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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


Leo is such a great champ in low elo. you play aggressive all you want early game, and still stay strong late game to help carry games.

dive into an enemy team ult, and let MF and the rest blow them up.

just won a game where the enemy team was talkling shit all game, and then we rekted them.


I've played a number of games so far and I'm enjoying League more than I expected. I realize I'm going to lose that starting roster of characters at some point. Do you guys recommend I just go with the flow of the rotations to figure out who I like to play, and then pick them up with IP? This whole not-actually-having-characters thing is antithetical to pretty much every game I've ever played, so it just feels weird to me.

Yeah, your best bet is to get the champions you like from free rotation, but you could also try purchasing the cheaper (450-1350 IP) champs for the roles you like, since the cheaper ones in particular tend to be less complex and easier to learn as a result.


Yeah, your best bet is to get the champions you like from free rotation, but you could also try purchasing the cheaper (450-1350 IP) champs for the roles you like, since the cheaper ones in particular tend to be less complex and easier to learn as a result.

Cool, thank you.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Usually good to keep trying new champions so you'll have a better idea of what fits for you. Easier to just consider it a long term thing you do over the many rotations. I would say there is pretty much zero correlation between champion difficulty and IP cost now though. If you know what role you are interested in it lets you narrow things down at first.


Usually good to keep trying new champions so you'll have a better idea of what fits for you. Easier to just consider it a long term thing you do over the many rotations. I would say there is pretty much zero correlation between champion difficulty and IP cost now though. If you know what role you are interested in it lets you narrow things down at first.

But there're a couple simple-ish champs you can get for 450, AFAIK: Garen for top, Master Yi/Amumu for jungle, Annie for mid, Sivir for adc and Soraka for support, right?


sealed with a kiss
I've played a number of games so far and I'm enjoying League more than I expected. I realize I'm going to lose that starting roster of characters at some point. Do you guys recommend I just go with the flow of the rotations to figure out who I like to play, and then pick them up with IP? This whole not-actually-having-characters thing is antithetical to pretty much every game I've ever played, so it just feels weird to me.

just save up and buy yasuo :^)


Thanks for the tips, all. I'm the sort of person who mains Random in Smash, so I'm used to cycling characters. There's just something weird psychologically to me about potentially not getting to play a character I like at any given time. I'll get over it.


this bond of stone change is super dumb and is just gonna make the mastery broken just like SOTA or Courage before it.

I love the general idea, not sure about it having no CD. That seems abusable by certain champs, or worse - the text doesn't explicitly say CC from abilities. What is the interaction with, say, Frozen Mallet.

Numbers off-hand don't seem that bad. 3000 hp gives an additional 150 health and the mark heals for 75. Problems will come from how the mark is applied.

The one thing I do love about it is that it's more position agnostic compared to Live bond of stone. Live version much more geared towards the support position. This one can be used by junglers more easily.

Personally, I'm pumped. XP changes in 7.4. New bond of stone. It's all leading to jungle Tahm baby.


I've played a number of games so far and I'm enjoying League more than I expected. I realize I'm going to lose that starting roster of characters at some point. Do you guys recommend I just go with the flow of the rotations to figure out who I like to play, and then pick them up with IP? This whole not-actually-having-characters thing is antithetical to pretty much every game I've ever played, so it just feels weird to me.

Think of the rotation as a chocolate sampler box. You get one of each to try and if you don't like them you don't buy them. When I was new years ago, the rotation taught me what play styles I liked and didn't like so its actually a good way of preventing you from wasting money (rp) or wasting time (ip)

Of course riot could just make them all free and be done with it but they won't

I'd like to see a progressive unlocking system that unlocks a set of champions when your account hits specific levels but it's whatever

As for new bond of stone, I can't see tanky supports wanting it when coc still exists bit maybe I'm underestimating it


Think of the rotation as a chocolate sampler box. You get one of each to try and if you don't like them you don't buy them. When I was new years ago, the rotation taught me what play styles I liked and didn't like so its actually a good way of preventing you from wasting money (rp) or wasting time (ip)

Of course riot could just make them all free and be done with it but they won't

I'd like to see a progressive unlocking system that unlocks a set of champions when your account hits specific levels but it's whatever

As for new bond of stone, I can't see tanky supports wanting it when coc still exists bit maybe I'm underestimating it

Thank you. I'll use the opportunity to see what playstyles I like.


