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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


oh i dont attentively read context stuff unless it's important to me

it just sonded like nerfs on pbe to me

but yea just put lethality in 50% like ghost says sounds like a simpler thing considering how many champs have gone crazy with the change to 60. the edge of night nerfs and jhin and whatnot are still necessary but seems like it'll be something that'll be surely done in the future anywas


This patch confirms my long standing belief that masteries should be removed. Shit idea born from the ashes of 2009 game design that said every fucking game needed CoD's obnoxious progression shit.

Seriously, this is truly a shit patch.

i don't think naut is too far off, but it feels to me like he doesn't have the huge high points other champions have

even malphite that like you say has mostly a shitty kit, has a really super rewarding ultimate and i feel like naut has a lot of cc but it often feels very business as usual-like to me, kind of like maokai actually

maybe making ult have a bigger splash with each champion hit, something like that might be fun or whatever

also how do you feel about poppy and shen in the satisfaction package dept.

Poppy feels great. Q is whatever but the wall slams, timing in W and a well aimed ult to turn a fight are all high impact. Even with her recent tuning I think the underlying kit is overloaded. I'd get rid of the armor/mr passive on her W and give W's active some sort of defensive boost. Improves satisfaction on W and unburdens her kit.

No opinion on Shen, haven't played him. Off hand, being able to save allies anywhere on the map and his more or less unique identity as the premier split pushing tank are interesting. Thematically shit. A tank ninja is a stupid concept.


why not just nerf lethality a bit? nobody really cared about that shit until it got buffed to 60%.

They kinda did with ghostblade + precision masteries lethality nerfs. I don't think lethality was as weak as people thought it was before the nerf. Phreak did a patch rundown and showed that if you have EON + Ghostblade now vs before lethality got buffed to 60%, it's better pre-level 8 but strictly weaker post-level 6.


The masteries are either not noticeable like season 5 or completely busted like season 6 and 7. Just remove them. Runes are fine even though I think they should be a lot cheaper.


WTF 5 secs and then that long of a cd? lol plus the channel can get interrupted. smh.

just put a cap on how much lethality can stack. dont nerf the champs. Keeping changing the mastery and items. smh.


i feel like ppl complaining about edge of night nerfs don't know how busted that item is lol

interesting info leezard, tho mastery nerfs probably hurt ad non lethality users as much as lethality users?


i feel like ppl complaining about edge of night nerfs don't know how busted that item is lol

interesting info leezard, tho mastery nerfs probably hurt ad non lethality users as much as lethality users?

no doubt it is busted, but nerfing so no one really wants to use it is not a way to go about it.


no doubt it is busted, but nerfing so no one really wants to use it is not a way to go about it.
the numbers on the active were very far an away from the intented use so i think those needed to go

ad champions are basically running around with malzahar passives all the time right now, that's just no good

maybe they shouldn't have nerfed the ad is all i'm thinking really but i guess they want to differentiate it with the strictly offensive items so it does make sense

they'll adjust if needed


Damn lethality nerfs and potential mf double up nerfs. Mf lethality cheese botlane has been my jam since duskblade was released, going to be sad if they destroy it. One of the most satisying things to get a minion kill double up with duskblade onto the enemy adc and take 75% of their health.


i feel like ppl complaining about edge of night nerfs don't know how busted that item is lol

interesting info leezard, tho mastery nerfs probably hurt ad non lethality users as much as lethality users?

It should mainly hurt everyone who takes thunderlords. Sure, some other offensive masteries were also nerfed, but thunderlord's users should take those and precision so they get hurt more.
So I guess this is the hotfix nerf? Well, I sure as hell won't miss the shield duration, that shit was dumb

Well deserved, that item have so much utility , you can move while casting its ability alonside other abilities.

Now nerf Duskblade cd , like what do you need a pink ward


Nautilus has the best feeling auto attack in the game, if you want to learn how to cancel back swing animation on auto attacks he's the champion to do it. The visual fidelity on it is the best.


They kinda did with ghostblade + precision masteries lethality nerfs. I don't think lethality was as weak as people thought it was before the nerf. Phreak did a patch rundown and showed that if you have EON + Ghostblade now vs before lethality got buffed to 60%, it's better pre-level 8 but strictly weaker post-level 6.

