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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

tfw you have a key and no chests.



Gimme your chests and champion shards!

... seriously, my lack of blue essence is the only thing preventing me from lv.6/7 Irelia D=
That's how it is for me on Thresh/Blitz/Alistar, although only Thresh will be getting the Lvl 6, and Lvl 7 mastery (at some point)

I just need half the blue essence that's needed!

And I don't hope for champion shards, because I want skins. Lol


So had a match of Irelia vs. Renekton

... Except we were complete non-factors. Among the other four, my teammates dominated so hard that it was an early surrender and Rene and I didn't really participate in much aside from maybe one team fight <_<

A win is a win I guess!


So had a match of Irelia vs. Renekton

... Except we were complete non-factors. Among the other four, my teammates dominated so hard that it was an early surrender and Rene and I didn't really participate in much aside from maybe one team fight <_<

A win is a win I guess!

Those wins always feel so meh. It's like, woo we won, but I didn't really do anything to deserve the win. But oh well, I'll take + lp over - lp.


At the very least I think they made his lategame a bit better. I think he should be better against tanky teams as well?
i think the idea with velkoz is that he's basically a mage version of fiora, he can shred tanks almost as easily as squishies

that's not necessarily bad, but i think they could've done something way more interesting with his kit, specially since his w and e are not very interesting. i get that in a combo based kit you need at one spell to be kind of bland that's meant only to be combo'd just to enable the rest of the kit, but at least do something else with e

idk, i just don't like that spell and i wish they had spent more time on it

but mostly i'm mad that they got my hopes up and then they didn't do shit for syndra

Yea, I only get rellos really for the cdr since I run 20% cdr ruins 99% of the time. The thing about GW and mages is even if you feel you need it for a vlad or swain in lane, you won't be able to get it until you finish Rello and on top of that you have to get them low to utilize it, as you pointed out.

Executioner's calling on the other hand offers ad champs the GW passive for 800 gold and seems to work when they are at 100% as well?

I guess the reasoning on that is because mages are more bursty? I think you are right in saying they should remove GW from rellos and give it a new passive. But I'd settle for them removing the hp requirement for GW on Rello, although I'm biased and don't really play champs with sustain lol.

I think they should make an equivalent Executioner's Calling for mages that applies the full GW no matter what the opponents HP is and maybe have it build into another part of a different void staff or maybe another build component of Dcap?
think of it as different ways of gating gw because of the types of champions that use it.

morellos can be bought on ori, who has a 1k~ range 2.4s cd aoe spell to apply it. if that limitation wasn't there she would completely destroy the ability of adcs and swains and whatnot of fighting back, so they gate it by damage so you can't just make them incapable of sustaining back and it's more of a reward for you if you get them pretty low (messes up their heal, soraka, voli passive, etc.)

for adcs, with some exceptions, they're mostly around 550 aa range, so that's like really fucking close, so instead of being gated by dmg, it's gated by range. since it's applied by physical dmg it can be really spammed on like ezreal but it's still not aoe, it's not passthrough and it's only like one champion, maybe two. it also lasts a lot less since adcs can reapply it much quicker (gw on morellos is like 8s, gw on mortal reminder is like 5?)

so it kinda makes sense, but i also don't know if the current iteration of gw on morellos is the best. i think it's kind of tacked on and doesn't feel very satisfying to use

Wouldn't GW be good against any form of regen? Like Cho's passive/ Trundle's passive and ult/ Grasp mastery and anyone with a potion?

But yeah, seems kinda like a passive you don't buy the item for. I buy it for the CDR and AP ... in fact, if I'm on a champ who doesn't need to complete it asap I leave it at the lost chapter thing and upgrade it later.
no cos you need to be under 35% hp for the gw to kick in. i had someone rage at me for rushing roa instead of morellos on ori against cho and i was like, dude, read the fucking item description. so yeah, it's not a counter to sustain, it's just meant to help you finish off ppl that might be able to save themselves through healing (say there's a soraka on the enemy team). but it's not like a flat counter to vladimir or whatever

also honestly i wouldn't recommend just buying lost chapter as morellos is a really cost efficient item that's very much worth the complete cost (100 ap!). if you're just gonna buy one regen item might as well get tear that's cheaper and builds into a really strong item when stacked

Oh also I got to interview Xpeke yesterday. that was a lot of fun.
nice, i bet peke is like the coolest guy ever

but did u get to meet sjokz?

sometimes i wonder why i bother playing jungle graves even when it's like my best jungler lmao
you're back!

i was kind of sad u didn't get to make a snarky comment at my ot and now it's too late

damn you overwatch


When you're toxic in your own game, yeah, that's a bad look.