As for new bond of stone, I can't see tanky supports wanting it when coc still exists bit maybe I'm underestimating it

Low engage utility tanks that tend to stay behind with the carries and in so doing don't make themselves massive targets will prefer it and/or tanks that have a bit of difficulty proc'ing CoC.

Taric is a really good example. His engage range is bad, so when he hits his stun the CoC shield is A.) relatively small because he isn't surrounded by lots of enemy champs the way others (e.g. Leona) would be after an engage and B.) will likely lapse before the shield is destroyed anyways because he isn't a priority target due to positioning. So PBE Bond of Stone should be better on him since he's more about protection and anti-engage (that and the bond of stone heal would mesh really well with the other parts of his kit).

(With that said Windspeaker's is (or at least until recently was, I haven't looked it up lately) statistically stronger on Taric than CoC, and my own experience is that this is true. The armor and mr bonus from heal spams is really good on him. So in all likelyhood Taric will still prefer Windspeaker's, but the general point stands.)

I can see Blitzcrank and Tahm preferring Bond of Stone as well for similar reasons. I think the more interesting cases are champions that don't engage fully into the enemy team, or have the option on how to engage, and can apply lots of CC in other ways. Thresh, for example. Does he pick CoC so that when he Q dashes after landing a hook he can absorb extra damage, or does he pick BoS for when he lands the hook without engaging and let's his teammates heal up. Similar thoughts behind Braum.

Nautilus, I'm very curious. In top lane it's definitely still CoC so he can pair it with his shield for strong trades, but in support I'm not so sure. Come mid-game and roaming, smaller teamfights, etc. depending on the target's position when the hook lands, his CoC shield can be big or small. I suspect it may come down to preference, team comps, or opposing team comp, etc. which is better for support and jungle Nautilus.

Let's assume a 3v3 fight mid-game, level 12, 2200hp support Nautilus (I think that's sensible if the Naut is doing well?) Naut hooks into the opposing 3, CoC shield would be 146/256/366 for 1/2/3 targets in range. BoS would heal for 55 over 2s, or 27.5/s. Assuming that Naut can hold the earthen mark on a target for 7s (3s of CC + 4s for the duration of the mark) and that marks don't expire when the target is attacked (that's how I read the PBE BoS description) then he's healing his two allies for ~200 hp over 7s each if they're AA'ing the hooked target. Add +5% total health for +110 hp...but then a 7s fight at that point of the game is on the long side so who knows what sensible amount of healing would be...dunno. It'll be neat to see the win rate numbers once this hits Live.


ryze nerfs on pbe seem ok, w duration is now 0.75s instead of 0.5s like yesterday but he gets a higher cd on e (that scales to previous rank 1 cd)

i think that's a fair nerf, chip away at his control of the lane but let him get it back with levels

bond of stone changes sound really op and not really interesting so meh...

I've played a number of games so far and I'm enjoying League more than I expected. I realize I'm going to lose that starting roster of characters at some point. Do you guys recommend I just go with the flow of the rotations to figure out who I like to play, and then pick them up with IP? This whole not-actually-having-characters thing is antithetical to pretty much every game I've ever played, so it just feels weird to me.
i think ur best bet is to just stick to the free ones while you figure out which type of champions you really like

there's also some really cheap 450ip champs that u can try out that are pretty competitive (annie, ashe, sivir, sion, poppy, they're all pretty decent)

don't spend money on the game until you're sure you like it and u plan on sticking with it for a while. the game is really rewarding but it's also very hard to get into


i think ur best bet is to just stick to the free ones while you figure out which type of champions you really like

there's also some really cheap 450ip champs that u can try out that are pretty competitive (annie, ashe, sivir, sion, poppy, they're all pretty decent)

don't spend money on the game until you're sure you like it and u plan on sticking with it for a while. the game is really rewarding but it's also very hard to get into

Thanks. :)


This is the most fun I've had in a long time.



