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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable

What kind of monster queues up for ranked knowing they don't have 30 minutes to play a game? At 27 minutes my jg says 'guys lets win this I have to go in 5'.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
playing with bronze players gives me headache.

same dumbass mistakes every game. like these people are mentally ill.

example. I warded the red because I knew the blitz team would invade. they did and all camped on my warded. MY dumbass ez then proceeded to go the red camped spot when we all told him not to. he burned a flash and gave first blood.

he then died 2 more times within 5 mins.

I am going to stop playing nami in low elo so at least my winrate doesn't drop with her.

and I went 1/3/19 that game. with several double bubbles and ect.

have you thought about playing a more damage oriented support? once you get to a certain elo (whatever elo it is, idk) you could probably play supports like nami or janna all the way to top of the ladder but at lower ranks healing/defensive supports seem like an exercise in frustration.
Isn't that how you learn in normals though? run at the enemy champion every level and see how strong you are this time

Normally I play Illaoi ... and her AAs are slow as fuck and unless you build TF they will never be a good DPS option.

But I guess with an AA based champ it's a good idea to try.
playing with bronze players gives me headache.

same dumbass mistakes every game. like these people are mentally ill.

example. I warded the red because I knew the blitz team would invade. they did and all camped on my warded. MY dumbass ez then proceeded to go the red camped spot when we all told him not to. he burned a flash and gave first blood.

he then died 2 more times within 5 mins.

I am going to stop playing nami in low elo so at least my winrate doesn't drop with her.

and I went 1/3/19 that game. with several double bubbles and ect.

Haven't you said that you're a jungle main?

Idk why you keep wasting time playing support in that elo if you're a jungle main and there are plenty of op junglers that can carry games much easier.
Got paired with one of those, he wanted to live at min 15 , like wtf, we super pushed and win at 25

Who even does that. Do you not look at the time?

Also, feels good to stop the bleeding and finally win a game. Had a good Zed on my team that roamed and cleaned up kills in lane. It feels nice.


Just read the 7.4 patch notes... YGB lethality decreased to 15 and cleaver gets decreased damage by 10. Is Lucian officially the worst champion now? The Lucian main life is tough.


Just read the 7.4 patch notes... YGB lethality decreased to 15 and cleaver gets decreased damage by 10. Is Lucian officially the worst champion now? The Lucian main life is tough.
Losing 5 lethality really isn't going to change that much. Lucian is pretty bad right now anyways.


worried about those leblanc nerfs, even if the numbers are in testing, they're basically removing w for damage, which is really sucky since it's just removing stuff from her toolkit rather than toning her down

i already feel more constrained with what i can do with her after the rework, losing even more would feel really sucky

those numbers are dumb tho, when they zero in on better numbers it might not be as bad, we'll see

i really wish they just removed the useless clone thing and left her have that 1% power elsewhere lol

what a stupid ability lol

That 'random wip' state, for Lux atleast, was the intended release until there was backlash(And rightfully so.) Them releasing the art and model and then going back and retexturing means that it passed through multiple people who went 'ok we can show them this' and their intention to release it until there was pushback from the playerbase.
the lux thing happened like 6 years ago and it wasn't hated on because it was "sexualized", it was hated on because it was hideous af lol

who cares about riot from 6 years ago anyways, i'm talking about the quinn thing here, which was released in a state that's way less sexualized that you're making it sound

pls analyze current day riot:
- blood moon diana
- heartseeker quinn
- program camille
- elementalist lux
- star guardian skins
- sejuani dawnchaser
- sashimi akali & barbacue leona
- arcade ahri
- skt kalista and skt elise
- pool party fiora and mf
- project ashe and project katarina
- deep see nami

you can add carnaval anivia and dragon zyra if u want

that's a few recent skins for u to think about, tell me how many of those are objectifying. pls remember that the tiny waists and the perfect bodies came with the champion design, nothing to do with the skin and can't really be blamed on current day riot if akali has giant tits

also if u want you can think about recent female champions for diversity: camille, taliyah, illaoi, reksai, kalista, jinx, lissandra, quinn, vi, nami, elise, syndra, diana, zyra. i'm going as far as the zeronis era so u can notice the evolution over the years.

