Wolf Akela
those comparisons make no sense
this is a team of people dedicated to not playing league of legends but instead their own little joke that's not fun for anyone but themselves
they can fuck off and play their mode in customs with their friends
when ppl like that get banned it's because they've done their cheese a bunch of times and no one likes playing against it
it's an exploit, it's not a balance issue, it's not making the game unbalanced, it's making the game broken
It isn't a balance issue, yes. It's a design flaw. The game mode allowed a way for the game not to reach a conclusion. One reason MOBAs have minions is that they set maximum time for matches if there is zero player intervention. If everyone AFKs, minions will eventually scale enough to outmuscle towers and end the game themselves. There's no way to stop that from happening unless both sides intentionally did it.
The reaction of banning players for uncovering a flaw is the thing I'm not fond of. By all means, disable the game mode, or hotfix something. Don't punish players for actually playing by the rules set by the designers.
So what were they doing that the game would never end?
Basically, give Ascension to the team, refuse to kill anyone, disrupt all capture attempts and die while doing it. Eventually, you get enough gold to buy items to be unkillable while the enemy team is stuck with starter items.
This wouldn't be an issue if there was some way for points to keep ticking forward (akin to minions keeping games moving). Your tank team can't keep this up because sooner or later one of you will win. ARAM has the same "no buy till death" rule, but this strategy will never work because you have minions flowing.