Not sure how it's dehumanizing. It's not like they're reading private messages.



i'm not sure why riot is talking about this like "hey we're cool look what we discovered" cos to me this sounds absolutely horrible

like i know your chatlogs are 100% riot's property but specifically targetting ppl and reading their chatlogs sounds like a pretty unfortunate invasion of privacy and using that as a reason to fire ppl is specially bad

sounds really dehumanizing to me

yeah this is in game, not really an invasion of privacy.

don't see anything wrong with having higher standards for your own staff

i'm not sure why riot is talking about this like "hey we're cool look what we discovered" cos to me this sounds absolutely horrible

like i know your chatlogs are 100% riot's property but specifically targetting ppl and reading their chatlogs sounds like a pretty unfortunate invasion of privacy and using that as a reason to fire ppl is specially bad

sounds really dehumanizing to me

If you think about it

social media controls all of peoples lives

facebook, twitter, even neogaf

nothing belongs to us


it just feels like a gross thing to do to your own employees

and it begs the question, if they were being really toxic why weren't they chat banned already?


They should be harder on their own employees. I'm really failing to see any issue. They have a giant Riot tag in their name. They're representing Riot.

If a Twitch mod went on qtpie's stream and starting calling someone racial slurs that'd look awful for Twitch. That person would be fired, not just chat banned.
i think the idea with velkoz is that he's basically a mage version of fiora, he can shred tanks almost as easily as squishies

that's not necessarily bad, but i think they could've done something way more interesting with his kit, specially since his w and e are not very interesting. i get that in a combo based kit you need at one spell to be kind of bland that's meant only to be combo'd just to enable the rest of the kit, but at least do something else with e

idk, i just don't like that spell and i wish they had spent more time on it

but mostly i'm mad that they got my hopes up and then they didn't do shit for syndra

think of it as different ways of gating gw because of the types of champions that use it.

morellos can be bought on ori, who has a 1k~ range 2.4s cd aoe spell to apply it. if that limitation wasn't there she would completely destroy the ability of adcs and swains and whatnot of fighting back, so they gate it by damage so you can't just make them incapable of sustaining back and it's more of a reward for you if you get them pretty low (messes up their heal, soraka, voli passive, etc.)

for adcs, with some exceptions, they're mostly around 550 aa range, so that's like really fucking close, so instead of being gated by dmg, it's gated by range. since it's applied by physical dmg it can be really spammed on like ezreal but it's still not aoe, it's not passthrough and it's only like one champion, maybe two. it also lasts a lot less since adcs can reapply it much quicker (gw on morellos is like 8s, gw on mortal reminder is like 5?)

so it kinda makes sense, but i also don't know if the current iteration of gw on morellos is the best. i think it's kind of tacked on and doesn't feel very satisfying to use

no cos you need to be under 35% hp for the gw to kick in. i had someone rage at me for rushing roa instead of morellos on ori against cho and i was like, dude, read the fucking item description. so yeah, it's not a counter to sustain, it's just meant to help you finish off ppl that might be able to save themselves through healing (say there's a soraka on the enemy team). but it's not like a flat counter to vladimir or whatever

also honestly i wouldn't recommend just buying lost chapter as morellos is a really cost efficient item that's very much worth the complete cost (100 ap!). if you're just gonna buy one regen item might as well get tear that's cheaper and builds into a really strong item when stacked

nice, i bet peke is like the coolest guy ever

but did u get to meet sjokz?

you're back!

i was kind of sad u didn't get to make a snarky comment at my ot and now it's too late

damn you overwatch
leeg = solo poo
it just feels like a gross thing to do to your own employees

and it begs the question, if they were being really toxic why weren't they chat banned already?

Companies do it all the time though

If, for instance, an employee speaks out of line on Twitter or Facebook and makes toxic remarks, alot of times if there's an uproar that person will get reprimanded/fired.

For Riot, their parameters are defined by in game chat, as well as twitter and what not.


They should be harder on their own employees. I'm really failing to see any issue. They have a giant Riot tag in their name. They're representing Riot.

If a Twitch mod went on qtpie's stream and starting calling someone racial slurs that'd look awful for Twitch. That person would be fired, not just chat banned.
you don't need to take it to racism (or death threats, or whatever), cos at that point those ppl are just bad human beings beyond "it makes the company look bad"

maybe they're just ppl that rage a lot, which isn't super cool, but then i wonder why they weren't chat banned already?

also like i don't really agree with ppl having to be held accountable in such an important way for the things they do online. like if i'm an asshole to ppl online it's perfectly ok for me to be banned but should i lose my job for that?