you'll never hear me saying that league shouldn't have more diversity, but don't be silly

It is two steps back. There is no changing narrative here, I've always criticized ritos here(And have since I started posting here regularly). Just because I don't like the art and objectification of women doesn't make it a 'weirdo agenda' zky. I get it you like the sexualization of characters and enjoy posting art that reflects that, but that doesn't mean it's ok to keep objectifying females like that.
i think throwing a tantrum over a skin for a champion that is already 80% naked in her default skin is very silly, that's all

it arguably has more "clothes" on than her default skin lol

Maokai is the 2nd tank in the mid-season class update. Given the champions selected, and the champions who've been confirmed not to be one of three reworks, I'm very, very confident the last tank is going to be Nautilus. And that's fine with me =)
maokai really needs sizeable changes, he's such a boring champion all around and he's always so freaking busted in competitive lol

I always felt like Naut was fine
i think most naut players hate his w and i feel like he's a really boring and unsatisfying champion to play

like other tanks like malphite or sion have moments that feel bombastic built in their kits, while naut always feels like he's just casually doing his job lol

Newt was right about Dignitas. I warmed up to Smeb since he plays a lot of Rumble but it's really sad seeing ssumday like this. T_T

Is the competitive League thread no longer a thing? I've been away for a while and haven't seen it at all recently.
there is!


Well well well

Aatrox rework on pbe

His new blood well does not seem completely unlike Rumble's heat. You get it up to 100% to gain combat stats and revive passive.
seems like it's pushing him towards a more bruisery style, which is probably a smart idea. he's still a very uninteresting champion and they mention they'll work more on him, but it's nice to see him modernized

i can't really remember if i hated playing against aatrox, but it's nice for aatrox players i guess


edge of the night hotfix is really good, hard to believe that cooldown buff went up in the first place

AD lowered from 60 to 55
Active Cooldown increased from 30 to 45
Active Duration lowered from 10 seconds to 5 seconds
Maokai is the 2nd tank in the mid-season class update. Given the champions selected, and the champions who've been confirmed not to be one of three reworks, I'm very, very confident the last tank is going to be Nautilus. And that's fine with me =)

Ya know, i don't like that they didn't go into as much detail as Seij.
But yeah, I thought he was off the table seeing as the called him a warden tank. But making him more of an engage tank is fine by me. Wonder if the 3rd will be Poppy as more of an engage tank. Would be good to have an AD based tank in the rework 3 ( Plus I want my E distance back :( )


cool, rito changed their minds and they're gonna add item sets back to the new client

that's the kind of thing u like seeing about rito, they make screw up but they listen

now about those nendoroids...

the duration nerf seems a tad excessive. either increase the cooldown or decrease the duration, not both tbh
nah, both had to be nerfed, both numbers were WAAAY too oppressive to play against

5s is still decent time imo



oh and i really like the new tooltips

hope they make the background transparent tho


have you thought about playing a more damage oriented support? once you get to a certain elo (whatever elo it is, idk) you could probably play supports like nami or janna all the way to top of the ladder but at lower ranks healing/defensive supports seem like an exercise in frustration.
Yea I really should be playing more offensive type supports till I can trust my teammates to follow up

To peanuts I was jk about being s jungle main.
pls analyze current day riot:
- blood moon diana
- heartseeker quinn
- program camille
- elementalist lux
- star guardian skins
- sejuani dawnchaser
- sashimi akali & barbacue leona
- arcade ahri
- skt kalista and skt elise
- pool party fiora and mf
- project ashe and project katarina
- deep see nami

you can add carnaval anivia and dragon zyra if u want

that's a few recent skins for u to think about, tell me how many of those are objectifying. pls remember that the tiny waists and the perfect bodies came with the champion design, nothing to do with the skin and can't really be blamed on current day riot if akali has giant tits