Interesting. I kinda wish riot wouldn't just brute force buff stuff into the meta and wait for people to figure it out but idk it is what it is


I've discovered the ultimate creation of diamond V. A calm and collected Yasuo main. His Yasuo got banned by his Cait, but instead of inting he went Malphite against our heavy AD team.

Lord Newt joined the room.
Brewski15 joined the room.
Laon Maknae joined the room.
iDock joined the room.
day 9 joined the room.
BunnyBunnyHoney joined the room.
East Coast Carry joined the room.
Yasuo is a God joined the room.
Laon Maknae earned an S on Janna!
Kennefff joined the room.
Laon Maknae SAEK: S
CardinalSilence joined the room.
Lord Newt GAF: gg
Laon Maknae SAEK: g8
Lord Newt GAF: wp janna
Laon Maknae left the room.
BunnyBunnyHoney left the room.
Kennefff: wt a great game
Brewski15 KINK*: janna carry
Brewski15 KINK*: always exhausts me
Kennefff: of league of legends
Brewski15 KINK*: cancels myultis
day 9 left the room.
Brewski15 KINK*: feelsgoodman
Yasuo is a God BAHP: most damage in game
Yasuo is a God BAHP: "thinking emoji"
Yasuo is a God BAHP: gets flamed all game
Brewski15 KINK*: i got exhausted 7 times
Brewski15 KINK*: almost equal damage
Lord Newt GAF: malph
Lord Newt GAF: you did good
iDock left the room.
East Coast Carry left the room.
Yasuo is a God BAHP: I played like trash tbh
CardinalSilence: lol
Yasuo is a God BAHP: But thanks man
Lord Newt GAF: you were the only lane that won
Kennefff: cait lost my lane for me
Kennefff: :)
CardinalSilence: with a gank of help
Brewski15 KINK*: i mean
Brewski15 KINK*: liss
Brewski15 KINK*: just presses e
Brewski15 KINK*: in lane phase
CardinalSilence: kat just kept going ham
Brewski15 KINK*: entire lane to run away from katarina
Yasuo is a God BAHP: So then stop going in
CardinalSilence: without knowing windows
CardinalSilence: lol
Brewski15 left the room.
Kennefff: ww
Yasuo is a God BAHP: You need to adapt kat
Yasuo is a God BAHP: it's your fault
Kennefff: idn why u camped a malphite
Yasuo is a God BAHP: He didn't
CardinalSilence: i ganked literally twice lol
Lord Newt GAF: he didnt really
Yasuo is a God BAHP: He was top twice for free kills
Kennefff: no
Kennefff: it was much more
CardinalSilence: ..?
Yasuo is a God BAHP: It wasn't though..
Kennefff: and drags were up
Kennefff: it was
Kennefff: ....
Yasuo is a God BAHP: It was 2 kills..
Lord Newt GAF: ww was bot a lot
Lord Newt GAF: raka
Kennefff: he wasnt
CardinalSilence: i was bot the most
Kennefff: lol
Kennefff: wat
CardinalSilence: lol
Lord Newt GAF: but you guys have no setup
Lord Newt GAF: for him
CardinalSilence: nobody had cc
Yasuo is a God BAHP: Raka and Kat refuse to look at their own mistakes
CardinalSilence: so i had to set up kat
CardinalSilence: but she'd jump into janna
CardinalSilence: like a monkey
CardinalSilence: not much else i can do
Yasuo is a God BAHP: I could care less what my team is doing, I just need to know that I made a mistake early game and gave a free kill
Yasuo is a God BAHP: Stop blaming your team
Yasuo is a God BAHP: Or you'll be hardstuck
CardinalSilence: idk what else i can do there lol
Yasuo is a God BAHP: It was unfortunate that my cait banned my yasuo as well
Lord Newt GAF: are you good on yas?
CardinalSilence: i did my best to stop draven, feed kat, and help malphite once or twice
Yasuo is a God BAHP: Hey, my teammate one tricks a champ, i'm gonna ban it
Yasuo is a God BAHP: I mean, 58% winrate over 100 games
Yasuo is a God BAHP: So, not bad
Kennefff left the room.
Yasuo is a God BAHP: Mind you, lately has been pretty bad
Lord Newt GAF: ya not bad
CardinalSilence: well the nerf
CardinalSilence: kinda sucked
Yasuo is a God BAHP: The nerf is hard
Lord Newt GAF: you're the most calm yas main
Lord Newt GAF: ive met
CardinalSilence: lol
Yasuo is a God BAHP: I have no reason to rage
Lord Newt GAF: most would just int
Lord Newt GAF: if you banned it
CardinalSilence: more like inner locus of control
Yasuo is a God BAHP: Haha
CardinalSilence: xD
CardinalSilence: but yeah gg malph, idk what else either of us do there
Yasuo is a God BAHP: I just makes me upset that people continually flame their team without looking at their mistakes
Yasuo is a God BAHP: IE Katarina
Lord Newt GAF: yeah kat
CardinalSilence: carries just blamed team and intd
Lord Newt GAF: constantly suicided
CardinalSilence: lol
Yasuo is a God BAHP: "Malphite, you never initiate" Well, i would if you stopped 1v5ing before i got there
CardinalSilence: lol
CardinalSilence: idk why she kept jumping janna
Yasuo is a God BAHP: So be it i guess
Yasuo is a God BAHP: Gg draven, you slayed this game
Lord Newt GAF: ww actually did a decent job
Lord Newt GAF: I thought
Lord Newt GAF: of ganking
CardinalSilence: you too lol
CardinalSilence: gg
Lord Newt GAF: anyways gg guys
Lord Newt GAF: wp
Yasuo is a God BAHP: Ggwp
CardinalSilence left the room.
Yasuo is a God left the room.