Companies do it all the time though

If, for instance, an employee speaks out of line on Twitter or Facebook and makes toxic remarks, alot of times if there's an uproar that person will get reprimanded/fired.

For Riot, their parameters are defined by in game chat, as well as twitter and what not.
i just also take issue with like parading it as a sort of "social experiment" like you're doing the world a favor

like all the ppl that are toxic ingame are horrible human beings in real life, which is also kind of weird considering riot's very positive thinking towards toxic players, giving them multiple chances to reform and always going with the story of "ppl have bad days sometimes"

i agree with that vision of toxic people as people, and i don't think "spying" on your employees and punishing their in-game behavior with shit as harsh as taking their jobs is something i'm very comfortable with

again if ppl are just toxic why hasn't the system banned them?

or are rioters immune to banning?

that doesn't sound fair to me...



i'm not sure why riot is talking about this like "hey we're cool look what we discovered" cos to me this sounds absolutely horrible

like i know your chatlogs are 100% riot's property but specifically targetting ppl and reading their chatlogs sounds like a pretty unfortunate invasion of privacy and using that as a reason to fire ppl is specially bad

sounds really dehumanizing to me

Interesting... I'd imagine Riot's employees are of course, some of your most passionate gamers. I recall from friends that interviewed there that Riot prefers for the applicants to have a high level account at the very least before going to their game teams (Good!).

I'm not super surprised to hear bout employees getting reprimanded. To be fair, I have heard of this sort of thing before at other companies. The main issue being is if you're being toxic you have no idea who the other guy is that you're doing this to. They could be someone 'important'. * But this case is a bit different of course

The best course of action I suppose is to not reveal your account to Riot. Yes- that means you don't get all the content unlocked but at least you're free to troll. But no one will do that so here we are. Employees are getting reprimanded

leeg = solo poo

welcome back!
Ya know what?

These recent changes making sooo many op champs has done one good thing.

It's made people stop banning Jax so I can play him. Same for Ilioioioni now that I have her.


sorry more thoughts on this issue which is very intriguing too me. We have to all understand the bulk of the workforce at a place like Riot is most likely Customer Service. It is very routine for companies to routinely monitor their CS agents

Granted, normally you'd only investigate their dealing with customers. It appears Riot has took it to the next level and also monitors their employees actions "in game". That's rather interesting because these Riot employees are just 'annoymous' players to us.

But I guess it all makes perfect sense. Riot wants to weed out the buttholes that are ruining their product. So naturally, you have to ensure you purge all the buttholes from your own company. It just makes sense anyways- since these are most likely your Customer Service staff. At your average company your Customer Service staff is huge and world wide

* I have no proof or inside knowledge of who all got let go. Sure I could call my friend that works there but its not worth it. So this is all guess work on my end
I'm so tilted as support Zyra. 2/9 so far. I used to be able to play her decently, and the update to Q and plant behavior made her better but I'm just doing so poorly. Granted, some games were not salvageable (10 deaths from top and bot within 10 mins), but the other half I just played bad.

I'm not sure if this is because of dynamic queue but nearly all games I had were lopsided for either side.
you don't need to take it to racism (or death threats, or whatever), cos at that point those ppl are just bad human beings beyond "it makes the company look bad"

maybe they're just ppl that rage a lot, which isn't super cool, but then i wonder why they weren't chat banned already?

also like i don't really agree with ppl having to be held accountable in such an important way for the things they do online. like if i'm an asshole to ppl online it's perfectly ok for me to be banned but should i lose my job for that?

i just also take issue with like parading it as a sort of "social experiment" like you're doing the world a favor

like all the ppl that are toxic ingame are horrible human beings in real life, which is also kind of weird considering riot's very positive thinking towards toxic players, giving them multiple chances to reform and always going with the story of "ppl have bad days sometimes"

i agree with that vision of toxic people as people, and i don't think "spying" on your employees and punishing their in-game behavior with shit as harsh as taking their jobs is something i'm very comfortable with

again if ppl are just toxic why hasn't the system banned them?

or are rioters immune to banning?

that doesn't sound fair to me...

How toxic do you have to be to get banned tho? Like, the system is good but to get banned you have to be incredibly toxic the majority of time.

If Rioters continued being passive aggressive and snarky as the article states, then chances are that they WOULDN'T get flagged by the system.
My god ... just had such a shit show of a game.
Realized this guy's name too late ... shoulda tipped me off that this was gonna be a shit show.

Normally when I'm that early on the pick list I go Sion cause FUUUUUCK dealing with Assassins but I saw that they wanted to go with 2 tanks (one being the OP annoyance called Swain) so I figured we had enuff tanks.