Deep Sea Nami


I'm not sure if any one else has this issue, but ever since the server move I've been having weird spurts of lag and framedrops, as well as a 2-3 times my previous ping. While it isn't always an issue, I just had a game where the Illaoi matchup went from me moving the left to dodge her pull at full health - to a spike of intense lag - to the death screen. It's happened so many times now and it's incredibly demoralizing.
This is totally random, but I got a League of Legends starter pack as a joke gift (I play plenty and have lots of RP, etc.).It's a 5$ value that has 5 champs, assassin master Yi skin, and a boost or two.

Anyone want it to give to a friend? Pm me if you want it, thanks!

EDIT: Claimed! ( I think)


This is totally random, but I got a League of Legends starter pack as a joke gift (I play plenty and have lots of RP, etc.).It's a 5$ value that has 5 champs, assassin master Yi skin, and a boost or two.

Anyone want it to give to a friend? Pm me if you want it, thanks!
Give it to Talents, lol.


I've been screwing around with jungle assassins in custom bot matches and the only thing I've learned is that I'm not supposed to be playing them, ever. The only one I can play with any degree of competency is Elise, for some reason. I think I'll keep my core of Warwick (with whom I'm now 5-0 with a 6.16 KDA and 4 S/S- rankings thank you very much), Ivern, and Skarner for now, and maybe add Elise. Supports, bruisers, and tanks. Sounds about right for me. Here's hoping the Maokai, Sej, and [Nautilus??] reworks let me add a true tank to my pool.

zkylon said:
i think most naut players hate his w and i feel like he's a really boring and unsatisfying champion to play

like other tanks like malphite or sion have moments that feel bombastic built in their kits, while naut always feels like he's just casually doing his job lol

Meh, I love Naut. Everything has oopf to it. His auto-attack animation and feel, Riptide, landing a hook, landing a 3+ man depth charge. Getting a perfect 3s+ hard CC chain while allies blow the living hell out of the target is very satisfying. Sion is great sure, but Malphite, in terms of exciting moments, just has his ultimate. Q, W, and E, are pretty shitty, and Malphite art and sound are dated as hell. It's true that Nautilus isn't mechanically satisfying, but his VFX/SFX cover that well. As far as I'm concerned the only tanks in the game that are the total satisfaction package are Sion and Alistar.

Ya know, i don't like that they didn't go into as much detail as Seij.
But yeah, I thought he was off the table seeing as the called him a warden tank. But making him more of an engage tank is fine by me. Wonder if the 3rd will be Poppy as more of an engage tank. Would be good to have an AD based tank in the rework 3 ( Plus I want my E distance back :( )

Yeah, I found the relative lack of detail really odd. In all the other previews, including the ADC, assassin, and mage updates, they provided some direction. I didn't really get that feeling. They discussed much more why they're reworking him rather than what the rework will be. Makes me a bit worried, to be honest. The good bit of news is that they're testing him in both top and jungle positions. I'd love to be able to play Maokai jungle again.

In the comments in the official boards Riot says that despite what the write-up originally said, it's a tank class update, not just a warden update, and that Maokai is considered a vanguard with a heavy dose of warden in him.

(I'm like 90% sure that the distinction between a warden and a vanguard boils down to "Is it a bot lane support tank? Yes? Warden."


This is totally random, but I got a League of Legends starter pack as a joke gift (I play plenty and have lots of RP, etc.).It's a 5$ value that has 5 champs, assassin master Yi skin, and a boost or two.

