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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

The only thing outrageously laughable about the Rengar rework is the 2nd part of his epowered W (which is getting removed). Outside of that, I don't think his rework is that bad after they nerfed his damage some.
The way I see it, Riot basically pulled a Skarner on Rengar. They came up with his kit around the idea that he'd only be able to jump to whoever he was closest to, so they gave him tools to support that - crit to reward getting a jump on a high priority target, CC cleansing to enable risky jumps to get someone that is being protected, long ult duration to have ample time to try and jump on who you want - but then after removing that due to feedback, just left him mostly as is, so he wounded up being the same fucking champion but with Zed levels of AD, a built in QSS and a 20 second TF ult.


just watched a bit of the cs:go finals, i gotta say, that game is so much easier to watch than overwatch

it's pretty boring tho

but i guess spectator mode feels pretty sucky for all fpses, it's just that cs:go is so much slower and you don't have wave after wave of respawning champions and superpowers and spells and ultimates to track that it's a much more enjoyable watch

ryze has been busted in literally every season of LoL lmao.
yeah but old ryze had like an 8 seconds root, that's like, seriously one of the worst things to ever be in the game lol

at least new ryze is really fun to play


Doesn't CS:GO have Joe "Don't Call Me Joe 'Joe Miller' Miller" Miller?

I miss him.
not sure

i kind of miss joe miller but there's a lot of other great eu casters, quickshot in particular stepped up and has become one of my favorites as a really funny and entertaining guy, while having great chemistry with krepo and deficio, both who are pretty great at explaining the strategy bits. deficio is also hilarious. krepo is still finding his footing for me, but he's good

but yea, joe was cool, he seems to have burned all bridges with riot, and deman was looking to coming back to league but apparently he didn't pass the test (i'm guessing he's pretty out of touch with the game, he wasn't the most knowledgeable caster even when he casted league), but i wouldn't mind to seeing either of them back
The way I see it, Riot basically pulled a Skarner on Rengar. They came up with his kit around the idea that he'd only be able to jump to whoever he was closest to, so they gave him tools to support that - crit to reward getting a jump on a high priority target, CC cleansing to enable risky jumps to get someone that is being protected, long ult duration to have ample time to try and jump on who you want - but then after removing that due to feedback, just left him mostly as is, so he wounded up being the same fucking champion but with Zed levels of AD, a built in QSS and a 20 second TF ult.

Rengar's old ultimate was busted because it used to give him the location of everyone within a certain radius which let him bypass tanks and go straight to carries even if he didn't have vision. In addition, back then, Rengar was fully invisible when he ulted which meant that he could literally walk through teams unless someone was using a Sweeper or someone dropped a Pink Ward. Now, Rengar can only see the closest person to him when he ults, and he only gets the guaranteed crit if he jumps on that target.

Because Rengar is now part of the camouflage family, they kind of had to allow him to be able to jump on anyone he has vision on. On one hand, it gives him the ability to actually do something if a teamfight were to break out. On the other hand, enemies can see what he's doing if he gets too close.

Rengar's new ult is like 100x more fair than the old version. Like I said, the only thing that is/was broken about him is not the CC removal, but the additional CC prevention. Outside of that, idk how his rework can be considered Malzahar or Ryze levels of busted. Sure, he can still body someone super fast, but he's an assassin. It's kinda expected.


played jihn for the first time in ranked.. trying to learn his R in the middle of the match was funny. took me 4 tries to figure it out.

we won though.


played jihn for the first time in ranked.. trying to learn his R in the middle of the match was funny. took me 4 tries to figure it out.

we won though.
yeah when he first came out it was hilarious watching everyone cancel their ults on him
I seem to remember trying to change Rumble ult to smartcast before Riot improved the controls on it and I had some hilariously bad results.
I still think that the only thing that's OP about Cammy is simply the fact that she's a well designed champ with a new take in the most BULLSHIT class of champs. Jax, Fiora, Irelia and so on ... all of them are complete bullshit and can one v one anyone after a certain point in their build.

Seems like it's kinda hard to not make a Susan (Weak early, farm all game, become unstoppable raidboss late game because you scale to beyond the stars high) or a Pant (strong as fuck early, falls off like a rock off a cliff late) when you're trying to design a champ that can legit fight anyone and win.

Anyway, WW seems so strange. Logically I just don't know what would work best for him items wise. Like, he seems like he could use the mana from Sheen ... but he doesn't spam his skills fast enuff to make it worth like other TF/ IBG champs imo. Should he be built with LS and DMG to abuse his passive or should he be built full tank to disrupt and do DMG over time by using his passive and ult to stay in the fight and swing it around?
Is Udyr seen as a bad champ?

