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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

TFW you're in your last promo match and the enemy LB goes 23/0/4, styling on your midlaner with great ease.

kled picked on lck

at this point it totally feels like 10 bans add a bit of diversity

it's not much, not only for the surprise picks but because teams are not exact copies every game

lol what did you expect it would do? that's literally the exact reason why all the other MOBA games have 10 bans and why I was high on the move. lol. It does a good job of diversifying the picks and games. LoL has needed it for the longest time. Should make games very interesting when it comes to pubs. g
10 bans and snake draft add diversity because we won't have that many must ban picks in any patch so that alongside snake drafting forces teams to play out of their comfort meta zone.


sealed with a kiss
i wonder how much of it is just nu - season shenanigans where no one knows what's good and how much is actually due to the new draft, at least it'll be fun while it lasts
Honestly I would not have expected to see Singed show up in pro games, so I think that's pretty cool.

i wonder how much of it is just nu - season shenanigans where no one knows what's good and how much is actually due to the new draft, at least it'll be fun while it lasts

I think we're likely to see an extra 1-2 champs show up in each position just based on the bans. But definitely the new patch is part of it. When was the last time we saw a Varus in the bot lane?



what are nev's top ten best champions?

lol what did you expect it would do? that's literally the exact reason why all the other MOBA games have 10 bans and why I was high on the move. lol. It does a good job of diversifying the picks and games. LoL has needed it for the longest time. Should make games very interesting when it comes to pubs. g
i had no idea what it would do, as pro play is very conservative and chances were they were gonna just play a few more a tier champions now that all the s tier champions are banned

just because it works in doto doesn't mean it'll have the same effect in league

i wonder how much of it is just nu - season shenanigans where no one knows what's good and how much is actually due to the new draft, at least it'll be fun while it lasts
yup, it's also only been a few games

I think we're likely to see an extra 1-2 champs show up in each position just based on the bans. But definitely the new patch is part of it. When was the last time we saw a Varus in the bot lane?
varus is not really the kind of pick that has much to do with 10 bans, he's just been rising in the ranks in high elo lately

it's important to watch more games to tell apart picks that "seem new" from picks that actually are. let's remember we haven't seen much pro play since iem or kespa cup or whatever


Man, I haven't played Varus in ages. Even when he was supposed to be bad as an ADC and played almost exlusively mid I still really like playing him in the bot lane. I should really give it a go again.



He's grabbin em...
Hey guys. I've recently started getting back in Dota and League again. Can anyone recommend a good place to get back up to speed with League if I haven't played it properly in a few years? Good YT channels for more advanced stuff if I already know how MOBAs work and the basics of the game as well as how most of the heroes work?



Is varus still wait for R, W then spam everything until the enemy dies?
nope lol?

you poke ppl down with q spam and sometimes e

r is mostly disengage or picks

you barely even proc w stacks outside of lane, tho you probably do a fair bit more autoattacking as bot varus

Hey guys. I've recently started getting back in Dota and League again. Can anyone recommend a good place to get back up to speed with League if I haven't played it properly in a few years? Good YT channels for more advanced stuff if I already know how MOBAs work and the basics of the game as well as how most of the heroes work?

honestly i wouldn't know, i think redmercy and shakarez are pretty good youtubers/streamers but not exactly sure if they'd help with what u need in particular

like learning all the champions comes naturally playing the game, not sure if you can watch videos for that, and advanced stuff you'll get pretty easily if u come from doto
I just can't understand people in this game.
"3 people pushing in our mid, Our Top and ADC are trying to def mid, their ADC and YI are hard pushing the otherwise healthy top towers .... lets 3 man the Earth Drag and look stupid when they take our top inhib for free!"


I started playing again recently and I'm thinking about dropping jungle as my secondary. It's too much of a high impact, high pressure role. It seems like the jungler decides who wins the game unless the laners are completely outclassed.

What role is easiest to learn and least frustrating. Support, ADC or Top.


Honestly I recommend you play you to play maybe 5 games of ADC. Jinx is the easiest ADC in the game, and she's free for players under level 5 I think.

You'll know from those games if you ever want to play the role again.
What role is easiest to learn and least frustrating. Support, ADC or Top.


My advice to anyone autofilled ADC or JG is to just dodge if you don't know or like that role as it can easily cost you the game. Mid/ Top and Support are not hard to understand and support is the easiest to learn as your job is naturally add to the teams power in some way instead of being a pillar.


I was thinking support but I'm worried ill never get to play mid again if I set it as secondary. Im already at like 30% mid games with it as primary, jungle secondary. Is it going to be a lot worse with support as secondary?
Yeah, don't put support secondary if you want to mid.

For me, my preference is ADC, Support, Mid in that order, but since I want ADC, putting Mid secondary almost guarantees my role.

Though, since you're learning the game, you might be better off in blind pick anyways.


I was thinking support but I'm worried ill never get to play mid again if I set it as secondary. Im already at like 30% mid games with it as primary, jungle secondary. Is it going to be a lot worse with support as secondary?

