree for extra exp
assist spree snowballs pretty hard for other positions like mid and jungle

roaming is good


Played as Gragas against Vi. Kept it tight until around level 8 when she got a double on a bad gank by me. She took that and built it up to a two level advantage at one point. Starting wondering around 20 mins why I don't play Vi. By 35 mins we're winning every teamfight and I'm taking Vi out of the equation by peeling for our Jinx that then started to snowball hard. Then remembered that's why I don't play Vi.

I need to learn to deal more damage in games. It's always way too low, although part of that is because I don't do stupid shit for the most part.
assist spree snowballs pretty hard for other positions like mid and jungle

roaming is good

Make it a support only bonus?

Roaming is not good if bot is losing and the support starts to roam to farm the jungle or just stay on my doing whatever their brain is telling them to do =_=
I'd like to see an item that assists supports in roaming, something that can help the ADC stay safe.

A ward?

Cheeky. But no, something more tangible because ADCs are idiot sadists and will doesn't do much to help them in a 1v2 bot lane.

Well I guess thats why Redemption was made still, there is something not working for supports that push them to be over aggresive. Being economy and experience dependant on another players makes them go desesperate and bore.
Man, TK Top feels so strong. JG baited me with ping that he was coming sooo we fed the dar 2 kills early but I was still able to shit on him after that by just going full tank. After I got FM I basically made it so that they could never 1v1 me cause they couldn't get away.

Tried Rek top earlier today ... can't really say how it felt cause Top lane was a non-stop camp by mid and JG, babysitting the Mal top like this rock is gonna carry. :/
Still won though, even with a Jarvin ADC ...


Haha, I was watching Type2's game and he had a Vayne top on his team feeding, so I sent the Vayne a friend request and now we're somehow friends LOL. I just wanted to ask the Vayne why she decided to go Vayne top.

Cheeky. But no, something more tangible because ADCs are idiot sadists and will doesn't do much to help them in a 1v2 bot lane.
ADCs may be idiots, but they're not sadists. They're masochists.



got into a pretty good groove today, didn't skip divisions so just jumped from g3 to g2. wasn't fun when i had afks on games 1 and 2 of my promos (somehow won game 1 regardless), but assassin j4 top solo carried game 3 and

hopefully will be plat soon and the real climb begins

also 11 straight mid games, gj rito with the matchmaking, you've done it

Welp, my last 3 games I won gave me 25 LP. Then my last one gave me 24...so I'm at 99 LP also. Fuck me.
lol wtf

well if my luck is any help you'll win ur promos pretty easy

Make it a support only bonus?

let's remember how difficult it was to balance fqc back to support

Roaming is not good if bot is losing and the support starts to roam to farm the jungle or just stay on my doing whatever their brain is telling them to do =_=
well at that point they're just trolling and it doesn't have anything to do with roaming :/

I'd like to see an item that assists supports in roaming, something that can help the ADC stay safe.
something like bard health pickups?


Haha, I was watching Type2's game and he had a Vayne top on his team feeding, so I sent the Vayne a friend request and now we're somehow friends LOL. I just wanted to ask the Vayne why she decided to go Vayne top.

ADCs may be idiots, but they're not sadists. They're masochists.
I'm so tilted from this and my last games Ashe. I won the second game thanks to based Karthus carry.


my favourite thing about leveling up a new account and teaching gf how to play is playing against obvious bronze smurfs shit talking and saying they're plat smurfs
Gonna start learning some Quinn top because sadly top lane is so volatile that there's a good chance someone will first pick some cheesy ranged bs like Jayce just cause they don't know who they're facing and want a safe lil harass lane vs a melee champ.

Would also be nice to expand my "Fuck Darius" champ pool a bit I guess.

Also think I may pick up Susan. If I'm not playing Illaoi it doesn't matter how well I do in lane vs a Susan, team will still look stupid and go "Oh no, we let him FARM! Now he's one shooting everyone that gets close :eek:" cause no one seems to give a shit about dealing with him when it counts.
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