This premade .... fed so hard we basically had no front line and their fed assassins + Top could just 2 shot me by the time I started seeing people.
(On top of that they had the best pick slots and banned the dumbish shit. Vi? Brand? Really?)
Also they were toxic AF in chat.
Fucking hate premades -_-

Game ended 16/46 ... Makes me wonder how ranked is any different than normals.
0/14 singed


he did work

being completely fucking useless and yet somehow managing to distract 2-3 of them at a time

30 minutes in he was even able to solo the Akali!

And that's why you never surrender when the man who's 0/14 has a plan. Even though morde was fed. It was something.
Gold and Silver people to boot.

I want to be back in Bronze

Here in Bronze it's more like a mess of people trying to toss blame at each other for when they fuck up in a stupid, uneducated play cause people like to mash their champs into other's blindly.

Also the elo where the enemy team is grouped up and ripping down your mid towers and your team if trying to defend buuuuut the JG is AFK farming wolves right next to the fight and so they out number you and tower dive ya. Not sure if that happens in other Elos but I hope not.


I like Singed, but I dislike playing against him. That's just because he's so seldom in a game that nobody knows how to play against him when he's in a game.


sorry more thoughts on this issue which is very intriguing too me. We have to all understand the bulk of the workforce at a place like Riot is most likely Customer Service. It is very routine for companies to routinely monitor their CS agents

Granted, normally you'd only investigate their dealing with customers. It appears Riot has took it to the next level and also monitors their employees actions "in game". That's rather interesting because these Riot employees are just 'annoymous' players to us.

But I guess it all makes perfect sense. Riot wants to weed out the buttholes that are ruining their product. So naturally, you have to ensure you purge all the buttholes from your own company. It just makes sense anyways- since these are most likely your Customer Service staff. At your average company your Customer Service staff is huge and world wide

* I have no proof or inside knowledge of who all got let go. Sure I could call my friend that works there but its not worth it. So this is all guess work on my end
you know

purge all your buttholes is a really weird way of putting it

How toxic do you have to be to get banned tho? Like, the system is good but to get banned you have to be incredibly toxic the majority of time.

If Rioters continued being passive aggressive and snarky as the article states, then chances are that they WOULDN'T get flagged by the system.
i mean, to be chat banned probably not that much. i'm guessing that's all that it refers to cos i don't think rioters would be ddosing ppl or intentionally feeding or whatever

also i just feel that if i was like "riot zkylon" (hey i like the sound of that :>) i wouldn't just do this kind of shit on my main account, so they probably monitored their personal accounts?

or something?

idk, the whole thing seems shady and kind of gross to me, i understand the need to enforce your rules twofold on your own staff, but i feel like this study in particular is very strange since they could've just have their banning system let them know when a rioter was flagged for a ban and they can just talk it with them

going at these lengths of like looking for in-game behavior as a kind of excuse to fire people just sounds awful to me. i'm guessing most ppl fired also had many other issues that were more important but having this one thing as an extra reason to fire them is to me really gross. in general all this talk about firing people and like cleaning up your staff and whatnot sounds gross to me
How do you build Ahri these days?
i mean, to be chat banned probably not that much. i'm guessing that's all that it refers to cos i don't think rioters would be ddosing ppl or intentionally feeding or whatever

also i just feel that if i was like "riot zkylon" (hey i like the sound of that :>) i wouldn't just do this kind of shit on my main account, so they probably monitored their personal accounts?

or something?

idk, the whole thing seems shady and kind of gross to me, i understand the need to enforce your rules twofold on your own staff, but i feel like this study in particular is very strange since they could've just have their banning system let them know when a rioter was flagged for a ban and they can just talk it with them

going at these lengths of like looking for in-game behavior as a kind of excuse to fire people just sounds awful to me. i'm guessing most ppl fired also had many other issues that were more important but having this one thing as an extra reason to fire them is to me really gross. in general all this talk about firing people and like cleaning up your staff and whatnot sounds gross to me
They're actively making the game they work for shittier for others and working against the interests of the company, there is nothing to "talk".

I mean, imagine if you worked for a store and in your off hours you just disguised yourself and stood outside to keep telling people to go shop somewhere else, if you got found out you'd be fired on the spot. Riot isn't going to let them be toxic in games long enough to actually get flagged for a ban, that's silly.


After a couple of weeks casually playing ARAM every now and then I feel pretty rusty on the rift. What are the must bans at the moment?


After a couple of weeks casually playing ARAM every now and then I feel pretty rusty on the rift. What are the must bans at the moment?

My personal bans are Vlad, Fizz, Irelia. They're all incredibly annoying to deal with if they get ahead, Vlad especially since he can heal for 1000+ at a time late game while still dragging 3 people from your team away to deal with him.
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