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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


Hello Riot? I think your role selection is broken. I haven't got a mid game yet. (at least not in solo queue)


why is rito's mm for anything other than ranked solo q so garbage?

Yea flex queue is basically glorified normals. I just play it now to warm up and try new picks

Also I'm really liking Taliyah. Especially the build I'm going atm which is:
Lost chapter > sorc boots > GLP > rylais > morello/void/defensive item

So gud.
why is rito's mm for anything other than ranked solo q so garbage?
Because people don't play all queues equally so when they play a different queue their MMR might not reflect their skill level. A plat player isn't going to play normals enough to have plat normal MMR and so on.


so many dodgers in urf lol

I really hate it when I finally get a champ I haven't tried before, someone dodges, and then I get some champ I've played too many times already such as Cassio, Janna or Yorick.

I just got Nami last game, and man her W spam is crazy even with the efficiency drop. I was basically autoing with her W, and throwing Qs for even more annoyance. On top of that, FQC made it even easier to land my bubbles, and her ult meant I could do a Q, ult, Q combo. People teleporting in were also often dumb enough to not cancel the TP when I was around, and ate my cc chain for free.

That being said, TF is actually pretty meh outside of the mindless Q spam and ever-present ult vision. I liked how playing against Nid was some really nice skillshot practice both for landing mine and dodging hers, at least. In the end, I was basically always splitpushing with my instant wave clear and tearing towers down the passive attack speed from having maxed E second.


Yea flex queue is basically glorified normals. I just play it now to warm up and try new picks

Also I'm really liking Taliyah. Especially the build I'm going atm which is:
Lost chapter > sorc boots > GLP > rylais > morello/void/defensive item

So gud.
try swiffies on her, i like it better than sorc boots


sealed with a kiss
Because people don't play all queues equally so when they play a different queue their MMR might not reflect their skill level. A plat player isn't going to play normals enough to have plat normal MMR and so on.

there's 0 reason to not just import their ranked mmr in that case


Some guy told me he played League of Legends because it was fun.

I seriously hope you guys don't do this. What a scary thought.


Some guy told me he played League of Legends because it was fun.

I seriously hope you guys don't do this. What a scary thought.

I kind of enjoyed URF this weekend. Playing Ashe and most aa-based adcs was a real pain, but I also got put through a gauntlet of securing cs while Ekko kept spamming his Q in my general direction (badly, I must add), which was fun. I also enjoyed my Taric game a lot more than I thought I would, and Karma being ridiculous was another pleasant surprise. God damn Shaco and Master Yi, though.

Normal LoL goes way down on the fun factor, though. Struggling to git gud is satisfying at times, yeah, but not really fun because you're mostly learning play patterns and thought processes by sheer repetition. Even when I feel like I'm having fun while playing, it's often more of the thrill of being in a back-and-forth game were both teams are evenly matched (which has rarely ever happened to me so far, anyway).



zeronis concept for heartseeker quinn so good, sucks that the in-game version didn't come out better, this design is great

zeronis is the best


i like edge of night cos it's more fair to play against than maw, but i still think it needed the duration nerf, maybe even if they buff the activate time to compensate


top lane is your calling.

Lol no. Legit all that happens when I top is I farm with my Q and E all laning phase cause I'm getting zoned, I never TP anywhere on the map so my team rages at me, I hope my team doesn't lose too badly, and if they don't we usually win cause Maokai's a good champ out of lane.
I gotta remember when playing Illaoi that I can do my W more often than I do. I also have a lot of mana problems but damn do those tentacles do some damage.

this is amazing

Wow the Galio rework went in a direction I did not expect.

Edit: Now that I know it's a fan creation 'Elderwood Lissandra' I have to say it is really cool. Once I know who the character is, the art makes complete sense. Really talented artist.


Is there any way to check your win rates vs certain champs? Really wanna see what my win rate against Nocturne is. Must be like 20%.
Early lead blown by a AP Ashe/ AP EZ bot lane and a 2/11 Ninja girl mid.

This is why I don't like playing normals to learn champs. It becomes a waste of time because of troll shit :/


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