Anyone want it to give to a friend? Pm me if you want it, thanks!
I am new American player and I think this gift do good for me


Meh, I love Naut. Everything has oopf to it. His auto-attack animation and feel, Riptide, landing a hook, landing a 3+ man depth charge. Getting a perfect 3s+ hard CC chain while allies blow the living hell out of the target is very satisfying. Sion is great sure, but Malphite, in terms of exciting moments, just has his ultimate. Q, W, and E, are pretty shitty, and Malphite art and sound are dated as hell. It's true that Nautilus isn't mechanically satisfying, but his VFX/SFX cover that well. As far as I'm concerned the only tanks in the game that are the total satisfaction package are Sion and Alistar.
i don't think naut is too far off, but it feels to me like he doesn't have the huge high points other champions have

even malphite that like you say has mostly a shitty kit, has a really super rewarding ultimate and i feel like naut has a lot of cc but it often feels very business as usual-like to me, kind of like maokai actually

maybe making ult have a bigger splash with each champion hit, something like that might be fun or whatever

also how do you feel about poppy and shen in the satisfaction package dept.


I think the best point of playing Naut is hitting the hook and then your snare-auto. His W/E/R are kinda underwhelming compared to that. E is probably the best-feeling skill of those though.

His hook hitbox is enormous, if he would be getting more impactful other abilities he doesn't need a hook that's almost unmissable.


is there a reason why alt pinging my spells sometimes shows some random letter

yesterday i was pinging my w as lebonk and it kept saying s which made coordinating ganks a real bummer


is there a reason why alt pinging my spells sometimes shows some random letter

yesterday i was pinging my w as lebonk and it kept saying s which made coordinating ganks a real bummer

Sounds like a debug message bug. You can probably report is as a bug and get it fixed in a patch or two.


So I'm convinced lethality Cait is a legit build. Prob don't want to go too deep into it though, 14 lethality from runes, GB and Duskblade. Duskblade is for headshots, but you can do Edge of Night too.

Your autos actually do solid damage too, I'm sure lategame is worse, but mid and early are just so good with it.

This is the full build is anyone wants to test it out.



The change to Shaco's boxes that they activate when sweeped is going to be good if you invade shaco. If your jungler gets sweeping lens as trinket he/she + team can just invade and sweep Shaco's blue/red to clear the boxes for his level 1.

You can do this over the wall, so you don't need to walk into the boxes anymore, you can just stay on the safe side of the wall.


Is Jinx a decent character for a LoL noob? I've tried out a couple characters in bot games and I have found her the most fun so far, even though I still have basically no idea what I'm doing yet.

Also, zkylon, is your avatar a LoL character?


Is Jinx a decent character for a LoL noob? I've tried out a couple characters in bot games and I have found her the most fun so far, even though I still have basically no idea what I'm doing yet.

Also, zkylon, is your avatar a LoL character?
Yeah, Jinx is a good starter ADC, one of the easiest ADCs in the game.
So I'm convinced lethality Cait is a legit build. Prob don't want to go too deep into it though, 14 lethality from runes, GB and Duskblade. Duskblade is for headshots, but you can do Edge of Night too.

Your autos actually do solid damage too, I'm sure lategame is worse, but mid and early are just so good with it.

This is the full build is anyone wants to test it out.

I see an eve who is jealous that she could not also build lethality :V
Miss Fortune
Double Up (Q) - [removed - "If the first shot kills its target, the second deals 50% increased damage."]
Holy shit, that's a huge nerf to her laning
Edge of Night
AD lowered from 60 to 55
Unique Active Cooldown increased from 30 to 45
Unique Active Duration lowered from 10 seconds to 5 seconds
So I guess this is the hotfix nerf? Well, I sure as hell won't miss the shield duration, that shit was dumb
I just got illaoi and she seems pretty fun. What's my priority target when I hit a test of spirit? Like the enemy engages me and I hit them with Test. Should I be hitting the spirit or enemy champion? I guess most of my stuff is going to be hitting both and the tentacles periodically hit the test of spirit I think. So in a melee I should hit the test, ult, and then just hit every ability to try to trigger my tentacles as much as possible. So they just get slammed and probably killed.