I personally do Mid/Top as my roles and get mid more often than not. Imo you shouldn't do support otherwise 90% of games will consist of support and it isn't a good role for climbing unless you have really good game knowledge and are able to shotcall well.
lots of interesting stuffs: http://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/2017/01/dev-on-state-of-the-game-january-2017/

- unanimous surrender at 15 min
- 5 mastery trees
- fixing pink ward vision

i find the mastery tree thing interesting, if they experiment a whole lot more i may be more positive towards it
5 mastery trees sounds intriguing, I wonder if masteries will just be more spread out or we'll get a fuckton of new masteries?

Also sounds like the ADC issue won't be solved till the mid season since thats when Riot will finally fucking look at tank items.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Since when has Volibear been an ADC? =S I'm still leveling my account, but this struck me as odd. Also had a Braum jungler who never ganked. As you might imagine, it was a blowout for the other team.

Oddly, from watching lots of streams lately, I find I'm getting the hang of last hitting a bit better, which surprised be. I want to get more comfortable with mid and top so that I can use Poppy and Lux more. =)


I don't have much faith in any potential changes for the jungle. I just don't know what to think when, apparently, honey fruit is an issue.

I dunno know. I find most of the blog post disappointing. We're on patch 7.1 and there's already significant issues.

I wonder if making the banning phase a free-for-all with a small time limit (30s) would work in non-competitive. If the champ you selected was already banned you're just prompted to pick something else. Players in regular queue are just banning the OP/broken stuff all the time anyways, I don't see the need for taking turns.
lots of interesting stuffs: http://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/2017/01/dev-on-state-of-the-game-january-2017/

- unanimous surrender at 15 min
- 5 mastery trees
- fixing pink ward vision

i find the mastery tree thing interesting, if they experiment a whole lot more i may be more positive towards it

"We'll be adjusting how XP is earned, with one goal being preventing champions who are doing useful things (warding, roaming, objectives help, etc.) from falling so far behind the average level in the game."

Not sure how I feel about this. Roaming as support should have consequences. Not being in lane with your carry should have consequences (and it certainly will for the AD trying to 1v2). I'd prefer to see more XP gains by killing wards and more XP for successful roams. Risk to go with your reward.


5 mastery trees sounds intriguing, I wonder if masteries will just be more spread out or we'll get a fuckton of new masteries?

Also sounds like the ADC issue won't be solved till the mid season since thats when Riot will finally fucking look at tank items.
idk we saw a lot of adcs in competitive so sounds to me like adcs are overreacting

there's a problem there, sure, but they buffed a bunch of adcs this last patch and they're gonna nerf colossus and poppy and nautilus and all of those

i can see them at the very least smoothing out those issues even if they don't flat out fix em


like i'm sure it'd be super convenient for 18% kp caitlyn here to say adcs can't do any dmg but jhin doesn't seem to be having any trouble :>

I don't have much faith in any potential changes for the jungle. I just don't know what to think when, apparently, honey fruit is an issue.

I dunno know. I find most of the blog post disappointing.

I wonder if making the banning phase a free-for-all with a small time limit (30s) would work in non-competitive. If the champ you selected was already banned you're just prompted to pick something else. Players in regular queue are just banning the OP/broken stuff all the time anyways, I don't see the need for taking turns.
problem with free for all is that i could see the chance of repeats to be really high since everyone bans the ops and there's generally an agreement of which champions are op (leblanc, katarina, etc..)

like i could see the case being where 3/5 bans are repeats and when that happens free for all doesn't make that much sense i guess

just adding two more bans to the current format would be pretty sucky for queue times tho, which are already noticeably longer than in s6

"We'll be adjusting how XP is earned, with one goal being preventing champions who are doing useful things (warding, roaming, objectives help, etc.) from falling so far behind the average level in the game."

Not sure how I feel about this. Roaming as support should have consequences. Not being in lane with your carry should have consequences (and it certainly will for the AD trying to 1v2). I'd prefer to see more XP gains by killing wards and more XP for successful roams. Risk to go with your reward.
i'm pretty sure what you're saying is what they mean


I don't understand why people think support is the easiest role to play/learn. You literally have to know the whole game to be a good support, do a lot with a little, and play from behind almost all the time.

ADC is the easiest role to learn: last hit, don't die, shoot things that are in range. Your entire team is supposed to protect and help you.


problem with free for all is that i could see the chance of repeats to be really high since everyone bans the ops and there's generally an agreement of which champions are op (leblanc, katarina, etc..)

Like I said, if someone else already banned it before you you'd just get a message stating to pick another champion. Picking in normal blind is pretty much the same thing already without the notification.
I don't understand why people think support is the easiest role to play/learn. You literally have to know the whole game to be a good support, do a lot with a little, and play from behind almost all the time.

ADC is the easiest role to learn: last hit, don't die, shoot things that are in range. Your entire team is supposed to protect and help you.

Well, I usually think it's because most people suck at playing support.

So when everybody is shit at support, it's easy to be a "great" support.