I don't get why Trick2G is basically the only person listed to have played him on probuilds in the past month.


Is Udyr seen as a bad champ?

I don't get why Trick2G is basically the only person listed to have played him on probuilds in the past month.

Yeah he's a bad champ.

The reason he's not played is the same reason champs like Master Yi aren't played; he's gold reliant, gets shut down easily when the enemy know what they're doing, and has no real strengths over other meta picks. You want a ganking jungler? Pick Vi, Rek'sai, Zac or Lee Sin. Want a splitpusher? Pick Shaco. Want a tank jungler? Pick Rek'sai, Zac or Gragas.


Every time I'm in a 5v4, and it's my team with the extra body, I always get nervous. People always seem to drop their guard and start doing stupid stuff because "lol we got this, it's 5v4".
I was not happy about it. :/. Like I said earlier blowing huge leads and advantages drive me crazy
Yeah he's a bad champ.

The reason he's not played is the same reason champs like Master Yi aren't played; he's gold reliant, gets shut down easily when the enemy know what they're doing, and has no real strengths over other meta picks. You want a ganking jungler? Pick Vi, Rek'sai, Zac or Lee Sin. Want a splitpusher? Pick Shaco. Want a tank jungler? Pick Rek'sai, Zac or Gragas.

Sure, I guess for JG. I'm thinking more in the way of "unexpected Top" pick which would solve the gold problem.

Seems like he has a strong early 1v1.


Man, teammates not ending when the game could be over is so infuriating. And then of course my team ends up almost losing or losing. Especially annoying since I've been having a tough time getting wins lately.

/rant over


So who wants to go hunt for Dragon Balls with me so I can wish for Naota to not have to play with 7,500 ping every game?




Hate this all in meta. It really feels like you've lost a lane completely if a players get outplayed once. I've seen this from both ends of the spectrum.

Oriana curb stomped by a Taliyia by dying once. Taliyia being curb stomped by LeBlanc. It's crazy.

That game kinda feels awful to play right now. I keep playing because of mates, but damn is this unsatisfying. Plus assassin champs feels so overpowered right now. Master Yi is more broken than ever and Rengar is just a monster.

Never have I played so many games in a row, where one player gets stomped 10+ deaths. This is not uncommon and I would say you are lucky to play a game where only one player dies more than 10 times.

Maybe I'm wrong. I still miss the tank meta. ;P


That game kinda feels awful to play right now. I keep playing because of mates, but damn is this unsatisfying. Plus assassin champs feels so overpowered right now. Master Yi is more broken than ever and Rengar is just a monster.

Never have I played so many games in a row, where one player gets stomped 10+ deaths. This is not uncommon and I would say you are lucky to play a game where only one player dies more than 10 times.

Maybe I'm wrong. I still miss the tank meta. ;P

what, yi is garbage


I lost 7 games in a row yesterday.

Last season, I literally lost so many games I went from d4 to g1. You're fine dude.


yeah i didn't lose 7 games in a row in a same day but i did lose 7 in a row early this season and i just kept playing and now i'm barely 19-17 lol

don't give up

also noot get a second hobby plss
Quick word of warning: Flex is tilting. Best to just treat it like normal games but people are more likely to try hard.

I haven't found Flex to be any more tilting than any other mode. It tends to be a bit wilder in your early matches because it has it's own matchmaking that has to adjust. After 15-20 matches, everything is as good or bad as any other ranked mode. You'll still get people that get dumpstered. You'll still get people that troll. You'll still carry and get carried along the way. Teammates will still yell at you.


Flex messes with me because I am ranked so low in it. I play a champ I haven't played in forever like jax and crush. I think, man I'm fucking great at jax. Then I go into a solo q and get pooped on.

It's really fun playing in low elo though! Feel bad sometimes when its absurdly one sided.
I haven't found Flex to be any more tilting than any other mode. It tends to be a bit wilder in your early matches because it has it's own matchmaking that has to adjust. After 15-20 matches, everything is as good or bad as any other ranked mode. You'll still get people that get dumpstered. You'll still get people that troll. You'll still carry and get carried along the way. Teammates will still yell at you.

Flex is probably just more tilting to me because I've had way more inconsistent matches. Luckily I don't think I've run into trolls, but because a lot of people who are serious about ranked spend more time in solo/duo queue I think a bunch of people I've played against in flex have been better or worse than their flex rank and it's noticeable. I took a month off in December to play other games and I've spammed flex just to get back into it and I've seen a lot of variance in my games. Putting aside that my flex account is B2 right now, it still feels like too much variance.

Anyways, if you're serious about solo/duo ranked then I feel like it can't hurt to treat flex queue like a normal queue with more tryhards.
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