Played a few matches of Soraka today. God help me I think I like her. I find she feels like Janna but is actually kinda enjoyable during laning phase (mind you I was putting a few early points into Q). Not mechanically intensive, but still more enjoyable to play than Sona. There's just enough nuances in her kit to make her interesting. She has that low skill floor with a still respectable, good skill ceiling that Riot has been nailing for some time now.

Seeing how the Taric and Soraka reworks turned out I think a Janna rework could be something special even though I suspect the vast majority of people think she's fine as-is. Janna was my first champion, but I just can't be bothered to play that almost all reactionary kit now-a-days.


I'm just going to int whenever someone locks in Bard on my team. It's really not that far from a troll pick right now.


this bond of stone change is super dumb and is just gonna make the mastery broken just like SOTA or Courage before it.

Yup, it's so dumb. Tank supports shouldn't have easy access to lots of sustain in the lane, didn't they learn anything from the much needed nerfs to relic shield regen and now the nerf to warlord's. They nerfed warlord's to reduce the free sustain adcs get in lane and then they introduce the new bond of stone. It's just terrible.
Yup, it's so dumb. Tank supports shouldn't have easy access to lots of sustain in the lane, didn't they learn anything from the much needed nerfs to relic shield regen and now the nerf to warlord's. They nerfed warlord's to reduce the free sustain adcs get in lane and then they introduce the new bond of stone. It's just terrible.
Best part is Warlords is getting reworked again into a Shiv-like passive that only works on one auto every once in a while so ADC sustain is fucking dead unless they go LS 3 pots. And for some reason Riot thinks that new BoS having no cooldown and working on soft CC is legit worth testing, how the fuck do you look at that and think it won't be abused to shit?

Riot has no fucking clue of what they want to do with bot lane.


Best part is Warlords is getting reworked again into a Shiv-like passive that only works on one auto every once in a while so ADC sustain is fucking dead unless they go LS 3 pots. And for some reason Riot thinks that new BoS having no cooldown and working on soft CC is legit worth testing, how the fuck do you look at that and think it won't be abused to shit?

Riot has no fucking clue of what they want to do with bot lane.

I hadn't heard of that rework. It does indeed make it more baffling that they will give tank supports free sustain for the adcs.

Man, the idea just sucks. Tank/engage support's intended weakness is poke supports, they shouldn't get a keystone to cover their intended weakness. They might as well give adcs a keystone to not get killed by assassins if that's the way they want it to go. Unless new bond of stone is weak we'll just get another snooze fest passive bot lane meta where poke supports are invalidated.
I hadn't heard of that rework. It does indeed make it more baffling that they will give tank supports free sustain for the adcs.

Man, the idea just sucks. Tank/engage support's intended weakness is poke supports, they shouldn't get a keystone to cover their intended weakness. They might as well give adcs a keystone to not get killed by assassins if that's the way they want it to go. Unless new bond of stone is weak we'll just get another snooze fest passive bot lane meta where poke supports are invalidated.
It was on last night's PBE
Warlord's Bloodlust
"Moving or attacking makes an attack Energized. Energized attacks grant Lifesteal and Movement Speed."
"Lifesteal for energized attack: 1-50% and 30% movespeed for 0.75 seconds."
Charge rate the same as SS, RFC, and KS - roughly 6-7 autos while moving for ADC to fully charge -
It's pretty fucking dumb and if it turns out to be good it'll 100% get one of those "halved for ranged" nerfs in a patch or two.