Also when are they getting rid of the rune system or making it less of a point sink. I like buying champions with my points so I barely have any runes after like 5 years of playing. I have one AD focused page and one AP page but they are probably around three years old.
So apparently the new LW which was meant to be stronger early game vs armor stackers is weaker than the old LW unless you're hitting enemies with 150+ bonus armor

In other words it's only a very negligible buff vs targets with 7000 gold worth of armor, which at that point you should have a fucking completed Dominik's already and a nerf in every other situation vs both squishies and people buying defenses. Very fucking nice.


I just got illaoi and she seems pretty fun. What's my priority target when I hit a test of spirit? Like the enemy engages me and I hit them with Test. Should I be hitting the spirit or enemy champion? I guess most of my stuff is going to be hitting both and the tentacles periodically hit the test of spirit I think. So in a melee I should hit the test, ult, and then just hit every ability to try to trigger my tentacles as much as possible. So they just get slammed and probably killed.

Also when are they getting rid of the rune system or making it less of a point sink. I like buying champions with my points so I barely have any runes after like 5 years of playing. I have one AD focused page and one AP page but they are probably around three years old.

You should hit both, but prioritize the enemy champion if you can only hit one.

Yeah, runes expensive but you can get some Tier 2 runes for 1 IP each to cover up some weaknesses in your rune pages. They're not as good as Tier 3 runes but they're almost as good.

So apparently the new LW which was meant to be stronger early game vs armor stackers is weaker than the old LW unless you're hitting enemies with 150+ bonus armor

How much AD was the comparison done with? The comparison between 15 AD and 15% extra bonus armor should be dependent on your base AD, no?

edit: Like if you have 200 AD and 45% amor pen against a 40 base, 100 bonus armor target you deal 200*100/(100+0.55*100 + 40) = 102.56 damage. Old LW 215*100/(100+0.7*100 + 40) = 102.38. That's more damage with new LW.
How much AD was the comparison done with? The comparison between 15 AD and 15% extra bonus armor should be dependent on your base AD, no?
Comparison done with IE+Runes+Base AD+LW. New LW does roughly 5% less damage in both non crits and crits vs targets with moderate amounts of bonus armor. Ability damage should vary based on how much damage 15 AD gave you, but people that care about ability damage buy Lethality for that already.

Point is the LW change was meant to help people against early armor stackers and in most realistic situations it won't do jack shit vs them while making you do less damage to squishies.


Comparison done with IE+Runes+Base AD+LW. New LW does roughly 5% less damage in both non crits and crits vs targets with moderate amounts of bonus armor. Ability damage should vary based on how much damage 15 AD gave you, but people that care about ability damage buy Lethality for that already.

Point is the LW changewas meant to help people against early armor stackers and in most realistic situations it won't do jack shit vs them while making you do less damage to squishies.

All right, nice spreadsheet. It fails to take the 7% armor reduction from the masteries into account, which skews it a little more into the favor of the new LW, but it won't change the conclusion, just the numbers.

So basically it's worse against one armor item. It's better or the same against two armor items. 3+ and there's no contest. There are no big number changes either way.

How much armor does a champ need to buy be an early armor stacker? Is it one, two or three armor items?

I think the major gain is that if the enemy buys 3 armor items you won't feel pressured into finishing the whole LDR early, you can just pick up Last Whisper and keep build your other damage items.
All right, nice spreadsheet. It fails to take the 7% armor reduction from the masteries into account, which skews it a little more into the favor of the new LW, but it won't change the conclusion, just the numbers.

So basically it's worse against one armor item. It's better or the same against two armor items. 3+ and there's no contest. There are no big number changes either way.
Does the mastery penetration matter since it wasn't changed, though? Being worse against one armor item and maybe marginally better against two armor items defeats the whole point of the change.

Oh and there's also the offensive mastery changes. Every ADC is doing 2% less damage overall on top of these changes so maybe even at two armor items it'll always be worse.