Played two games against downright awful enemy teams. Second game I offered to swap top for sup after a poor chump got autofilled for the latter role, and even had to go Naut after the enemy support picked Nami of all things.

There's something extremely satisfying about landing good Qs as hook-throwing champs for a change, and I'm glad some of my toplane traning made me slightly better at managing myself in a teamfight than back when I just went in and mashed E until either my opponents or I ended up dead. Finally using the blasted support shield active was also nice, since it had been quite a while since I last used it, and I kept ignoring the active (should've built the sightstone combo item more often, tbh).

I've discovered the ultimate creation of diamond V. A calm and collected Yasuo main. His Yasuo got banned by his Cait, but instead of inting he went Malphite against our heavy AD team.

Nice, but I wonder... is it Yas and Vayne's edginess as characters that end up attracting toxic players to them more often than not?


sealed with a kiss
Nice, but I wonder... is it Yas and Vayne's edginess as characters that end up attracting toxic players to them more often than not?

nah, it's the desperate need to "outplay" everyone, and anyone who doesn't support them 100% in doing that is utter trash blah blah blah


the leblanc nerfs really make me angry, i've grown to accept her rework but i don't think it's fixed anything (in fact, i feel like playing against her is even more frustrating now) and i think it took away options when you play leblanc, and this feels like another move in that direction

i also think it's further concentrating damage in a single part of a kit which is something that has bitten riot in the back before

This patch confirms my long standing belief that masteries should be removed. Shit idea born from the ashes of 2009 game design that said every fucking game needed CoD's obnoxious progression shit.

Seriously, this is truly a shit patch.
masteries are uh... complicated

we've talked before about how keystones provide shared baseline laning patterns for champions, and that i find actually pretty good for the game, but it's hard to measure that against how bad they've been for balance

i still think it'd be healthier for balance to just remove all outside of the game elements and find a way for them in the shape of items, buffs or champion kits, but that's probably more work that riot's willing to put

speaking of shit patch, i cannot understand how shaco is still unnerfed after so many patches of him dominating solo q

fuck that champion


i still think it'd be healthier for balance to just remove all outside of the game elements and find a way for them in the shape of items, buffs or champion kits, but that's probably more work that riot's willing to put

That's been my line of thinking as well, and it's why I'm so comfortable with the idea of dumping masteries and runes. There's nothing there that can't be added to the game in other ways if it's something that really does need to be there to make a particular champion function as intended.

Like...fuck it, I'm at the point now where I think summoner spells should be selected at the start of the match, like items. You could do so much with a system like that. My personal take is that players select their two summoners, and at the 25 min mark can opt to either upgrade or swap one of the summoner spells they selected.


honestly idk about any of it

i feel like league has a chronic problem from being too "solvable" in how quickly metas develop and get perfected and idk if any big systemic changes like removing masteries or adding new mechanics to summoner spells would be beneficial or not in that regard

like i want the game to expand in a way that leads to more variety in champions and classes and win conditions and strategy, so removing stuff doesn't sound entirely convincing even if i think runes and masteries have done little positive for the game until now
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