*In lower elo, but not that low that actually playing support may not be a great idea
idk we saw a lot of adcs in competitive so sounds to me like adcs are overreacting

there's a problem there, sure, but they buffed a bunch of adcs this last patch and they're gonna nerf colossus and poppy and nautilus and all of those

i can see them at the very least smoothing out those issues even if they don't flat out fix em
Competitive is a whole different game as far as bot lane is concerned, sure the ADC buffs were nice and Draven Kalista and Lucian aren't troll picks anymore but it's not really as simple as "hey ADCs are still played so they're fine". CoC nerfs help but they don't really fix anything.

I'm just worried Riot will just slap some minor bandaid fixes and call it a day until the preseason. Hey, here's 5 AD, enjoy.
I don't understand why people think support is the easiest role to play/learn. You literally have to know the whole game to be a good support, do a lot with a little, and play from behind almost all the time.

ADC is the easiest role to learn: last hit, don't die, shoot things that are in range. Your entire team is supposed to protect and help you.
Sure they are if you're in plat or above.
adc is 100x harder to learn than support. you have to farm perfectly for 30 minutes, dodge every gank and not fuck up once or else you die. you have little to no utility if you're behind, have the absolute worst itemization in the game and have no impact on the map until your 3rd or 4th item.
I don't understand why people think support is the easiest role to play/learn. You literally have to know the whole game to be a good support, do a lot with a little, and play from behind almost all the time.

I don't what lanes you've been in, but it's very easy to win the lane as the support.
ADC is the easiest role to learn: last hit, don't die, shoot things that are in range. Your entire team is supposed to protect and help you.
It's hard to say it's the easiest when there is at least 3 other people to take into consideration for the the majority of the game. It's the most braindead in terms of ramp up and role, but it's not the easiest by any stretch.


i think i may actually like the syndra nerfs

i transitioned back to doing the classic 7 ball stacks pretty smoothly and true dmg is a pretty nice buff to her lategame

7 ball ults are still easier thanks thanks to the 40% q ball duration and 40% cdr, so it feels like a fair enough middle ground between hardcore and noob syndra

i still think her passive has a ton more potential that was super wasted in the rework but what can u do

also why is this dope icon exclusive to oce ;_;


Like I said, if someone else already banned it before you you'd just get a message stating to pick another champion. Picking in normal blind is pretty much the same thing already without the notification.
oh like immediate notification you mean?

i was thinking like a 30s blind ban stage, then repeat solving stage, etc.

i guess ur way could work

Competitive is a whole different game as far as bot lane is concerned, sure the ADC buffs were nice and Draven Kalista and Lucian aren't troll picks anymore but it's not really as simple as "hey ADCs are still played so they're fine". CoC nerfs help but they don't really fix anything.

I'm just worried Riot will just slap some minor bandaid fixes and call it a day until the preseason. Hey, here's 5 AD, enjoy.
i feel adcs will never be "fixed" until they're no longer necessary


Support largely depends on what champion you're playing, it's a really broad role. Like I can carry hard as fuck on like Leona, but put me on Bard or Thresh and I'm just dead-weight.

I guess support is cool in that, it's not a restricted role, any champion can technically be a support.
One thing I took away from the cluster fucks today was that TK pretty much hard counters the toxic kit champ known as Tryndamere. TK is AA based, can poke from range, can stun and slow and eat him, builds tank, E shield can turn a trade easy, Ult keeps him in lane to keep him from doing that BS he wants to do.

Man burst damage champions are so weird to me. Bursting tanks especially.

Like, oh you worked hard for 30 minutes farming 300cs? Here, hold this 3-shot anyway tho. Enemy carry Vayne gets silenced, slowed, knocked up and bitten by Cho and game subsequently ends.That shit has to feel awful.

I know champs like LB, Lee and similar offer some counter-play, but it just feels really bad to be able to be burst and removed from the game without any strong itemization path to keep yourself alive if you're a damage dealer. GA only holds you up every 5 minutes and often times is just ensuring you die twice on the cleanup. veil and maw fade in relevancy later in matches.

Would League be better or worse off with an item similar to a BKB? Something that grants true magic immunity for maybe 3 or 4 seconds on a 120 second cooldown or some such. I assume they've considered it at some point, so maybe it just wouldn't work out well.
BKB would be used by bruisers, not ADCs. Basically "have fun peeling a ghosted Nasus with Poppy's old ult"

True. Shit man. I just...I was playing the Cho in that last game and removing Vayne who had been working hard to be relevant just feels kinda shitty. Her fault for being close enough to get silenced and slowed, blah blah. I know. Still feels bad because I usually queue for ADC and swapped my bot for someone who wanted to play with their duo. So I'm usually on the receiving end of such "outplays". I had almost forgot what other roles are capable of doing. Almost.


Support largely depends on what champion you're playing, it's a really broad role. Like I can carry hard as fuck on like Leona, but put me on Bard or Thresh and I'm just dead-weight.

I guess support is cool in that, it's not a restricted role, any champion can technically be a support.

I also like Leona. She's so ham.

Also, I'm undefeated on Tristana.
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