It was on last night's PBE

It's pretty fucking dumb and if it turns out to be good it'll 100% get one of those "halved for ranged" nerfs in a patch or two.

Oh. Yeah, sounds like it has the potential to become dumb. I don't like current Warlord's either since it's just passive lifesteal though.
Random thoughts I've had that I think are good ideas.

1- Turn Gray WW into a gem chest skin like Hextech Annie. Give it a new recall and bam, it's worth it. Why? Cause it's a cool AF skin that looks/ feels kinda like Soul Stealer Vayne but there's no way I'm getting 25 or w/e people to play this game to level 10 or w/e and I want it :/

2- They should just bite the bullet and give Udyr a visual rework based off of his Ultimate skin. SG Udyr looks and moves like a current day champ and fits in well with the likes of new champs when it comes to model detail, effects and animation. Every other Udyr? Dated AF :/
Just make them less flashy versions of that skin.

3- They should either make MORE masteries but make the flat offensive/ def ones weaker (focusing on making more utility mastiers like SRS) or make fewer/ delete masteries all together. CoC is the prefect example of why this needs to be looked at. IDK who thought it was a good idea to give a flat out SHIELD to champs who weren't designed with that in mind in their kits or 2nd shield for champs designed around 1 shield as a reward for them landing their hard CC. Some champs can out right abuse it cause they were never designed to have a shield to go with their engages OR they already have a shield that they normally have to work around (Darius. E's you in and out trade you even more cause you're trading into a shield now. He's already oppressive enuff with his rapey "once I grab you you either fight me back and maybe not get as fucked or get fucked as you try to run away" play style in melee match ups. Poppy, like Darius her hard CC doesn't always stop the enemy from fighting back so her just Eing into you allows her the full benefit of the shield up time if you try to fight back right after. Same for Naut) Sure, these masteries add more complexity to the game and can add a different feel to a champ ... but adding in strong things to kits not designed around them seems like a balancing nightmare.


yea some skins like grey ww are meant to be super duper exclusive and that's it. skin completitionism is not really a goal for the majority of people in league since you'd have to be a millionaire to do that, and ww has plenty other skins to choose from

the mastery stuff, eh, idk. riot seems to be dead set on having some sort of pre-game setup so it's pointless to keep arguing for them to remove them, so it's more of a matter of trying to think the way they can design them better. they've talked about having two more mastery trees and i can see how that frees them up to open up more choices but it's also more work to balance which feels like it'll become new headaches later down the line

in some respects i'm thinking that the best system would be to have like a set of maybe 15 keystones or so, and every champion has just 3-5 available to them or something like that

no need to balance around a billion minor boring stat bonuses, it keeps the laning pattern stuff and they can ad hoc balance who gets which mastery (since there's no mastery tree, everyone could just grab the most op mastery which no tradeoffs, so you have to limit it somehow)

there are drawbacks to doing this since it takes away experimentation from players but i feel like that's something that 99.9% of the playerbase aren't currently doing anyways


Playing some more ARURF, I hate it how the system keeps not giving me any key fragments, and then trying to hand them out to me when it picks a champion on free rotation I don't own (so I get the "you need to own a champion to get key fragments" message in the post-game lobby). Like, why couldn't the system just skip that assignment and give the fragment to me the next time I get a champ I can get key on, instead of telling me "you're out of luck, here's your random key you could've gotten if the RNG had given you a non-free champion"?


Is Viktor hard to play? most Viktors I see this week are pretty bad in both sides

It's because he's pretty shit right now since they gutted Rylais and nerfed ghost without giving him any buffs to compensate. It's nigh impossible to hit the second part of your E on someone unless they're stunned.


I've given up playing ADC. I'm just gonna play jungle from now on. I don't even care if I demote or anything, locking in an ADC makes me sick right now.

Why even play a role that takes so much skill for so little in game impact.

I'll queue jungle/adc.
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