Does the mastery penetration matter since it wasn't changed, though?

Being worse against one armor item and maybe marginally better against two armor items defeats the whole point of the change.

Yes, the new LW gains more damage with the extra 7% armor pen than the old one. That's assuming they stack additively so the modifier will be 0.48 and 0.63 respectively. It's not a big difference though and as I said the conclusion is largely the same, only the break-even point changes a bit.

Is an early armor stacker someone who has a single armor item?
Yes, the new LW gains more damage with the extra 7% armor pen than the old one. That's assuming they stack additively so the modifier will be 0.48 and 0.63 respectively. It's not a big difference though and as I said the conclusion is largely the same, only the break-even point changes a bit.

Is an early armor stacker someone who has a single armor item?
Depends on how Battering Blows works with bonus penetration. What is the shred order, bonus pen then total pen or the other way around?

I'd consider early armor stacking anyone who has at least 4500~ gold worth of armor by 20 minutes.


Sounds like a debug message bug. You can probably report is as a bug and get it fixed in a patch or two.
sorry, it was saying s instead of w, not just 's'

still very annoying

Also, zkylon, is your avatar a LoL character?

ofc not, that's a picture of me :>

Holy shit, that's a huge nerf to her laning
that was such a weird mechanic, i'm glad it's gone

So I guess this is the hotfix nerf? Well, I sure as hell won't miss the shield duration, that shit was dumb
both things were stupid

ppl got a free banshees veil with that thing


Depends on how Battering Blows works with bonus penetration. What is the shred order, bonus pen then total pen or the other way around?

I'd consider early armor stacking anyone who has at least 4500~ gold worth of armor by 20 minutes.

That's a good question. Battering blows might even do something akin to taking 7% of base armor and 7% of bonus armor separately.

I'm assuming you don't mean pure armor, but you're including costs for HP and other stats included in the items in the 4500. It could be Sunfire + Chain Vest + Ninja Tabi then I guess. That's around 120 armor, no? Just of the top of my head, I haven't checked the numbers.

The new one and old one seems to be about the same at this level of armor, using the same numbers from your spreadsheet.
That's a good question. Battering blows might even do something akin to taking 7% of base armor and 7% of bonus armor separately.

I'm assuming you don't mean pure armor, but you're including costs for HP and other stats included in the items in the 4500. It could be Sunfire + Chain Vest + Ninja Tabi then I guess. That's around 120 armor, no? Just of the top of my head, I haven't checked the numbers.

The new one and old one seems to be about the same at this level of armor, using the same numbers from your spreadsheet.
I don't think so, chances are Battering Blows either applies after bonus % pen is calculated or before so they don't really amplify each other.

And yeah, I meant items with big chunks of armor in it, not specifically stuff like FH. Being about the same makes the LW "buff" pretty pointless because by then you should be needing Giant Slayer as well if you don't need EC. But hey, crit item changes in 7.9 or 7.10, have fun playing nothing but Varus and Jhin for 5 more patches.
i was of the idea that all the arpen changes were meant to nerf it?
All Arpen changes have been aimed at making it so you can't just snowball by brute force with them.

Unless you're specifically speaking about the LW changes, in which case I present you the patch note intro:
Returning to our regularly scheduled programming, welcome to 7.4, the one where we make our strongest strides yet toward addressing the #adcin2017 situation. In actuality, this is just the latest in a multi-patch campaign, but previous patches targeted the obstacles keeping marksmen down (overly tanky divers or oppressive early ganks), rather than marksmen themselves. This patch, we're helping them make an earlier impact on the game so laning and early skirmishing feel less like fighting a fire with a squirt gun
Yeah, nerfing lethality items, offensive masteries, Jhin, Warlords, LW in most use cases and Giant Slayer in most use cases sure fucking feels like helping. But hey, 2 seconds stack duration on Fervor, good luck surviving lane vs the current meta without passive lifesteal.
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